Mxus and DoubleTrack 26 rim "


100 mW
Feb 26, 2016
I have a small question of your practice:

1. What is the correct length of spokes for Mxus and rim Double Track 26 ?

2. What is the maximum thickness of the spokes to this rim ?
Unless you plan to drill paired spoke holes in your mxus flange, I vote against the Double track and in favour of Ryde Andra 40.
Main reason is that the Sun has perpendicular eyeletted holes while the Ryde has angle drilled holes optimized for larger hubs, plus no eyelets.
In any case my spoke of choice would be Sapim Strong 13/14g butted.
Use spoke calculator to get the correct spoke length. spoke calculator chose the wrong lengths a few of my friends so I do not fully trust him. Therefore, I asked how long spokes do you have ?
You can use various spoke calculators, using the values found in database.
If you don't trust the calculator, err on the short side of the spokes and buy longer nipples later if needed.