ozman said:How is the MXUS 3000 going does it ever over heat on you
moonshine said:
Got the wife's bike up and running!
morati said:Much appreciated moonshine!
moonshine said:-Kickstand is absolutely critical now that I'm riding this bike more often. Super annoying to find a place to put the bike up against. Thoughts???
-Rear fender would be clutch as I start riding more trails and occasional rain. I'm thinking of modifying dirtbike fenders to fit. Any ideas?
markw said:moonshine said:-Kickstand is absolutely critical now that I'm riding this bike more often. Super annoying to find a place to put the bike up against. Thoughts???
-Rear fender would be clutch as I start riding more trails and occasional rain. I'm thinking of modifying dirtbike fenders to fit. Any ideas?
Artur is selling kickstands for the vector frames, they look pretty beefy. I have one due to arrive for myself soon but here's a picture that Artur sent me.
Check out kiwi's mudguards, they look pretty killer: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=68385&hilit=vector+frame&start=125#p1083073
I've tried so many MTB fenders - they all break I think kiwi (and others too I'm sure) have the right idea to try to implement actual dirtbike fenders and whatnot.
Something else you could tack onto your shopping list might be something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Abus-Granit-Detecto-X-Plus-Alarm/dp/B00HUKQHEG/ref=pd_sim_sbs_263_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1EQ26FX2VP0FMVEEDZPF&dpID=31n0yd2ACeL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_ disk brake lock with alarm. This one seems pretty highly regarded - they have cheaper 20-30 dollar versions but... - just some food for thought if you ride/park in town.
moonshine said:
Hitting 60 on "normal" mode!
DasDouble said:Where did you get your MXUS Motor 4t from? I want to buy one too but I can´t find anyone who is still selling them!
Or do you recomment another motor now theses days? (If possible same price)
-Cheers, Elias
markw said:moonshine said:
Hitting 60 on "normal" mode!
Kind of jealous here Moonshine - how come you can snag 60mph with your 4t 19" rim @ 20s and I can only max 45mph 4t 19" rim @ 20s? Is there that much of a speed difference between that of an 18fet vs the Adaptto? What's the dealio here?
macribs said:DasDouble said:Where did you get your MXUS Motor 4t from? I want to buy one too but I can´t find anyone who is still selling them!
Or do you recomment another motor now theses days? (If possible same price)
-Cheers, Elias
Hm I think I have seen you looking for Mxus shops in other threads as well. If they are that hard to score why not look elsewhere?
Rather then keep looking for Mxus, why not just choose the QS 205 motor? Vito will guide you and help you find the right turn motor to suit your needs.