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I know why the Europeans are so slender.

If I eat nothing but chocolate for a few days I can pass the test. Please don't kill me lol

I used to see a type1. That made her thin. Looking it up, she didn't make much insulin as some cells were destroyed. Thought to of happened when the immune system was fighting a virus. The only treatment was to inject insulin herself. She carried a meter that pricked the skin and gave a reading.

Being totally honest here, I wouldn't of mixed my genes with hers. That is all we need do. We must resist. We must not shag the ugly birds.
The Mighty Volt said:
the European 24v-250w rule is stupid and should be changed. If cyclists get into accidents with basic push-bikes then why not ban bikes with pedals and cranks, and make everyone ride a dandy-horse all over again.

I am bringing 5000w to the streets of SE London and NW London this Summer.

Greenford to Southwark. Beware.
melodious said:
I started seriously ebiking about a year now and I've lost probably 10-15 pounds in the process, basically my 185 lbs of midriff has been burned down to 170, which hasn't been this low since high school/pre-beer. So for those that think you aren't getting the same benefits of exercise compared to non-assisted bikes, your sadly mistaken. I ride more often and longer because of the assist and that is the key.

Here here.....Me too. ridden the bike EVERY DAY since i did conversion, few weeks back averaging 55km/day on it.
Problems A) tyres B)Punctures C) Shitty bike paths

Its unfortunate good food costs more, typically requires preparation by oneself thus motivation to do so as well.

I enjoy a few (a lot of) beers, like a six pack a day+ and simply had to start exercising or ditch the beer.
docnjoj said:
I guess I have too much time on my hands, since I teach, Pathology and Nutrition for a major University. I was agreeing with you up until the very end. This weight gain is no conspiracy theory. CDC as addressed the issue and we as Americans are too fat.
Now are you considering eugenics to get rid of these fat people? It is serious to espouse those beliefs, since the Nazis did the same thing. They wanted to get rid of "inferior races" instead of fat people, but the principle is the same. Are you suggesting we withhold insulin from diabetics? There is a better way.
Edit: I just reread (too much time and anger now)your closing and apparently you will live forever. If we withhold treatment for cancer, well why not heart disease. That kills almost everyone! What are you going to die from?

Either you mis-read or I stated poorly and I appologize.

No, I am not insinuating that we should stop treating these people. I am not even insinuating that medicine is a bad thing. All I am stating is what no one else has the courage to say: There are consequences to our actions. One of the good consequences to insulin is that diabetics get to live longer, more normal lives. To ignore the flip side of it though would be foolish. The inverse is that as these people live longer, they will be more likely to pass down the genes for diabetes to their offspring (and they are). That is all I am saying.

No need to bring Hitler into this. As far congestive heart failure is concerned, the same applies.

There is NO argument that medications make us stronger as a species (Darwin style). The whole point of medication is to enable the weak to survive.

It is a simple point with no malice intended.

However, you can disagree with me if you like but did anything in my write-up about the movie ring untrue?
Ch00paKabrA said:
docnjoj said:
I guess I have too much time on my hands, since I teach, Pathology and Nutrition for a major University. I was agreeing with you up until the very end. This weight gain is no conspiracy theory. CDC as addressed the issue and we as Americans are too fat.
Now are you considering eugenics to get rid of these fat people? It is serious to espouse those beliefs, since the Nazis did the same thing. They wanted to get rid of "inferior races" instead of fat people, but the principle is the same. Are you suggesting we withhold insulin from diabetics? There is a better way.
Edit: I just reread (too much time and anger now)your closing and apparently you will live forever. If we withhold treatment for cancer, well why not heart disease. That kills almost everyone! What are you going to die from?

Either you mis-read or I stated poorly and I appologize.

No, I am not insinuating that we should stop treating these people. I am not even insinuating that medicine is a bad thing. All I am stating is what no one else has the courage to say: There are consequences to our actions. One of the good consequences to insulin is that diabetics get to live longer, more normal lives. To ignore the flip side of it though would be foolish. The inverse is that as these people live longer, they will be more likely to pass down the genes for diabetes to their offspring (and they are). That is all I am saying.

No need to bring Hitler into this. As far congestive heart failure is concerned, the same applies.

There is NO argument that medications make us stronger as a species (Darwin style). The whole point of medication is to enable the weak to survive.

It is a simple point with no malice intended.

As far as America being overweight, The CDC is the entity that controls and distorts the statistics. I would challenge you to compare the definition of obese from the 1980s to now. What changed? The "ideal weights" per height got lower. As soon as this happened, we had a whole influx of people that were previously deemed healthy and normal now classified as "overweight" and many who were simply "overweight" were now classified as obese. I remember when it happened because the illustration using Arnold was broadcast all over the news. "Top Body builder with a bfi of less than 6% now considered OBESE!"

However, you can disagree with me if you like but did anything in my write-up about the movie ring untrue?

