Old men don't bounce


100 GW
Apr 14, 2007
Dallas, Texas. U.S.A.
So Tuesday morning was a great day for a ride. The sun was out, the roads were dry, it was 75 degrees. Perfect day

I enjoyed my self for the first 10 miles. riding leasurly through the parks and interconnecting bike trails of our town. Then I got a little over confident. As I was slowing down for a corner, I passed a sort-of-cute-in-that-older-way woman walking some tiny dog on a string. I smiled as I bassed and she smiled back brighter than I expected, so I decided to sho off a little, released the brakes, and leaned over hard to take the corner as dramaticly as I could.

It was dramatic all right. My first indication of trouble was my last. Both wheels lost traction right about the apex of the corner and down I went. I landed on my side almost flat, and that may have saved me, except for trying to stop my fall with my left hand. as a 20 year old, I might have bounced right up, but now... I sort of crumpled and flopped with the bike. The instinct to tuck and roll was there, but not the reaction time. I'm just too old.

Once again I had to limp the bike home with no ability to pedal. Thank goodness for Imediate start. The derailer is bent, the sprocket is bent, the bar end was ground down almost to the retaining bolt. And I was unable to stand without holding onto the bike. My Wrist was luckly just sprained, not broken. Although I won't be leaving any palm prints any tine soon. I managed to pull groin muscles in both legs, wrench my knee, and strain muscles all up my arm. No broken collar bones, but they hurt like hell, and I have tape on my ribs for the second time this year. I think they are just bruised, but it shure hurts to laugh.

And thats all I can do, is laugh. I was being a dumb@ss, showing off. I did it to my self. No more than 15mph, but at my age, thats lethal. I could have bounced away in my 20s, but now I'll be a month popping advil and calling my self a dumb@ss.

Its a hard thing to deal with, getting older. I'm not all that old, but my body is letting me know its time to grow up. I'm not a kid any more, and while I had bones of rubber in my youth, Old men don't bounce.
oooohhhhh brother! I feel your pain.
Sprains take longer to mend, if they ever do, than broken bones.
Pulling a groin while falling from a stop and trying to get out of a toe clip (I was used to Power Grips by then) left me unable to sit, stand or walk but I could ride a bike. Getting on and off was touchy for about a month.

What took longest to heal when I broke my tibia and fibula was the road rash on my ankle.
It finally healed after the home-care nurses to let it alone for a long weekend.
That crash was a dum@ss move too and only about 15 kmh.

I don't know whether my ribs are easily bruised or what but there's generally been a few different weeks every year lately when laughing hurts, rolling over in bed hurts, sitting up hurts, bending over hurts, raising your arms hurts, sneezing and coughing are dreaded, . . . you know what I mean.

What's been further frustrating to me is the loss of dexterity and eyesight.
It's partially why this latest build has seemed to take forever.

Mend well. Heal whole.
Drunkskunk said:
. I smiled as I bassed and she smiled back brighter than I expected, so I decided to sho off a little, released the brakes, and leaned over hard to take the corner as dramaticly as I could.

did you at least get a reaction from the lady after the crash?
yes, if you fail to impress and end up hurting yourself instead, milk the sympathy for all you can get :D do not let pride get in the way! pretend you are mortally injured and that it was ALL HER FAULT for the beautiful smile. In theory, this should work wonders.
have you considered more protection while riding? As I get older I have been gearing up more and more.

I was in a mountain bike race a few years back, and one of the fastest guys there was a gentlemen in his 50's. He was fully kitted up with pads.

I felt that.

I'm blessed with looking younger than my age (50 is only months away), but I've also been equally blessed in that the silly things I've done that serve to REMIND me of my age have, by and large, happened without an audience. There have been some exceptions, and I think Zootz can relate to this with his new build... I've made quite a spectacle of myself, during some of my "power experiments", when I've found myself unexpectedly flailing my way across a busy intersection in an attempt to keep the front wheel on the ground as I start into a standing launch while applying too much throttle. A back-heavy bike and a lot of torque don't mix.

Hope the scrapes to your psyche heal faster than those on your palms...
I was talking to a 86 year old women on a 2 wheel motor-less bike, she told me she spent 3 days in the hospital a month or so ago after a bike riding fall.

