Stealth FUTR owners builds and pics

Rix said:
JumperJackFlash said:
Hey Kepler,

How tall are you? It looks like a big bike.

6'4" if I recall correctly,

6'3" actually but long legs similar to someone 6'4"

I will get a picture of me on the bike for a better feel of bike proportions. Doesn't look so big when I am on it.
Tats said:
Inspiring stuff kep- love the bicycle look rather than a motocross bike. I think the ultimate mod would be wiring in a swing arm but if it could be hidden on the inside that'd probably be the same, but likely foul a tyre.

Actually the motor wiring will be close to invisible. The Beta has really nice cable guides on the underside of the swing arm and I drilled a new cable access hole into the frame before powder coating keep the motor cable as out of view as possible.
John, I keep forgetting to ask, what kind of free wheel cog/cluster and derailleur shifter combo are you using for your latest build? I only ask because I have found 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. and even 10 speed freewheels, however, very limited on shifter derailleur combos.
Jay please tell me the color code for the powdercoat. Ive been waiting for a week and i dont know if you forgot to answer my MP or you have not found the color code yet.
Rix said:
John, I keep forgetting to ask, what kind of free wheel cog/cluster and derailleur shifter combo are you using for your latest build? I only ask because I have found 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. and even 10 speed freewheels, however, very limited on shifter derailleur combos.
Just going through this selection process at the moment. So as you know, I like to pedal and as such like plenty of gears to choose from. Also like to have granny gears to get me home just incase I loose electric assist.

So this time round I wanted to use a torque sensing BB and so I needed a big chainring to pedal at speed. But also need a small chainring for the granny gear component. This means I need to custom fit a front derailleur to bike. More to follow on that one.
Next is the screw on rear cluster. I procured a couple of 11-34 8 speed clusters a while back. Quite hard to get in that gear range but with a 53-11 gear ratio for max speed and a 39-34 to get me home if needed, my peddling requirements will be covered. May need to stretch the the dropout width a tad to fit the Mxus in with the 8 speed cluster but shouldn't be an issue.
In relation to shifters and derailleurs, nothing fancy here, just functional. I will have a lefthand twist shift for the rear derailleur together with a lefthand trigger shifter for the front derailleur. Derailleurs will be what ever i can get that suits 8 speed so more then like likely it will be just entry level stuff as there is no such thing as high end 8 speed stuff.

So thats the pedal system summary.
Kepler said:
So this time round I wanted to use a torque sensing BB and so I needed a big chainring to pedal at speed. But also need a small chainring for the granny gear component.

Did you consider using an ATS/Schlumpf for the BB and use a Torque sensing like the BEAMts system
Kepler said:
Rix said:
John, I keep forgetting to ask, what kind of free wheel cog/cluster and derailleur shifter combo are you using for your latest build? I only ask because I have found 5, 6, 7, 8. 9. and even 10 speed freewheels, however, very limited on shifter derailleur combos.
Just going through this selection process at the moment. So as you know, I like to pedal and as such like plenty of gears to choose from. Also like to have granny gears to get me home just incase I loose electric assist.

So this time round I wanted to use a torque sensing BB and so I needed a big chainring to pedal at speed. But also need a small chainring for the granny gear component. This means I need to custom fit a front derailleur to bike. More to follow on that one.
Next is the screw on rear cluster. I procured a couple of 11-34 8 speed clusters a while back. Quite hard to get in that gear range but with a 53-11 gear ratio for max speed and a 39-34 to get me home if needed, my peddling requirements will be covered. May need to stretch the the dropout width a tad to fit the Mxus in with the 8 speed cluster but shouldn't be an issue.
In relation to shifters and derailleurs, nothing fancy here, just functional. I will have a lefthand twist shift for the rear derailleur together with a lefthand trigger shifter for the front derailleur. Derailleurs will be what ever i can get that suits 8 speed so more then like likely it will be just entry level stuff as there is no such thing as high end 8 speed stuff.

So thats the pedal system summary.

So true, a 11-34 range in 8 speed is all but impossible to find. I did find a 11-32 8 Speed freewheel. I haven't bit on that yet because I am looking for an 8 speed shifter and derailleur. I am with you, my next build will be a peddler and I intend to pedal my ass off. Get back to the bicycle part of ebikes so to speak. Looks like I got my Fighter sold, when I posted that I may be selling it, two people contacted me, I told them both the price and one guy said sold. So working out the shipping details at the moment. Anyway my winter project is starting to take shape.
Lash said:
These betas are looking sweeter and sweeter. Very slick guys. My only concern would be longevity of rims, and tyres from offroad abuse. Great if they can handle it. I gave my alpha a flogging the other day, glad I have the moto rim and moto rear tyre.

Sent from my UMI_SUPER using Tapatalk

Yah Lash, moto tires are a must for me also, but if I build something light, and less powerful, and run bigger MTB stuff, I may get away with it if I don't bounce off of lava rock infested terrain.
Lurkin said:
is the beta rear brake mount 160mm IS and therefore requires a 40mm adapter to use a 200mm rotor?

This is the adapter you need for the rear Bomber, Fighter, Alpha, and Beta to run a 200-203mm rotor.
Interesting, thanks Rix. I was playing around with a caliper and ruler yesterday and 40mm did seem a bit short. Thats a +63mm adapter, which would would mean its a 140mm flush mount.... (according to the SRAM parts catalogue anyway:
Beta 29'er progress report.

