Motor not working this morning

Get rid of them cheap connectors and buy some connectors with "Pig tails" on them so you can just solder the wires together and not worry about soldering the connector part.

Hobbyking is good
Glad you got it running. I would consider soldiering at some point, but for now go with your tape idea. Gaffers tape is also a good tape that doesn't leave much of a gum residue when removed. All tape, at some point will just stop working, but for now, if it doesn't hold together on it's own, tape might be the best way to keep the connector together.

Ride it as is, and if you have a separation problem, tape it and consider splicing and soldering and using a connector inside your battery box / bag.

markz said:
Get rid of them cheap connectors and buy some connectors with "Pig tails" on them so you can just solder the wires together and not worry about soldering the connector part.

I definitely do not recommend doing that on systems like this with the multipin round "higo"/etc motor connectors.

I recommend leaving the existing connector, as now that it is fully plugged in, it is water-resistant and typically quite sufficient for these power levels.

e-beach said:
Glad you got it running. I would consider soldiering at some point, but for now go with your tape idea.

Since it's fully plugged in now, it's unlikely to exhiibit any further connection problems at that point.

Soldering is unnecessary, and would require cutting off the connectors, and matching up all the wires, cutting all the wires in such a way that none of teh splices are going to overlap each other (so if something goes wrong with teh splice insulation they still can't short to each other).

The solder connections, even with heatshrink, will not be as water resistant as the existing connector, so under rainy/wet conditions it's likely that water will eventually wick up into the conductors inside the insulation, and corrode the copper. (this even happens to my wiring here in dry Phoenix, AZ, after the short rainy season, even when things don't get all that wet).

Tape is also unnecessary, as these connectors are quite difficult to undo once correctly and fully plugged in.
amberwolf said:
Tape is also unnecessary, as these connectors are quite difficult to undo once correctly and fully plugged in.

I completely agree. I've never had a connection problem with that connector and I like that I can quickly disconnect the wires when I need to remove the rear wheel. Now that the OP knows how to seat the connector I predict no future issues.