Edit: I forgot to answer your last question. I don't know what I am going to die from. I used to smoke so maybe it will be lung cancer. I have GERD so maybe esophageal cancer. Heart disease runs in my family so maybe a heart attack. That wasn't the point of my post and I am sorry that I angered you but if you let your emotions subside, Is what I wrote really that out of line?
I have a coworker who had bad reflux for years. Went in for a 40 year colonoscopy exam, and asked the doc if they would do the endoscopy at the same time while she was under anesthetics. They did. Found a small ulcer causing the reflux. Only took some pills to resolve the ulcer and now the reflux is gone.

I asked her what caused the ulcer. FWIW, I think she said it was due to a bacterial infection that eroded the wall of her esophagus.
Ch00paKabrA said:
Ch00paKabrA said:
docnjoj said:
I guess I have too much time on my hands, since I teach, Pathology and Nutrition for a major University. I was agreeing with you up until the very end. This weight gain is no conspiracy theory. CDC as addressed the issue and we as Americans are too fat.
Now are you considering eugenics to get rid of these fat people? It is serious to espouse those beliefs, since the Nazis did the same thing. They wanted to get rid of "inferior races" instead of fat people, but the principle is the same. Are you suggesting we withhold insulin from diabetics? There is a better way.
Edit: I just reread (too much time and anger now)your closing and apparently you will live forever. If we withhold treatment for cancer, well why not heart disease. That kills almost everyone! What are you going to die from?

Either you mis-read or I stated poorly and I appologize.

No, I am not insinuating that we should stop treating these people. I am not even insinuating that medicine is a bad thing. All I am stating is what no one else has the courage to say: There are consequences to our actions. One of the good consequences to insulin is that diabetics get to live longer, more normal lives. To ignore the flip side of it though would be foolish. The inverse is that as these people live longer, they will be more likely to pass down the genes for diabetes to their offspring (and they are). That is all I am saying.

No need to bring Hitler into this. As far congestive heart failure is concerned, the same applies.

There is NO argument that medications make us stronger as a species (Darwin style). The whole point of medication is to enable the weak to survive.

It is a simple point with no malice intended.

As far as America being overweight, The CDC is the entity that controls and distorts the statistics. I would challenge you to compare the definition of obese from the 1980s to now. What changed? The "ideal weights" per height got lower. As soon as this happened, we had a whole influx of people that were previously deemed healthy and normal now classified as "overweight" and many who were simply "overweight" were now classified as obese. I remember when it happened because the illustration using Arnold was broadcast all over the news. "Top Body builder with a bfi of less than 6% now considered OBESE!"

However, you can disagree with me if you like but did anything in my write-up about the movie ring untrue?

Edit: I forgot to answer your last question. I don't know what I am going to die from. I used to smoke so maybe it will be lung cancer. I have GERD so maybe esophageal cancer. Heart disease runs in my family so maybe a heart attack. That wasn't the point of my post and I am sorry that I angered you but if you let your emotions subside, Is what I wrote really that out of line?

Sorry I blew, but those issues are more real than we might imagine. I still think that the Natural Selection situation will occur, possibly due to drought or crop destruction. We in the US will still have enough to eat, but I will cost a lot. The foreign countries that we supply food to, well they are gunna be on their own. With the US citizens reduced to say, 1500 cal/day, you can bet the lots of folks will lose weight "naturally", if not happily.
One thing must be simply, that food is cheap in US. I mean fastfood and that sorta thing.
Here food is damn expensive. One Whopper (burger only) costs 4,5 euros. Six bucks?
Only McDonalds has bargain burgers sometimes, but we have only like few of their places here.
Poor people don"t eat cheap fast food here.
One pound (half a kilo) of good icecream is six euros, eight bucks?
One 1,5 litre Coke is three euros, 4,5 bucks?
Poor people get ten euros per day for food approx. One Coke is three euros, are you gonna buy it? No.
Many poor people here simply can not afford to get fat, plus usually they want to spend their few euros on alcohol and smoke. They don"t over-eat, they over-drink.
Cheapest bad quality wine bottle is 5,5 euros, seven bucks?
Poor can afford either a bottle of wine per day, or a Whopper meal. Not both. They choose wine, and then go to salvation army bread line.
There"s 4000 people on salvation army bread line every day just a 300 meters from my apartment here in downtown area, and there"s another line very close. They have enough money to eat, but they choose to drink. Some of them are truly out of money though.
Middle class eats fastfood only rarely. They prefer home cooking.
That thing about dating a girl with bicycle, yeah, why not. Not a big deal nowdays. Thirty years ago it would have been a disgrace.
According to statistics we are getting slender again. Peak point was 2010. That mad "zero-fat" craze is over.
Natural selection is called dating. You pick the genes you want to mix with your own. Leaving the others to die off. If you breed poorly then wait for a disaster to wipe out the weak, you just wasted millions of years.

People are scared of the idea because it's so competitive. Many would rather live in denial. Breed with whatever lets them, then moan about the state of other families. We don't need genocide or natural disasters, we just need to stop shagging things we don't want to be. If you don't want your genetic material becoming rubbish, don't mix it with rubbish.

Let all the messed up people mix it all together. You know it's in their genes to do so. Poor breeding is how their genetic line has progressed to where it is, and it's how they will eventually loose interest in spawning another generation. If they can.

