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Occuply The Green Scene?!?!?!!


10 MW
Aug 29, 2009
Oregon City Oregon
I'm very happy to hear that the Mayor found at least one of his balls and decided to kick out the Occuply Portland campers who have now caused between $20,000 - $40,000 of damage to the two parks they were encouraged by the Mayor to camp in, police over-time pay is in the $100,000 range, 3 people have almost died in the camp from drug over-doses, one alleged rape, several thefts within the camp & stolen bicycle shop merchandise recovered from the camps, pits being dug in the park in anticipation of tonight's midnight closing time of the parks being enforced by the police along with several home made weapons being removed to include rocks, bricks, wooden shields & clubs with nails pointing out on them to use against police.


"We understand a call has gone out to Oakland, Seattle and San Francisco and perhaps other cities encouraging people to come to Portland and engage in resistance," the press release said.

Officials also warned they expect "as many as 150 anarchists" to arrive, adding "people may be in the trees during a police action".

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/occupy-portland-stocking-gas-masks-homemade-weapons-police-warn-article-1.976661#ixzz1dYphMHho


According to sources within the camp, some are planning to hide in the trees in the camp and rain down rocks, bricks and concrete onto the police when they come to clear the park!

There has been a call by the "Occupods" to get reinforcements from Seattle & Oakland in the form of Anarchists to put up a resistance to the police action to clear the camp.

Today, I went to visit my friend who owns the Electric Vehicle shop (cars and bicycles) that was BURGLARIZED by these same freaks who claim to be in favor of the "99%" and I guess owning a EV shop with E-Bikes makes you a member of the "Evil 1%" :roll: :roll: :roll: that is keeping the poor down eh?!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Ok, Cardomain is working again so here are the pics:





So now he is out $500 in merchandise, and $500 to repair the window! Good job Occupods and Mayor Adams, you are both due for an eviction, long over-due!

Unfortunately the Portland Police say it's too small of a theft to even make a report!! :roll:

In other words, the peace loving "99%" made a really good impression on my by stealing bicycles and smashing the window of a E-Bike shop and stealing from them. :roll:

I'm just worried about the few idealists that are still hanging out with the extremists, most have gone home and some are trying to get the public to show up for a "pot luck" that will be "family friendly" and oh, don't mind the drugs, theft and people crapping on the ground, just come and enjoy the fun (until the police show up with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets!! :twisted: )

If it were not so dangerous, I would love to get some pics of the idiots being cleared out!
Same thing happens all the time, starts out one thing, then the other 1% ers make it another.
I also talked to a gentleman who's business van was broken into that was simply parked near the Occupods so thieves could take a pack of cigarettes and a camera.

For 5 weeks now, nearby businesses have been accosted by Occupods demanding free food, goods and services and have had their stores trashed if they do not.

How many potential customers have been kept away by the growing menace of the crime that has followed Occupy Portland?

What in the world are people thinking causing this kind of trouble for an already troubled economy, making things worse for the true "99%" just trying to find a job, or work, instead of turning our parks into mud with tents (many donated by REI unfortunately) and tarps and I have personally heard from individuals who have participated in this "protest".

One gentleman that has participated is from California, moved here recently, is looking for a better job, currently drawing unemployment, and spending his time in the camp instead of looking for work, because his unemployment is paying more than the average job he could get if he truly wanted to work. He wasn't one of the 25% of the camp that is truly looking to cause trouble and be violent, but I ask you, if you allow violent people to hide in a larger group of average people, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

No one I know has a problem with a protest, we have a huge problem with an illegal camp, destroyed parks that will take $20,000 + and months to fix the landscape, permanent damage to some trees that cannot be fixed, not to mention the outbreak of disease among the camps.

At least 4 police officers have been taken off duty with MRSA infections, a bacterial infection that often takes someone out of action for weeks in disabling pain, and is a problem in jails and the homeless due to unsanitary conditions.

If it were up to me, anyone refusing to leave the camps would be hosed down.

It's time the real people of this city had a voice, not the troublemakers destroying it!
dogman said:
Same thing happens all the time, starts out one thing, then the other 1% ers make it another.

Not so here in Portland, from the very beginning this was NOT a local grass roots anything, it was started by international groups, and I have personally been asked directions by people when I went down the same day as the Portland marathon from people from out of town just looking for the party.

People who claim to be part of this mythical "99%" and want jobs, are not looking for them at Occupy Portland.

People who claim to be part of this mythical "99%" and want change and to protest at Occupy Portland have no basic agreement, message or goals of any kind!

