Moox Bike/Scooter Hybrid Fattie

The fingers

10 TW
Mar 11, 2012
Desert Pacific Cali USA 8) This thing is begging for a motor. (Or two) :twisted: Reminds me of the famous bodysurfer Makapuu Mooks. :lol:
Love the color flouro-green! 8)
Moox Bike's innovative hybrid bicycle-scooter design lets you:
• Pedal like a traditional bicycle....OR
• Use the platform to ride and glide like a scooter
Use the Moox Bike any way you want - it's up to you, on the fly, to choose to ride or glide in eye-catching style.
The Moox Bike’s features, construction and architecture provide an extremely comfortable and fluid ride. Pedal to quickly gain speed or easily step down on to the scooter platform — taking in the scenery or socializing with other riders as they ride and glide.
Other Moox Bike features include:
• Wide, durable tires for improved grip, traction and maneuverability in all types of terrain - wet stone, muddy paths or crowded snowy sidewalks.
•A structurally sound architecture and no-fuss parts -- it will last for years with minimal maintenance.
The Moox Bike just begs to be noticed: its innovative design and striking colors not only make it fun to ride and glide, but turns heads along the way.
Why Support the Moox Bike Campaign?
We at Moox envision a world where everyone can ride and glide, through urban streets, suburban bike paths, college campuses, you name it - Moox Bike has a place.
Help us create a world of Moox Bike riding and gliding for everyone by supporting our campaign. Take advantage of our special Kickstarter campaign pricing now!
Early Moox Bike Heroes get up to 33% off the retail price of $999.
Moox Bike: Specifications
And if Mike's riveting video and mad gliding skills have still not yet persuaded you to invest in the Moox Bike campaign, then please, please, PLEASE contact Mike directly by email at:
He can answer any questions you have and can also help you learn to do a wheelie on the Moox Bike. Seriously.
And thank you in advance for supporting our campaign -- we're excited to be able to bring the Moox Bike to a larger set of riders and gliders.
Mike and the Moox Bike Team
The Moox Bike Story
We established Moox Bikes for one simple purpose: to ride and glide.
How was the Moox Bike idea born? While commuting to work in San Francisco on the CalTrain one morning, our chief designer, Mike Silvestri, noticed the wide range of transportation methods that other commuters were using once they got off the train.
The lineup he saw included both traditional bicycles and scooters. As Mike watched people either ride or glide off into the streets to complete their morning commutes, he realized there was a transportation option missing from the offerings that could be useful on both the streets and the sidewalks.
Inspired, he rushed back to his garage later that same evening and began designing and fabricating the innovative Moox Bike design that combines traditional bicycling functionality with scooter-gliding fun.
To create the first prototype, Mike took parts from several bicycles. By cutting, welding and merging the parts and adding in a pinch of raw steel, Mike created the early prototype of what would become the Moox Bike. After "cycling" down an interesting winding road that has included hot rod fabricators, technology incubators, and multiple prototypes, the Moox Bike is now ready to emerge.
The rest, as they say, will be how the Moox Bike makes history.
We chose Kickstarter for two main reasons. First and foremost, Kickstarter and Moox Bike both take pride in fostering innovation, critical thinking, the assurance of quality, and community. Second, we want everyone to have the opportunity to "ride and glide" on the Moox Bike and Kickstarter is the place to make that happen.
The funds raised will be used for:
•Producing factory samples and prototypes.
•Performing sample testing.
•Finalizing the design of the Moox Bike.
•Developing the e-commerce platform.
•Mass production and distribution.
Additional funds raised will be used for:
•Designing and producing the next generations of the Moox Bike, including a possible e-bike version.
•Expanding the customization options of the Moox Bike.
•Creating a line of Moox accessories.
•Developing a Ride and Glide mobile application to track and share share your Moox Rides with the Moox Bike Hero community.
Our team is fully committed to making the Moox Bike the best it can possibly be.
We have dedicated the last 12 months sourcing the best materials and selecting the most experienced suppliers in order to mitigate as many potential risks as possible
At the moment, we have a fully functional prototype, and have run multiple stress, usability, and safety tests -- the bike passed with flying colors. We are looking forward to making final refinements to the Moox Bikes that will be delivered to our backers so the riding and gliding experience is beyond optimal.
The Moox Bike like everything else on Kickstarter, is a work in progress. We believe in transparency and communication, so our backers will be the first to know about any unplanned hurdles or delays.
..."any unplanned hurdles" ... Good luck riding that over a curb or a speed bump... its going to be high center central.

Marketing language cracks me up....