Help with my ezip bike


100 µW
Aug 20, 2015
New Jersey
I want to know what battery should I get for my ezip bike.
I'm new school and 51 years young, I bought this bike at a junk-yard for $30. And after cleaning and a few adjustments turns out to be a good running bike on paddling because it has no battery. So please be very specific on your replies , like I said I'm new school and old lol but very quick on learning. Thank You Very Much
It will be either 24v or 36v. But no way we can tell for sure from here. Some photos might help, but likely you can find the same bike in some picture on the internet, and be able to find out yourself which voltage you need.

Then it's a matter of choosing heavy cheap lead battery, or expensive but light lithium battery. You may have to kludge your own battery carrier, and then some wire to go to where the battery used to connect to the bike.