There have been several attempts to interview individuals to include the "media coordinator" at the camp for an agreed mission or message, and none has ever been agreed upon, it has descended into a lawless homeless camp where illegal drugs are used, people harbor or participate in various crimes and make the real people who are just trying to live and work pay for it.
These protests are a creation of the Obama administration and organizations that are his backers. Obama from the beginning has wanted to destroy this country as it was founded. These protests are a continuation and escalation of the types of "community organizing" he has done his whole adult life. This next election will tell us if he has succeeded in destroying this country or not. It would be nice if Oregon re-joined the "sane" states and made it back into the red column, but it's not going to be easy with Portland still voting. :roll:
That's awful.
But anytime you get 10,000+ people together, there are going to be rotten apples.
We get them in our local group too.

The intelligent, aware, and self-educated people who are legitimately concerned about the future of the United States aren't coming around vandalizing businesses. It is unfair to label all people based on the action of a few. One of the core issues of occupy is that corporations are the problem and small business needs a lot of help.

When you say an international group started these protests, you must be talking about AdBusters. They are a magazine based in Canada who's gig is to basically ridicule corporations in humorous and thought provoking ways. They received a ~$100,000 donation from George Soros in 2009. AdBusters threw the idea out there and it went viral.

But continue to keep finding anything that makes occupy look bad & post it on the internet. It'll look good on your resume when you apply for a job with Fox news :mrgreen:
neptronix said:
But continue to keep finding anything that makes occupy look bad & post it on the internet. It'll look good on your resume when you apply for a job with Fox news :mrgreen:

Who knew that the man co-credited with inventing the lightbulb would aid Adolf HItler and Fox News. :mrgreen:

Propaganda - once out of the bag there is no going back.
Li-ghtcycle- Party member! Party member! Last night I was walking through my neighborhood, and I heard an infant crying at a house that has no registered children living there! I think they are hiding jews! And in there back yard, I saw construction materials, stones and boards with nails.

Party member- Ahh, thank you Li-ghtcycle, we will come silence this insolence tonight. This dangerous deviation from the party rules will be dealt with swiftly and brutally to show the others that resistance is futile against the will of the party.

Li-ghtcycle- Ahh, thank you so much! I feel so safe knowing that the party wants to protect me from the evil people who wish to raise awareness that don't agree with giving 28% of there wages and life savings to a tiny banking group so nobody is freed from the irresponsible loans they made. Who would not want to unknowingly work the first 2 hours of everyday just to ensure the radically crooked banking system doesn't have to take any responsibility for it's actions?

Part member- You're a good boy LI-ghtcycle, you've done good work today. Keep your guard up against these dangerous enemies of the party, and one day you will get to wear a gold-plated tin sheeple-1st-class medal like mine.

There is a WORLD of difference between opposing publicly funded gov't bailouts of banks and supporting the Occupy Mvm't.

Probably 99% (Ahem!) of the participants at the Occupy events are Democrat Owe-bama supporters.

Obama and the Democrats are the ones that did the bailouts.

It is hypocrisy on parade.
StudEbiker said:

There is a WORLD of difference between opposing publicly funded gov't bailouts of banks and supporting the Occupy Mvm't.

Probably 99% (Ahem!) of the participants at the Occupy events are Democrat Owe-bama supporters.

Obama and the Democrats are the ones that did the bailouts.

It is hypocrisy on parade.

Hypocrisy, or people waking up to the reality that their government both does not represent them, and does not have there best interests in mind when they make decisions?
liveforphysics said:
Hypocrisy, or people waking up to the reality that their government both does not represent them, and does not have there best interests in mind when they make decisions?

Yet they support a president and political party that doesn't have their best interest in mind...... aka hypocrisy. I started to say doesn't represent them, but in this case that's not true. The Democrat party unfortunately is fairly representative of the mindset you find at these events.
I side with the occupy movement, this country is in serious trouble as far as I can tell and see.
The bank bail outs and wall street are obvious, but it does not stop there, look at the crap there peddling at the box stores, everything is crap compared to products sold 10 years ago! Many are quick to blame over sea's Q A control.
I believe that these over sea's company's are told to build shit, by our own U S A company's, so they can sell us more crap!!

its a good bet. most are running good batteries that where made elsewhere
You're kinda being a fool here mate.

Democrats and Republicans are just a big charade to appease the masses into thinking they have options, and to have something for talk radio propaganda puppets to huff and puff about.

