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My solar-assisted custom tricycle FOLLIES

ddk said:
mr wishy washy wusses on building another trike
thinking of buying this one
That looks like a pretty good trike and the rear suspension makes a big difference on large lumpa and bumps. I remember when Don the so called battery guy that everyone loved to hate (cause he deserved it) was selling and trying to develop it. If you really want something crazy check out Varna's tilting trike.
edit: I'm glad you are OK since I really enjoy reading your stuff.
docnjoj said:
edit: I'm glad you are OK since I really enjoy reading your stuff.

ordered the trike

too bad the nV doesn't actually work under all conditions.
Using both motors MT#2 went up an 8% slope with no problems ... so I can check mail at least (mail is at sea level and I live a few hundred meters above sea level)
it literally flies up the 8% @ 20mph... 10% cogged the motors to 19mph (-0- pedaling) I'm gonna just NOT do any hills above that run.
can a two-motor system be more efficient than one?
my take is "yep"

yesterday's mail run.
-one motor on mt#1: would use 35% capacity of a 15Ah battery pack
-never really measured the difference using two motors on MT#1
impossible using only the front motor on MT#2 due to the stupid big tire mounted and the trike's additional weight.
-two motors found front motor using 15% capacity from a 15Ah battery pack + rear motor using (we'll guess high here because the replacement power was too low) 7% capacity of a 15Ah battery
(individual battery packs per motor)
22% total for the two-motor system with pretend pedaling on mt#2 vs. 35% for one motor + my maximum sustained pedal effort (not much in reality) on mt#1
to make mt#2 the long-distance travelin' machine it is meant to be involves the solar, trailer and the wiring for both
after i get my commercial trike up and running I can:
1. replace the nV with the third motor
2. finish up the electrical stuff, which is lots of.
3. develop and build the trailer
bikemania biz:
"we have a 'new system' "
and so it begins
my karma
my reverse-mojo
it is strong
docnjoj said:
... I remember when Don the so called battery guy that everyone loved to hate (cause he deserved it) was selling and trying to develop it.
I must have missed out on this dramatic episode of ES
do tell...
life, as I live it, is filled with wonders
(all conversations reduced to their essence and paraphrased for my convenience)

phone call #1
BM "we can't seem to process your card is the X right?"
phone call #2
BM "we can't seem to process your card is the Y right?"
BM "we can't seem to process your card is the Z right?"
...and so on and so on and so on

-the nXt day
BM "we can't seem to process your card but your CC may have authorized the previous attempts."
me-"lol WUT"
me- checks CC and finds all my credit has been accounted for because BM charges me for 'N' of tricycles.
me- calls CC
CC- "have BM call us please"
me- calls BM
ME- "STOP TALKING" ... (BM shuts up)
...me "you need to call this number and fix this problem you created" (all the while thinking "why didn't BM call that number when they first experienced a problem?")
...later that day
I check CC -charges are still there
calls BM
me- "this is me"
ME- "you haven't cleared the previous charges from my account ...please fix this otherwise you CANNOT add anymore charges to my (overcharged because of BM's 'new system") without my authorization and I won't do that- "

standby for the dramatic conclusion (if one is forthcoming)
...a small while later
me- calls BM
me- "blah blah blah"
BM -"we successfully processed the order and sent you an invoice"
me- "oh"

drama concluded.
I'm guessing you are gonna ditch the lead? What kind of motor do they use and do they have a picture of the driveline?
Don ran and runs Lifebatt and has extra high prices for a fairly average LiFePo4 made in Tiawan. I can't remember his last name but he was banned here ultimately.
docnjoj said:
I'm guessing you are gonna ditch the lead?
docnjoj said:
What kind of motor do they use and do they have a picture of the driveline?
there's very little info on this. I'm buying it because half my work is already done, what with the rear disc brakes and the rear motor. Gonna add either a magic piece of or an aotema on the front because the hills haven't gone away or anything :)
docnjoj said:
Don ran and runs Lifebatt and has extra high prices for a fairly average LiFePo4 made in Tiawan. I can't remember his last name but he was banned here ultimately.

the reason I chose the trike is it's lower bar for getting my leg over. (one of my problems) If it's not as low as it looks then I got a problem but not something I can't deal with. (mods -r- us)
No matter what motor is used it will or can be made to work. (my self-confidence deludes me often)
The claim is 15.5 mph for a gazillion miles so I'm thinking it's a 24V system. If 24V I have brushed and brushless controllers to bump it up a notch.
If 36V I'll giggle foolishly and see how good it climbs.