The goal for this weekend was to go from roller to pedal'er

First job was to fit the rear wheel complete with 8 speed freewheel and disc rotor. Proved to be a little problematic. With a 135mm rear dropout, a fully loaded Mxus is a tight squeeze. Firstly the brake caliper needed two disc spacers to allow the caliper to clear the motor housing which in turn pushed the rotor too close to the swingarm. Next the freewheel needed about 5mm of spacers to allow the axle step to protrude the freewheel. So with the aid of some custom spacers, ended up with 140mm axle step spacing. With the longer 29'er swingarm, getting the extra 10mm flex wasn't too bad.

However, unfortunately the standard brake mount didn't quite fit between the disc and the swingarm mounting point. Not sure if the brake mount wasn't welded quite in the right position or the disc was simply too far over. Solution was to machine a few mm from the brake adaptor. Bit of mucking around but finally got there.


So with the wheel fitted and the brakes installed, the derailleur was fitted and tested driving of both the 53 tooth and 39 tooth chain ring. Found the bike pedaled quite well through the gears even on the 53 tooth chainring. Decided to forgo engineering a front derailleur mount for now. Figured I could always drop the chain down to the 39 tooth chainring manually to get me home if I needed too. Will try a lefthand thumb throttle to keep the handlebars uncluttered.

View attachment 5

Although it would be neater to run the cables inside the frame, I am not keen on disconnecting the brake line and then having to re bleed the brake system. So cables have be mounted externally.


Setting the bike up for a comfortable riding position meant I needed a 350mm set post. Looks very tall on the bike.


However, the bike has a really relaxed feel and once actually on the bike, it doesnt feel or look that big as the standalone pictures suggest.



Nice Kep, and you are correct, the bike doesn't look nearly as big when you are the helm riding it. Infact, it looks like a tall guy on a normal sized MTB. Camouflaged achieved among regular MTBs, well done.
That is so freakin cool Kepler. It is hard to see your bike as anything but a bicycle. True stealth ride. Let us know how those 29'ers work out.
Have you taken it out in the dirt, and ridden over fallen logs and rocks?
Finally moved into new place...... ready to build my beta. I stroll back in here and see ALL the BETA goodness!
I shall steal your hard work shamelessly like a red-china-industrialist in the 70's!!!!! muhahaha!

Nice work guys! Can't wait to get cracking. I'll need to spend a couple days reading this long thread of build.

one4torque said:
Finally moved into new place...... ready to build my beta. I stroll back in here and see ALL the BETA goodness!
I shall steal your hard work shamelessly like a red-china-industrialist in the 70's!!!!! muhahaha!

Nice work guys! Can't wait to get cracking. I'll need to spend a couple days reading this long thread of build.


Damn Jeff, get off your a$$. Need to see more Betas!
I'm also guilty of needing to get off my ass :oops:
I'm back now after alot of time away so needs to really get cracking on finishing off my current white/red themed beta build.

Very tidy work Kepler. I'm digging the striped sides. I often try to do things a little differently to make them unique and always have the battle as to whether my customisation is tasteful or a tending a bit ev 'riceboy. You don't seen to have that issue though :)
That said, that seat post DOES look quite long. I can't imagine how funny you'd looks with my new 24" wheel set. With your tall self on board it almost looks like a girls step through bike :p

I had the same issue with the rear brake mount. I spoke to JK about moving it over and he reckoned the alignment was correct with a motor he had at the factory. I guess that's the issue we have when trying to fit different motors to a generic frame, especially when they're biggens like the mxus 3k.

Looking forward to seeing your new special ed beta against some local scenery Jeff!

Chucho, PM sent
Building batteries this weekend. As mentioned previously, 18S 7P 3.5ah GA cells broken up into 3 separate packs. Packs have now been test fitted in the frame with the internal 18 FET controller. Giving the front battery a taper and having it sit right up in the nose of the frame has made all the difference to how many cells you can fit in the frame. Big arse internal controller and 1700 Whr pack in this size frame is something we could only dream about a couple of years ago.


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Those cell holders look great and dont look like thay take up much space
Nice work kep.
Thanks Jimboy. Its amazing the difference going from a 20mm holder to a 19mm holder makes. Also the holders come in sheets rather then clip together which definitely speeds up assembly.

BTW, packs come in at 2.1 kg each so 6.3 kg total weight of battery pack.
Kepler said:
Thanks Jimboy. Its amazing the difference going from a 20mm holder to a 19mm holder makes. Also the holders come in sheets rather then clip together which definitely speeds up assembly.

BTW, packs come in at 2.1 kg each so 6.3 kg total weight of battery pack.

Thats just pure sweetness Kep, I like how you beveled the most forward pack to fit up close to the narrower part of your frame. Really looking forward to your completed build.
Looks good Kepler.

Jay you will recall me having to mash my brake adapter with a file also. You can tell John its three against one.

Rix you can still get 11-32DNP 7 and 8 spd clusters at and I have a bunch of em here too somewhere. Must clean the shed.

Looking forward to your impression on those infineon series six controllers Kep. Did I send a programming cable? My beta wheelies a bit too easy at 22s70a. Need to dial the 3spd back.

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Thanks Sam. I think 18s 7P and big diameter wheels will settle the bike down a bit. Looking forward to finding out though.

What amps are those controllers set too out of the box?

I have a V2 and V3 infinion programming cable. Will that work with this controller? Also is there different programming software?