We should not need people like hitler to make their mark. Which you see all over europe in the form of some fine physical specimens. It is him we can thank for the number of tall blondes with blue eyes found around europe. We shouldn't be pushing people into such decisions though, we should be doing this 'trimming' ourselves. To get it done right in the eyes of all.

Why don't wino's brew there own. You can hit 14% in 24 hours these days. Only a fool would spend all their money on drink. 10 euro's buys 5 gallons. They are beyond help.
Sod buying all the coal mines with them billions, lets offer incentive's for these nut jobs not to breed.
"Prejudices"? Maybe where some cross some line. Where "likes" become "dislikes". EG, regarding edible foodstuffs, I hope I am always an "omnivore".
o00scorpion00o said:
Jesus friendly1uk,

DO you think you're genetics are superior ? how do "you" define superior ?
Having children is a responsibility that lasts the rest of your life. Why sabotage yourself?

Family and immediate community used to exert more influence on individuals. Now people are further removed from family and governments have coerced control from community over social functions that used to influence 'responsible' individual behavior.
o00scorpion00o said:
Jesus friendly1uk,

DO you think you're genetics are superior ? how do "you" define superior ?

Superior to who's ?
Some people can't reproduce. Are my genetics better than theirs?
Some people need modern medicine to survive. Are my genes better than theirs?
Some people are a dribbling mess. Are my genes better than theirs?

Would you like to mix your genes with any of the above in an effort to keep your family line at least alive?

We should all strive to better ourselves and the community we live in. I promise you here and now that the girls I produce for your boys won't be big fat and heavy, or die of cancer leaving your lads holding the baby. They will be strong and active without the need for medication to fit the idea of normal, and your grandkids won't be in nappies all their lifes. Your seed will carry on for generations to come, not fizzle out and die because of fertility issues. My family tree bares this out.

I did say I have faults. Faults that guided me to my partner who's family does not display them. I'm hopeful this has helped my family tree. We have picked up a problem from her too though, which I'm quite pissed off about. I introduced a physical weakness related to one kidneys pipework. It might take generations to get rid of that.

You really should be able to sit down and talk about this rationally. Your meant to be an evolutionary machine. If you refuse to look at the playing field something is wrong.
You should get your DNA sequenced to see if you're a melting pot of recessive genes related to horrible diseases :)
This is starting to read like Gattaca all over again. :?
Another thing must be, what it socially acceptable in different countries. Cultural norms. Folks tend to go on direction what is socially acceptable.
Here being publicly drunk is socially acceptable, expecially in the past. People smile to you if you are drunk publicly, give thumb-up without irony. They don"t see you as a loser.
This is slowly changing because of this euro-fashion, but it is still strong cultural thing here. It"s roots are in the days when it was hard to buy alcohol, it was very, very controlled.
There was state monopoly alcohol stores, they exist still, but above that you had to get the "alcohol buyer"s licence". It was same kind of licence that driver"s licence is, with a photograph and all.
You had to beg and pay to get the licence to buy alcohol from state monopoly stores. All bottles in those stores were turned so, that the labels were facing the wall, so only storeperson could give you what you wanted, you could not get it by yourself. Visible labels were considered as bad thing for national health.
This kind of extreme control produced mental state, enviroment, where getting publicly drunk was heroic act. Act of freedom. Everybody cheered and gave thumb-ups.
So getting fat is way less acceptable than being an alcoholic. Cultural things. If you are seriously fat folks start to think that you spend their money, because we have free health care.
Having a totally free health care brings in kind of different social control. If you get sick, you don"t harm yourself, you harm everybody.
I end my sociological thesis part 7 here :wink:
Punx0r said:
Eskimo said:
getting publicly drunk was heroic act. Act of freedom. Everybody cheered and gave thumb-ups.
I like the sound of this :D

Thumbs up on that also. (Must ask my Finnish friend to hook me up with some Fin ladies here. Already thinking about building a sauna out back at my current/new abode.)
As far as America being overweight, The CDC is the entity that controls and distorts the statistics. I would challenge you to compare the definition of obese from the 1980s to now. What changed? The "ideal weights" per height got lower. As soon as this happened, we had a whole influx of people that were previously deemed healthy and normal now classified as "overweight" and many who were simply "overweight" were now classified as obese. I remember when it happened because the illustration using Arnold was broadcast all over the news. "Top Body builder with a bfi of less than 6% now considered OBESE!"
Weight charts from 1960 on to 2010
We do get fatter (BMI increase mainly due to weight not height)

CDC could be a conspiracy, but that seems unlikely. They compile statistics and do studies. Are they faked? Hmmmmmmm.........all the world uses their data. I report, you decide.
Food was never as healthy and high quality as it is now.

You just have to buy the right stuff and you just stop eating to much of it.

Also daily exercise is important.

Once I read that the average US American walks 300m a day. This number is very hard to believe. Homo sapiens was designed to walk and run the whole day.

A bit of sweating from time to time is also very benefitial to your health.

Those people that claim that a 250W motor (btw. this is the continous power in the EU, not the peak power which can be MUICH higher) should think about how long they are able to pedal with at 250W.