There's a crap video

but remember
I need immediate transportation and this should suffice until I can change out the Nv POS with the rear motor(s) on MT#2
docnjoj said:
Don ran and runs Lifebatt and has extra high prices for a fairly average LiFePo4 made in Tiawan. I can't remember his last name but he was banned here ultimately.
Don Harmon, AFAICR.

the trike looks interesting; seems kinda narrow for it's length, but maybe with all the weight where it is and low it won't have a problem tipping in turns. My CrazyBike2 with trike kit attached seemdd about the same proportions, and it tipped badly at only 10MPH or less.

Whenever you've got a replacement for the NV working, I will probaably take you up on the offer, if you still hate it as much as you do now. ;)
amberwolf said:
the trike looks interesting; seems kinda narrow for it's length, but maybe with all the weight where it is and low it won't have a problem tipping in turns. My CrazyBike2 with trike kit attached seemdd about the same proportions, and it tipped badly at only 10MPH or less.

Whenever you've got a replacement for the NV working, I will probaably take you up on the offer, if you still hate it as much as you do now. ;)
the mt1 and 2 corner amazingly fast. Much faster than I'm comfortable with.
I'm hoping this purchased trike might be close enough, but I'm always leary with any delta'-just- I like deltas for fixin' flats.
and more importantly- getting on and off.
Reality caused me to just purchase the trike, because mt2 ain't trustworthy yet, esp. with the nV (nuts and bolts falling off-type testing still) (did I mention I also dislike the big front tire. I do because it interferes with.... everything)

As for the nV: the offer stands once removed and replaced. It will not work for me, but It probably would work fine as a mid-drive if you install the output sprocket on the left hub flange or mount one on the disc mount adapter-thingy 'module'
As it is currently applied by me it sometimes works and sometimes shifts into high-overdrive depending on the load. Also the inch-worm control is falling apart (and nope, not from my abuse... it's just another example of the magnificent engineering that is failbrook)
with all the drama I forgot to check that the trike was "in stock"
I am so screwed...

btw the length of the trike is long, requiring a surcharge for shipping.
After I lengthened mt2 it looks to be about the same or over 7.5-8 foot long.
The new trike uses a 'standard' trike tube axle so it appears to be ~30" wide

on top of all the bad stuff that happened to me monday, I continue to suffer montezuma's revenge from the restaurant I took my BIL and sister to (she chose) for helping me pick up the mt#1 (rip)
Did you ever find out if your trike was in stock. Usually good companies list if the item in question is stocked?. Those folks don't seem to do this.
docnjoj said:
Did you ever find out if your trike was in stock. Usually good companies list if the item in question is stocked?. Those folks don't seem to do this.
being sick has kept me stupid...
I emailed belize this morning and bikemania just now.
least I forget
because I will...

my assumptions on the handling qualities of MT#2 as compared to my previous attempt are somewhat false.
the small-ish change in the geometry is: a 10" longer frame and a slightly more radical front wheel bend (~10 degrees)
It handles much better and is quite stable with either front drive, rear drive or both drives.
Under full throttle to both motors MT#2 can out-accelerate most cars and trucks "off the line"
... and I need to calm that part down a bit.
As it works right now I'm being careful with my thumb
(one thumb- two throttles- no sweat)
zuper zhopper.jpg

only took three hours to do
it ain't gud to bee old fo' sho'
Careful, you're encroaching on CrazyBike cargo-carrying now. :lol:


Although I expect you could put a notably greater load on your baskets tahn I could on my tied-on carriers there. :)
lol- I only need to carry a few cases of tasty beverage and a day or two of frozen stuff.
-and for those whom might assume I mean beer, I mean diet cola-

