Crossposted from the DayGlo Avenger MkII build thread:
There was some slightly gusty breeze that varies in direction, so I rode in all four cardinal directions with the streets around here and get these readings, using the 9C, 36V 13Ah NiMH, and Lyen 6FET. I forgot to look at the Watts reading but was instead looking at Amps,

so that's what I've written down below:
5MPH = 3-4A
10MPH = 4-6A
15MPH = 5-7A
20MPH = 11-13A
To get to the desired speed for steady reading, I rode for at least 3 seconds at that speed with no spedometer variation before glancing at the WU readout. Would've been longer, but there is too much traffic this time of day in the neighborhood and the roads are too short in some cases, before coming to stop signs or other speed-altering situations.
Since the voltage for 5-15MPH is around the same, at 38-40V, and at 20MPH is around 33-35V, that puts calculated watts-at-speed at these numbers:
5MPH = 114 -160W
10MPH = 160 -240W
15MPH = 190 - 280W
20MPH = 363 - 455W
Accelerating up to those speeds takes a lot more power; the peak watt reading was 841W, and the peak amps were 24.63. Minimum voltage was 32.44, resting voltage after return was 38.5. Total of 1.544Ah used up.
Total mileage doing these tests was 3.396 miles, and total Wh was 56.3, giving a Wh/mile of 16.58. Surprisingly low given that I was not pedalling at all, and the heavy accelerations I did for extended periods for the 20MPH runs (which were interrrupted multiple times due to heavier traffic out on the faster longer roads).