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Occuply The Green Scene?!?!?!!

I don't know what this particular thing is about in the video, and I only watched the first minute or so, but it appears that now the "authorities" are taking to dosing peaceful protesters with huge amounts of pepper spray:
Personally, I can't figure out why they did it. Maybe someone else can enlighten me?
Thank you for being there and stating the reasons in a level headed manner.

A member of congress is gauranteed salary for life, medical coverage for life, no limits on insider stock trading, and allowed to keep all unspent campaign contributions.
Must be nice to make your own set of special rules.
You can be known by your friends and enemies.

Here are a few friends of the Occupy Movement.....and they're not very friendly to the Constitution.


What was it Stalin said about "useful idiots?" I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure you can find a bunch of them in Zucotti Park.


Lech Walesa has belatedly declined an invitation to speak to the Occupiers.

Walesa, of course, was the leader of Poland’s Solidarity movement, which eventually broke the back of communist rule in Poland and laid the groundwork for the end of the Cold War. Walesa, an electrician in the Gdansk shipyard, stood courageously against tyranny at great personal risk. He became the first post-communist president of his nation. He remains a champion of liberty and the dignity of the individual.

So it was strange to hear that Walesa was invited and initially agreed to speak to Occupy Wall Street. Its demands for wealth redistribution are the opposite of liberty, and in Zuccotti Park, individual dignity is measured in how far you sleep from where you last defecated.

Well, it turns out Walesa didn’t quite understand the nature of the OWSers and the hard leftists backing them. And he’s not interested in lending legitimacy to a group that is, as Big Government put it, “organized by anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests.” Thank goodness.

On the other hand, perhaps Walesa would give a speech that would shame the protesters — or at least their flacks in the media. Maybe he could have shown from experience which way enslavement lies. Maybe he could tell them what real oppression looks like — oppression in service to an egalitarian utopia like the one they demand. Maybe a few of the fine arts majors and trust-fund anarchists would pack up their euro-scarves and go home. Maybe a few of the “journalists” covering them would feel a pang of conscience before filing another glowing report on drum circles as the spiritual glue binding these young idealists. Alas, we’ll never know.

Not that the OWS gang struck out entirely on the Walesa front. Bizarrely, in 1982, Pete Seeger performed a benefit concert for Walesa’s Solidarity movement. Ever grateful, the Poles named a square in Krakow after Seeger.

Oh, wait, sorry — that’s Ronald Reagan Square.
So Stud is back to attacking those who may or may not be involved in the movement... Daily Caller attacks the movement because Pete Seeger shows up! Not to ridicule, but REALLY? That is what they are wasting multiple pages on? Attacking the movement because a singer from the 60s/70s shows up? And add in Arlo Guthrie to the attack... are you flipping serious?

Oh, but lets address the first link, Zombie... known worldwide for accurate verifiable reporting, (It says so right in the 'article') starts filling in the links Glenn Beck style... to bad he doesn't have a chalk board.

Financial Collapse of our economy!
Patriot Act!
Banks foreclosing on homes they don't even have loans on!
Wars on multiple fronts against 'terror' where we have driven our debt further through the roof with no gains!
Privatization of Education for profit!
Wall Street getting us to pay off their bad debts!
Corporations sending jobs overseas while receiving huge subsidies from the American people!
Oh wait! Commie! Over there... LOOK! Liberals!

Spend spend spend....

Interesting though... they try to attach Ronald Reagan to Poland getting out from under the thumb of the Soviet Union... umm... those were UNIONS that did that. I've never been in a union, but it's interesting that they are wonderful as long as they aren't here. Much like freedom of speech and assembly... great if the Arab countries are doing it, a bunch of lazy bastards just wanting to get maced if they do it here.
amberwolf said:
I don't know what this particular thing is about in the video, and I only watched the first minute or so, but it appears that now the "authorities" are taking to dosing peaceful protesters with huge amounts of pepper spray:
Personally, I can't figure out why they did it. Maybe someone else can enlighten me?