I admit to the occasional vodka martini, since there's a very good local distillery of vodka in town that also serves pretty good food (and I've never gotten sick from the food prepared there, unlike one other place in town)
The thing I like about vodka martinis is I feel like I've traveled back in time to the days of my youf- not that I drank martinis but all the parents of my friends did as it was 'the drink of choice'
-my parents chose beer. (falstaff, lucky lager and hamm's... guess where I grew up :lol: )
distilleried vodka martini.jpg
docnjoj said:
Did you ever find out if your trike was in stock. Usually good companies list if the item in question is stocked?. Those folks don't seem to do this.
from the seller:
"Your order should deliver in 3-10 business days from the day your order was
placed. We will contact the shipper for a more specific time frame. I will
let you know as soon as I find out."

the shipper didn't respond to my inquiry.
note: Belize bicycles haz the funniest names for their inventory; kinda like a run-on sentence
had to try
I didn't doubt mt#2 could tackle HWY 101 but there's this hill climb that thwarted mt#1 several times. The 8km 4-11% grade.
So today doing another shakedown cruise (I GOTTA remember to change the front tire to a smaller)
First off I checked the max speed of the trike with both motors and the nV @ about 100% or 1:1 ratio with the local school 'radar' speed checker thingy.
-19mph or as far as I'm concerned, about perfect.
After I change the tire I'll check it again and finally mount a speed-o
Then it was off to test the mountain-climbing monster that is mt#2
Never even cogged from what I could tell. Both motors were well within normal temps range at the top according to the ir temp reader.
The nV changed it's operational liabilities again.
The climb didn't provide a steep enough load to make the nV fail but, instead of only being able to upshift up a hill now I could only downshift up a hill. Obviously downshifting
is preferable to the former but as I crested the hill I was unable to upshift until I stopped.
what a pos.house rock.jpg
today I was feeling lucky
"are you feeling lucky, punk?"
Why yes. Yes I am and thanks for asking!

So I took MT#2 down to Harris beach.
-Not sure what the grade of the climb is down to Harris beach... except it's steep with speed bumps every 100' or so for your climbing pleasure!

eventually what goes down has to go back up so off I goad... presetting the nV to max underdrive.
the "lucky" part?
The nV held the setting and the climb was event-less.
Using both motors the climb was limited to ~13mph full throttle(s) so...
0% drama.
...and since MT#! is destroyed I hereby rename MT#2 to mt.
winkinatcha said:
WHAT!!! No Dramas??!!

I wanna refund :(

here's a blackberry to sooth your disdain for lack of drama
pistol river blackberry2.jpg

-carrying 3kW of battery my point-of-no-return traveling north is Pistol River, Oregon
The actual distance is but 20 miles thereabouts but is marred by hellacious mountain climbs - battery killers all-pistol river beach.jpgpistol river mouth.jpg

So back to work on the solar stuff to extend the range of MT
I re-porpoised a flower pot to contain the voltmeters, solar controllers, 3S 5000ma battery and battery chargerspotted vo;tmeters1.jpg

Using theatrical measurements of cutting, if it looks ok from 10 feet away it's gud enuf.ugli cutting.jpg

-even from ten feet away that's one ugly-looking piece of work... to be remedied by a coat of black paint and a strip of caulk
Apparently my new trike has already shipped via LTL Quik X.
Since this isn't DHL I wonder when it'll get here?
Getting info from bike maniacs has been less than simple... becoming doubtful I'll do business with them again.

If there is a nXt custom trike in my future I'm thinking it would be simple(r) to design my own frame since the last frame required so many modifications.
Points in favor of this approach includes:
- Headtube set at the right angle, removing the need for a bent-springer fork
- BB tube exactly where I need it to be
- Fairing mounting points (more important than one would've thunk)
- 5/8" or larger rear axle bearings (along with the larger rear axle lol)
- battery compartments, drive/brake component mounting points along with mid-motor(s) placement becomes an exercise in cad instead of locating an existing frame that's "close enuf fer guubermint wurk" , fumbling along with the mods that are never quite satisfactory.

-not sayin' building mt1 and 2 wasn't a good experience.
Along the way I learned more about bicycles than I knew before and was forced by necessity to do enough research making locating and purchasing specialized parts a breeze... and which parts are easier and better (cheaper) to have locally manufactured. It's all in the wrist they say.
Whomever "they" is.
(lol- "they" is "me")