There is only 1 party with power, it's the "Pro Big Government Party." It's goal is to pretend to have inter-party conflict with the illusion of party lines between Rep's and Dem's so the people feel like they have some sort of choice at being represented.

If you look at the party line, the most "extreme liberal" dem party line from just 10 years ago IS the current republican party line. It's a charade where they move towards more power taken from the people and given to the government, one just walking 2 steps behind the other.

Secondly, I don't ever remember seeing so many anti-Obama signs in any group of people in my life. Never in history has an administration sold out the people on such an unprecedented scale to avoid banks from reaping what they sowed when they over-leveraged assets by 5,000% to make greedy unstable loans. IF those banks had been allowed to collapse, and that debt had been lost or washed in the process of debt-buyers taking it for pennys on the dollar, that would have been the biggest economic stimulus package every business and homeowner in this country could have possibly had come to them. Instead, they just made funny money at the expense of every man's wage and savings in the country to the tune of a 28% currency devaluation.

If the people understood WTF happened to them, hopefully there would be full-scale rebellion against the government leading to revolution, and coming back to the constitution. Which speaking of the constitution, it makes it pretty clear that a bloody rebellion against your government when it stops representing the people IS the job of the people.
StudEbiker said:
Yet they support a president and political party that doesn't have their best interest in mind...... aka hypocrisy. I started to say doesn't represent them, but in this case that's not true. The Democrat party unfortunately is fairly representative of the mindset you find at these events.

Where are you getting your information from, studebiker? you should question that source.

Also where is your application of logic, if said statement was true?
Would you be protesting in the streets if you were angry that your party held presidency?

You're in Oregon, one of the most liberal states in the country. Come down to Colorado Springs where half the people involved are libertarian, republican, or just not even happy with either and have never voted as they don't see that it will make a difference.

FYI, i was a liberal until i started noticing what was really going on. Both parties are pulling the wool over our eyes and not addressing the real issues.
liveforphysics said:
If the people understood WTF happened to them, hopefully there would be full-scale rebellion against the government leading to revolution, and coming back to the constitution. Which speaking of the constitution, it makes it pretty clear that a bloody rebellion against your government when it stops representing the people IS the job of the people.
Revolution and cleanup afterward is hard and dangerous work, with an uncertain result. It's going to take a LOT to get the average American to want to do that. A lot more than has happened already.

I'm pretty sure we'll get there within my lifetime, but it's going to get a lot worse before enough people care to make it better.
As one of the original people in the Occupy Tacoma group, that has followed this from the very start, I can say that someone has been seriously misinformed (as intended) by where they get their 'news'. The red herrings of 'destroying the park', 'crime nearby' and other bs to cover up the calls for justice over the TRILLIONS the bankers and wall street got to cover their crimes is just sad.

Some continue to be led by the nose ring, parroting out "Obama!", "Democrats!", "Liberals", "Commies", "Hippies".. it's just sad. A bunch of our Tacoma group went down to support Portland Saturday/Sunday along with the other 11,000 or so people. Spent their gas money to go and be part of trying to stop the polcie which they did peaceably and effectively until the police returned again the next morning.

The bullshit spouted about crime is to obvious... as if crime is new in Portland... something that has only started since the Occupy movement. Just like Oakland... the nirvana that it is (ignore the gunfire around the clock as normal) anything within the city is now the fault of Occupy Oakland. "Police say..."

Want your police costs to drop? Tell them to go away and stop wasting massive overtime on riot police that are there to cause a riot. Here in Tacoma, the police stuck around for about 2 hours when we first occupied the park we are in, then left and haven't bothered coming back unless WE called them to deal with violent interlopers. As in most public parks, the one we are occupying had a street nickname before we moved in... crack park, it was where the druggies could hang out at night and not be bothered by the police. So we had some security issues to deal with the first week or so. Been there over a month now and zero police/city costs, zero incidents with authority, I believe 2 police calls for a thief and a drunk with a knife, one fire dept response to a woman that fainted. We have about 30-60 people staying in the park, hundreds actively supporting them... the local businesses haven't had any complaints... because we are BUYING from them. Supporting ones are sending over stuff or in my case I've bought pizzas from a local pizzeria and been asked if I was going across to the park..."Yes...","Oh cool, here have another pie to bring over". Same for the popcorn place, been buying their stuff and they sent over a massive bag of kettlecorn for our first movie night in the park (V is for Vendetta).

It sort of surprises me that people with a hobby as non mainstream as ours would fall so easily for the propaganda. The papers being quoted are fabricating most of their stories out of thin air, the rest seems to be misrepresentation.