No answer to your question, just more questions.
Where are your rights to peacefully protest? Am I the only one to think that serious civil unrest is just around the corner?
On our last visit to SF we were surprised to see the homeless living in the park downtown. We were told they had the right, from a Supreme Court Decision, to occupy any public space. What, if anything, has changed?
Nothing has changed.
It has not yet equaled Kent State.
But somewhere along the way on this path it will.
We have a corporate owned government and the somewhat un constitutional patriot act in play at this time.
A crappy economy for the commoner.
While a select few are richly bailed out.
Civil war is not far fetched at all, when you consider that the first time we did it, it was supposedly over slavery. When the American Dream has been lost to most who occupy this country, the question is how long do we have before it happens?
StudEbiker said:

I actually agree with you on the 1st amendment thing. Two things though. Many of these events are not "peaceable." Also, the rest of the objectives of the Occupy mvm't is so far out of line with the Constitution it's laughable.

Not peaceable... police have arrested over 4000 people around the US without anyone physically fighting back, they've maced crowds on a broadcast scale, they've fired upon civilians with rubber bullets, used flash bang grenades in them midst of people attempting to provide aid to someone shot in the head with a tear gas canister. Guess your right on that point, only problem is... it isn't the Occupy that isn't peaceable, it has been a few police departments under orders. So goons with badges mean you can't support people voicing their grievences...

Rest of the objectives are out of line with the Constitution... example please? Ending Corporate Cronyism is out of line? Ending corporations running the agencies that are supposed to be the watchdogs over them is out of line? Ending the people electing representatives that end up representing the interests of the super rich and mega corps at the expense of everyone and everything else? Wanting to end the wars that have added trillions to our debt with no direct connection to anything beyond enriching the people that started them? What exactly are these objectives that you think the movement has that are so far out of line? Wanting the stop the privatization of every part of our lives for profit? Schooling, healthcare... it is all on the stock market, where we are promised better service/competition through privatization and yet every example becomes ripping people off for every drop of cash that can be squeezed out for the stock holders. But hey... when they can't pay anymore, keep taking it in the form of fees and penalties, higher interest rates, and in the case of schooling or medical bills change the rules to where they can NEVER EVER get out from under that debt, unlike the banks, unlike Donald Trump (4x now). What is the ridiculous part? Not wanting corporations charging off their losses here for tax rebates while charging off their profits overseas where they don't pay taxes and get refunds in the billions? Not wanting corporations like Monsanto killing our planet with their Roundup Ready crops that are popping up everywhere and Monsanto gets to penalize the farmers who have Monsanto's plants contaminate their crops? The list of grievances goes on and on, very personal for some... wanting to stop the foreclosures that have 'allowed' some to live in the Occupation parks full time... wouldn't want to stop the foreclosure mills where people and computers are lying all day and into the night about documentation they are supposed to have and supposed to read and verify, but that is overridden by profit, so when they take homes they don't even have loans on... oops, to bad for the homeowner... to out there to want that corrected? To out there to want the predatory banking fees, policies, loans eliminated? To out there to want derivatives outlawed? What part of this is against the Constitution? We've got rich people committing crimes costing us trillions, but no one gets charged, and they get their money win or lose... from the very people they hurt. Where in the Constitution are the bailouts? Where in the Constitution are Corporations people? Where in the Constitution is it that you can destroy entire swathes of the planet with your corporations mistakes and get away with it because it would bankrupt you to fix it? Exxon Valdez... poison the pristine waters... wipe out a fishing industry... get laws written strengthening protections/safeguards? No, get laws limiting corporate liability for the next time. It has been incremental and pervasive and while the people are screaming for change, while the people are willing to sit or stand there and get maced to make the point that they are NOT going home, they assault on the people continues. While we are in the streets and parks, the government is working on giving away the internet to the highest bidders, who can decide who can and can't get bandwidth, who can just be shut out based on a corporate complaint. While we are in the streets and parks, the government is hard at work ensuring we recognize "In God We Trust" because the politicians aren't getting a damn thing done and that apparently is the only hope they feel capable of leaving us.

What objective are you so against? I want to know and please include your source. A source from an Occupy site, not from some 'news' site that is making crap up to scare you away from us.
Thanks to all, for this tread, and the insight. Not mentioned on the news. I am upset with bad government
maybe its time for some music
just a few of my fav's
the only thing i own thats not taxed is my ebike
vote for freedom and liberty
vote for ron paul
liveforphysics said:
There is only 1 party with power, it's the "Pro Big Government Party."

Pres. Eisenhower called it the "military industrial complex". He said to watch out that they don't get too much power over the people. These days we can add "government" to the mix.

It looks to me that they've won the battle and now it's just clean-up time for them. All that's left is to take away our guns and what little privacy and freedom we have left. :x :x :x :x