Rix said:
John, I keep forgetting to ask, what kind of free wheel cog/cluster and derailleur shifter combo are you using for your latest build? I only ask because I have found 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. and even 10 speed freewheels, however, very limited on shifter derailleur combos.
Just going through this selection process at the moment. So as you know, I like to pedal and as such like plenty of gears to choose from. Also like to have granny gears to get me home just incase I loose electric assist.
So this time round I wanted to use a torque sensing BB and so I needed a big chainring to pedal at speed. But also need a small chainring for the granny gear component. This means I need to custom fit a front derailleur to bike. More to follow on that one.
Next is the screw on rear cluster. I procured a couple of 11-34 8 speed clusters a while back. Quite hard to get in that gear range but with a 53-11 gear ratio for max speed and a 39-34 to get me home if needed, my peddling requirements will be covered. May need to stretch the the dropout width a tad to fit the Mxus in with the 8 speed cluster but shouldn't be an issue.
In relation to shifters and derailleurs, nothing fancy here, just functional. I will have a lefthand twist shift for the rear derailleur together with a lefthand trigger shifter for the front derailleur. Derailleurs will be what ever i can get that suits 8 speed so more then like likely it will be just entry level stuff as there is no such thing as high end 8 speed stuff.
So thats the pedal system summary.