Who is in the parks? Veterans (like myself),retirees, students, teachers, homeless, workers (like myself...two jobs and an elected position). Liberals to libertarians... we know the system is broke. We are tired of the blame game, we know the politicians are almost ALL at fault, the system has been gamed and the people with the power to play have bit by bit changed the rules to where they win... period. Yet some of you continue with the fantasy that it's the damn hippies that are the problem, those lazy bastards at the park that won't get a job cause unemployment pays to well. If the banks took their homes, they must be losers... so what if the banks lied and cheated their way to the foreclosures. So what if every sphere of our lives has a massive corporation gaming the system and throwing away the American people (and the rest of the world) in order to improve next quarters profits.

Wake UP! You might not like who is representing you as the 99%, but at least they are doing it. If you don't like it get out there and join them, outnumber them and put out the message of what you believe the real problems are... not some bullshit about hurting the grass in a park or trying to tie local crime to someone at a movement. Get to the REAL problems, your Republican and Democratic
'representatives' are NOT representing YOU.

/end rant
Scott "occupy tacoma" McElhiney
As one of the original people in the Occupy Tacoma group, that has followed this from the very start, I can say that someone has been seriously misinformed (as intended) by where they get their 'news'. The red herrings of 'destroying the park', 'crime nearby' and other bs to cover up the calls for justice over the TRILLIONS the bankers and wall street got to cover their crimes is just sad.

Some continue to be led by the nose ring, parroting out "Obama!", "Democrats!", "Liberals", "Commies", "Hippies".. it's just sad. A bunch of our Tacoma group went down to support Portland Saturday/Sunday along with the other 11,000 or so people. Spent their gas money to go and be part of trying to stop the polcie which they did peaceably and effectively until the police returned again the next morning.

The bullshit spouted about crime is to obvious... as if crime is new in Portland... something that has only started since the Occupy movement. Just like Oakland... the nirvana that it is (ignore the gunfire around the clock as normal) anything within the city is now the fault of Occupy Oakland. "Police say..."

Want your police costs to drop? Tell them to go away and stop wasting massive overtime on riot police that are there to cause a riot. Here in Tacoma, the police stuck around for about 2 hours when we first occupied the park we are in, then left and haven't bothered coming back unless WE called them to deal with violent interlopers. As in most public parks, the one we are occupying had a street nickname before we moved in... crack park, it was where the druggies could hang out at night and not be bothered by the police. So we had some security issues to deal with the first week or so. Been there over a month now and zero police/city costs, zero incidents with authority, I believe 2 police calls for a thief and a drunk with a knife, one fire dept response to a woman that fainted. We have about 30-60 people staying in the park, hundreds actively supporting them... the local businesses haven't had any complaints... because we are BUYING from them. Supporting ones are sending over stuff or in my case I've bought pizzas from a local pizzeria and been asked if I was going across to the park..."Yes...","Oh cool, here have another pie to bring over". Same for the popcorn place, been buying their stuff and they sent over a massive bag of kettlecorn for our first movie night in the park (V is for Vendetta).

It sort of surprises me that people with a hobby as non mainstream as ours would fall so easily for the propaganda. The papers being quoted are fabricating most of their stories out of thin air, the rest seems to be misrepresentation.

Who is in the parks? Veterans (like myself),retirees, students, teachers, homeless, workers (like myself...two jobs and an elected position). Liberals to libertarians... we know the system is broke. We are tired of the blame game, we know the politicians are almost ALL at fault, the system has been gamed and the people with the power to play have bit by bit changed the rules to where they win... period. Yet some of you continue with the fantasy that it's the damn hippies that are the problem, those lazy bastards at the park that won't get a job cause unemployment pays to well. If the banks took their homes, they must be losers... so what if the banks lied and cheated their way to the foreclosures. So what if every sphere of our lives has a massive corporation gaming the system and throwing away the American people (and the rest of the world) in order to improve next quarters profits.

Wake UP! You might not like who is representing you as the 99%, but at least they are doing it. If you don't like it get out there and join them, outnumber them and put out the message of what you believe the real problems are... not some bullshit about hurting the grass in a park or trying to tie local crime to someone at a movement. Get to the REAL problems, your Republican and Democratic
'representatives' are NOT representing YOU.

/end rant
Scott "occupy tacoma" McElhiney
Right on RedorBlack!

A bit of reality from somebody on the frontline rather than some media sensationalists.