I am 72 on a trike (electric), I told her it was time to back to being a kid again and ride a trike.
Sorry to hear about your accident there Drunkskunk but ..uhm...what about the wiminez? did she run to assist? is there a second date? or is the first still "on going" :: wink wink nudge nudge :: hehe.. Seriously though hope you mend fast and get back in the saddle next time just pull over and let her see your e-bike apparently wiminez LOVE e-bikes... (wanted to insert the video of the Drunk Englishman explaining how wiminez love something electric between their legs...the ebike is 'it' -->here<--- but couldnt find said video :: sigh :: )

Yea, and the older you get the bigger you thud......77=big thud.....
XRuss said:
Yea, and the older you get the bigger you thud......77=big thud.....

hrmz...i imagined it to be more like alot of cracking and whincing rather than a "thud" LoL..I would
be rapt to make it too 77 let alone still be riding at that age Kudos to you SiR...i hope you have many many many more
accident free miles ahead of you :)

Tks KiM, and me too. Three fall offs in the last year but no big problems, only some road rash. So guess maybe just a little bounce left. And good luck to you too.
Owie kazowie. My sympathies as an approaching-geezer myself. :)

The one nice thing about Junkyard Wolf's (nee CrazyBike2) metal rear cargo pods is that I can't do a slide like that. The bottom edge'll hit and generally bounce off, helping me get back upright. At worst, even if it digs in, it'll just drag me to a spiralling stop. They do look a bit worse for wear, though, at that front corner/edge. ;)
I keep thinking about putting a skate wheel there. Kinda like old-guy's training wheels. :roll:

But on the DayGlo Avenger, I'm so high up cuz it's a normal upright bike that the cargo pods, they do nothing. Well, they still dig in, but that just leaves me somewhere over the pavement without a bike under me. :oops: So I'm a lot more careful on that bike than the semi-recumbent.

And yeah, except for the hot part of summer, I wear my full kit for the upright bike. Just the helmet on the semi-recumbent so far, though once it gets cold I will probably wear the leg stuff and the gloves just for warmth in the wind. ;)
What we need is an airbag (ala car airbag) that looks something like this:212_profile_img1_michelin.gif
paultrafalgar said:
What we need is an airbag (ala car airbag) that looks something like this:

I believe Dianesse are doing just that, Valentino Rossi wears a set of leathers (only in practise and quali sessions at this point) that has a automatic 'air bag' that inflates when it senses the rider is about to hit the road...

Heres a YouTube clip of them...


I imagine they will be frightfully expensive initially...aaand prolly down the track too aaaand equally expensive to "repack" each time its deployed no doubt but what price do you put on your physical well being?

One reason I don't like slicks. All the corners are sandy here, and I get better grip in turns with a more tready, but still street tire.

The audience will get ya, when skiing I allways did my best crashes doing jumps under the chairlift for the folks on the chairs.

Showing off rollerblading at PB in San Diego was how I first blew out my right shoulder, seperating all three of the ligaments on the end of the collarbone. Suddenly I was upside down, 5 feet in the air, over concrete. That one still hurts to this day. Thongs really make you want to show off.

I bet ribs are broken, but not completely in half. No point in seeing a doc for it, unless you know one that gives out the good stuff for pain. The tape doesn't do much, so they don't do that so much now. Just tape it if it makes you more comfy, if not, then don't bother.
When I broke my ribs in the trike flip in Dec last year the ER Doc just gave lots of pain meds but no tape. Apparently as long as it isn't sticking into your lung they just let them heal "Naturally". Mine still hurt on occasion. Heal fast and well!
I wonder how much bounce this young kid got?


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I hate when that happens
It sucks when your manhood acts like you are a teenager but the rest of you does not follow suit. :( When I go mountain biking, I have overshorts with pads on them so when slamming into tree roots/ground etc, I don't smash my hips, break my tailbone etc. Add the helmet and full gloves gave me my trail name of Candy @ss :lol: After awhile, I was not the only one that showed up with pads...
Old men don`t bounce ... isn`t that the sad truth :roll:
Take enough time to heal up, Don`t want to hear I was doing o k till .. ...

I went thump last night 10 mph max about the apex of a corner wet front tire washed out when accelerating on dry sealed asphalt. A nicely maintained park and ride lot no gravel to grind ya and the sealer makes it a little smoother to slide on . I feel lucky with only a small knee cap scab slightly sore wrist and chest. Minor stuff overall, another lesson from the school of hard knocks.

Looking at my bike the seat is as far back as it will go. Thinking it`s time to put it more towards the front.

Good luck and quit showin off, yer no good to the wimmin when you are all crumpled up :p
hillbilly said:
amberwolf said:
But on the DayGlo Avenger, I'm so high up cuz it's a normal upright bike ....
ahhh... so that's what a "normal" bike looks like, eh? I always wondered..... :)
Compared to this one, I'd call it normal. :p