Magic Pie 3 - resistance to rotating wheel


10 mW
Feb 15, 2013
Hi All,
I have done some research but are none the wiser with this problem & solution.

I have a new Magic Pie 3 - 20" rear wheel on a GTT recumbent tandem. Have done a couple of short test rides. Have a Cycle Analyst 3 in parallel, but the GM controllers don't yet go through the CA3.

Last night I lost thumb throttle control, but the battery lights on the thumb controller show full.

I also can't seem to connect to the controller via the USB though it is seen as a device on the computer. When I say connect, it doesn't respond.

Now, even with everything disconnected, if I spin the wheel, then as soon as it gets any speed, suddenly there is very strong resistance/braking effect, as though 100% regen cut in (guessing, as I don't know what 100% regen feels like). The wheel turns freely at low rpm but as rpm increases, suddenly the resistance to turning cuts in - not locked, just very hard to pedal/turn.

Is this a controller issue? Is this a phase issue? Out of my depth now. Any thoughts would be most welcome.

Thanks, Peter
If it's a phase issue, the motion will be uneven and feel like bad bearings.
But this motor cogs like crazy. It has tons of resistance when spinning naturally.

These controllers seem to like blowing out pretty quickly, leaving you with something that must be converted to an external controller..
OK, thanks. 2 Qs please:

1) If I remove a/the faulty controller, should the wheel spin normally?

2) Is it possible to add an external controller to the MP3? Seems to defeat one of its principle advantages, of course assuming that the internal works properly.

launchpad said:
OK, thanks. 2 Qs please:

1) If I remove a/the faulty controller, should the wheel spin normally?

2) Is it possible to add an external controller to the MP3? Seems to defeat one of its principle advantages, of course assuming that the internal works properly.


1. maybe - it will always have resistance.
2. yes - you just have to run wires out of the hub. I'm not sure how difficult this is, but it's been done before. Yes, this defeats an advantage of the motor, but your only other option is to play controller roulette with golden motor's support staff :p.. i have seen many people go through this and either give up on the motor, or run wires out of the hub, thus far.