Thank you for being a patriot and making a stand to show that our government does not represent you, or the vast majority of our country.
How true that both sides of center are being played against each other when we're actually on the same team, but sadly nothing will change until both sides come together, because we all want the same thing, and that is real change. That's what Tea Partiers want, and that's what the Occupy group wants, yet both have been spoon-fed garbage by the shovels full. Guess what both are right. It's big business/banks/wall street AND their government cronies who voted to give them the money, who changed the rules for them to keep more of their stolen money. Hell, these cronies even changed the rules to allow Big Money to manipulate commodities prices! Not only are they robbing everyone blind at every turn, and while you're at the police station filling out the report, they're picking your pocket and stealing your car too. Then to ensure their way continues the Supreme Court rules that corporations can donate unlimited money to political campaigns. WTF??? How can anyone other than a voter be allowed to contribute to a political campaign, and why aren't these limited, so no one can buy favors in that manner?
John has the understanding... I'd love to see some of the original tea party people join our movement cause theirs got completely co-opted and bought/redirected into another shill for the same people gaming the system. The ones left are still supporting policies that are completely against the interests of themselves and the rest of America. The ones running it have gotten into power complaining about deficits their policies created in order to further enrich the super rich and blaming it on the little guys who'd like to have a small pension after they retire from decades of public service.
John in CR said:
How true that both sides of center are being played against each other when we're actually on the same team, but sadly nothing will change until both sides come together, because we all want the same thing, and that is real change. That's what Tea Partiers want, and that's what the Occupy group wants, yet both have been spoon-fed garbage by the shovels full. Guess what both are right.

If the Occupy group wanted to support the Constitution, I could be with them, but nothing in their actions or statements lead me to believe they want a return to a federal system of gov't as outlined under the Constitution. They are about wealth redistribution and regulation. Correct me if I am wrong.

I will support anyone that is supporting the Constitution and doing so following the rule of law. This does not sound like an accurate description of the Occupy mvm't to me.
StudEbiker said:
John in CR said:
How true that both sides of center are being played against each other when we're actually on the same team, but sadly nothing will change until both sides come together, because we all want the same thing, and that is real change. That's what Tea Partiers want, and that's what the Occupy group wants, yet both have been spoon-fed garbage by the shovels full. Guess what both are right.

If the Occupy group wanted to support the Constitution, I could be with them, but nothing in their actions or statements lead me to believe they want a return to a federal system of gov't as outlined under the Constitution. They are about wealth redistribution and regulation. Correct me if I am wrong.

I will support anyone that is supporting the Constitution and doing so following the rule of law. This does not sound like an accurate description of the Occupy mvm't to me.

Time for you to go re-read your copy of the Constitution. I recommend starting with the First Amendment. I believe you'll find that the "rule of law" has become the law of despots.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This is in my mind THE most important Amendment in the Bill of Rights. It's first for a reason. Government over time has worked towards limiting this more and more, especially over the last couple of decades. The wall of separation as explained by Jefferson in his reply to the Danbury Baptists has been eroded since the 1950's communist witch hunts. Freedom of speech which was always complete unless it could be proven to be physically dangerous as in "yelling fire in a crowded theater" has been diminished to.. allowed with a permit between 10am and 4pm, with no amplification unless approved by the park departments, if we don't like what you are saying, we can shuffle you off to 'free speech zones', or just tear gas you, mace you, beat you, shoot you and call you potentially violent or unhealthy as an excuse, even though occupying a public space as a form of speech has been recognized, we'll surround you with riot police while looking for flimsy excuses to arrest, beat , expel, etc... We will have the police and city employees take all your stuff and destroy it once we are tired of you being there, and again, beat you, arrest you, mace you etc... for being inconvenient or undesirable to those in power or those truly controlling those in power.

Break it down

FREEDOM OF SPEECH... Occupy Wall Street and the rest of us are doing just that. We want to engage YOU and the rest of the country in a conversation over what has gone so wrong so that WE THE PEOPLE can figure out how to fix it. We as a collective group are doing this peacefully. You might disagree based on the way the mainstream media is treating the movement... tossing out snippets of only what they can find to exploit. Keep in mind that there are over 2500 occupations going on, and you are only hearing about a few of them in the media. There are MILLIONS of Americans involved and the number is growing daily... but the reporters are saying it's dying out, it's losing momentum. Then they ignore the 20-35,000 people that marched in NYC yesterday, the 2000 in Seattle, the thousands in Portland, and the thousands of other Occupation movements around the US that also had events/actions yesterday. People are going from "The what?" to "Why?" to "Well if you really want to know what is wrong with this country...." Bingo! A conversation happens and it doesn't need politicians to tell us what we need, WE need to tell them what is important to US and not get ignored any longer. It isn't about pointing fingers, it isn't about who broke it except to determine HOW they managed to do it so well. We need a conversation, the most important one in decades and it needs to happen NOW. NOW isn't 3pm in council chambers and you get 2 minutes of public testimony. Freedom of speech is being able to keep saying it until they freaking listen.

THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE. I suspect that if an official in the newly formed United States of America in say 1780 told a group that they needed a permit to assemble or march or occupy, the official would have ended up tarred and feathered. That section doesn't limit when, where, how long... doesn't give the government and it's staff the right to just make shit up about permits and hours allowed, and the ability to deny. In Tacoma we said no to getting a permit, why do I need that to peaceably assemble in a public space used only by drug addicts prior to our occupation? Because someone makes a claim that US being there is suddenly a health hazard or potentially violent? Hey, ignore the shootings 24/7 in Oakland, the Occupation needed to go because in a MONTH there was one shooting... not at the park, but a couple of blocks away... in OAKLAND. I'd be interested in seeing a statistic on actual violent crime rates as in calls for shots fired compared to the years prior. The movement involves MILLIONS of people, and the media is focusing on the 10's of incidents around the country over the last month or so... most of which involved the police losing their freaking minds.

AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. It isn't our job to supply the solutions, but the government sure as hell isn't doing it, so we are trying to work some out. If you can help, join in. If you have been involved in local government or higher up like I have for a long time, you probably stress out from banging your head against the wall to many times... having officials figuratively pat you on the head and ask for a donation rather than dealing with your questions. There are shining exceptions, but they are definitely in the minority. Our government is NOT working for us, no matter who we elect. And by US I mean ALL OF US, the people they pledge to represent... not just those with money to donate and lawyers to threaten with. I've spent a lot of time for decades standing in front of county and city councils providing testimony on matters at hand, lots of time getting to know my representatives in order to be able to break through the wall of "Well, he/she isn't available right now, can I take a message and get back to you" , or "I'll pass the information on to them for you" I've become capable of making a difference by learning how the game is played, but also learned that we are just pawns.. we can get what we want only if it furthers the agenda that official is there to fulfill, otherwise you are tilting at tanks, or going to make a rookie politician a one term official... IF you can even get an appointment.

Occupy is a horizontal ground up movement... media wants to name the rich leaders funding and directing this... but they don't exist and one of the best things about it is that we are NOT allowing it to happen. WE ARE THE LEADERS and we are stating OUR opinions when speaking unless our GA (General Assembly) has approved what we say.

I'll end with OUR mission statement for Occupy Tacoma, each group has or is developing it's own as there is no governing body and we are NOT a political party, We have no candidates.. EVERY POLITICIAN IN OFFICE NO MATTER WHAT PARTY SHOULD BE REPRESENTING ALL OF OUR BEST INTERESTS REGARDLESS OF PARTY.

Mission Statement

In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and countless other Occupy movements across the world, Occupy Tacoma is part of a peaceful and nonviolent movement after the tradition of great activists of our past, fighting to end the corporate abuse of Democracy.

Our mission is to identify and implement solutions to rebuild a healthy and thriving community for everyone. We are here to combat both the silence and the propaganda of corporate-backed media. We aim to bring attention to the disastrous impacts of unregulated corporate activity on political, economic and environmental systems by exercising our Constitutional rights of free speech and peaceable assembly.

Thanks if you actually read all of that,

Scott "Occupy my bike!" McElhiney
liveforphysics said:
Never in history has an administration sold out the people on such an unprecedented scale to avoid banks from reaping what they sowed when they over-leveraged assets by 5,000% to make greedy unstable loans. IF those banks had been allowed to collapse, and that debt had been lost or washed in the process of debt-buyers taking it for pennys on the dollar, that would have been the biggest economic stimulus package every business and homeowner in this country could have possibly had come to them. Instead, they just made funny money at the expense of every man's wage and savings in the country to the tune of a 28% currency devaluation.

If the people understood WTF happened to them, hopefully there would be full-scale rebellion against the government leading to revolution, and coming back to the constitution. Which speaking of the constitution, it makes it pretty clear that a bloody rebellion against your government when it stops representing the people IS the job of the people.

And today they are vilifying A. Merkle for trying to stop the Central European Bank from doing the same shit. Printing their way out of the mess the stupid European bankers created. Same shit, different dirt. Me thinks the world is frocked, not just the jew-s-ofa.