There is no ebike "season"

Oh men, I couldn't hack it at all; could not do it. Can't do cold or snow.
I could barely do this.

(minor part of our past hurricane damage).

This is our daily weather at this time of year in Miami.
Miami at times, sux, but it never blows snow....wait....that's not quite right.
It blows "snow", and hurricanes are no picnic.

While you guys suffer and toughen-up and live in airtight homes when not out biking,
I get to do this: bump into boulders and worry about falling coconuts.


Another reason I like Coconut Grove:
Alan Cohen's iced lemonades, etc:

Annnnnnd NO SNOW (except for AC's iced lemonade slushes (he's an instituition)
nutsandvolts said:
Since you seem to be our resident bike (as in not e just bike) expert, do you have any thoughts on the schlumpf high speed drive? One of
things that annoys me is I really do want to pedal, but I want to do it at high speed. Any thoughts on this schlumpf drive? I could of course
get a freewheel with less teeth (I have a 16T single speed rear freewheel, no derailleurs at all right now), and possibly a larger chainring,
but on this bike currently that would be problematic I think. The schlumpf is expensive but sure looks interesting.

As for three wheels, no way would I want that here. The best thing about bike versus car here is ability to go in between the cars when they
are all gridlocked and everybody ELSE's blood pressure is up, while I am long gone. :mrgreen:

I've never seen a Schulmpf drive so I've no opinion on it. For its price, I'd hope the planetary gears are metal. The few reviews I've read were favourable.

You're right about the outrigger. The Xtracycle's advantage over trailers is its narrow track. The outrigger would simply be a way to add stability for ice riding. There was a Chariot brand kiddies side car on Craigslist for cheap last week that had me thinking about adding a third wheel. It might be more useful if it was rated to carry a keg.
partial quote from the bottom of the past page:
nutsandvolts said:
Zoot Katz said:
...I'd love to give them a blast back with a horn even louder than theirs.
I would have gave someone the finger for honking at me yesterday, but I was wearing mittens :mrgreen:
possibly, for compactness, a compressed gas horn blaster,
a small one, might be a practical (cheap, light) option for giving the SUVs the aural finger.

Would not be so easy for most of us to use, not like a simple push-button electric air horn, but it would work for me.

I guess there are other options too.
Such as a paint ball gun, or, here in Miami, a concealed weapons permit and pistol.

I shoot to kill

tires. :mrgreen:
oHh!! I like houw that turnout!! Sometimes i would really love to buy one of these train horn and to put them on my bike when cars driver are bad with us!!!


And now ON A BIKE!!


This exemple show a guys that disturb people.. but just imagine if having that on your bike when bad car driver disturb you!!!


this one make me laugh alot!

An AirZound at 80psi puts out ~115 decibels. Mine has stopped a Jeep and a Lexus. You've got to keep it pumped up or it's gets as laughable as a squeaky tub-toy.

My fantasy is to put a life size doll in a child seat on the back of the bike. Dress it in a helmet and kids clothes.
The childs seat would be spring loaded with a tether attached to the doll.
Type A scud jockeys crowding a "car-free dad" hauling a toddler would get a spring launched baby doll across the bows and then possibly ass-ended.
Zoot Katz said:
My fantasy is to put a life size doll in a child seat on the back of the bike. Dress it in a helmet and kids clothes.
The childs seat would be spring loaded with a tether attached to the doll.
Excellent. :twisted:
nutsandvolts said:
One of these days I'm going to get a VERY loud air horn.
What about a starting pistol? Very loud, fires blanks, you can even point it at the perps? :mrgreen:
Park it in a hoster on the bars for extra threat.

...Confort and Joy! Oh! Glad tidiings of Confort and Joy!
Mr. Twombley Twiddles, model Citizen here. :mrgreen:

Silence and passiveness are virtues.
Cars and trucks tend to clip us; intentionally, or not.

I think it only sporting to give them fair warning.

Here is my invention, free for all to make.
It will be described, as I have not made my Clip Protector yet.

: a fiberglas arrow, available at any sporting goods store. It has a point.
The point will be made clear in a moment.

a red or orange triangle safety flag from a bike mast or such.
Attach this colorful fluttering flag to the pointy-end of the very sharp arrow.

Mount the arrow to the left side of the bike ((in USA and other right-lane countries))
Mount the arrow's fletched end (removing the fletch, of course, to a stiff but flexible coil spring,
sized to the arrow's shank. Insert a short bit of fiberglass rod, from another arrow, or section of the same arrow, depending on the length you need projecting
sideways, a suitable distance, to the other end of the flex spring.

Now, devise a quick-attachment of this "safety pointer" to the side of the bike---where ever it best suits you.
To the rear end-side of the luggage or pannier rack, may serve. Do not let it stick you whilst mounting or dismounting the bike.
A front-end mount may be best, then, after all.

It may be installed and removed in a trice.
I like the word, "trice"; it's civil-sounding and time-efficient.

The arrow tip, quite nearly un-noticed, because of the fluttery, "I'm a scaredy-geek biker; please give me room?", flag,
is a polite way to ward normal drivers to give you clearance whilst passing you, or you, them.

IF a vehicle passes too close, a silent but deadly SCRATCH into the $$$ coach paint, along, perhaps, the entire side of their Lexus or Hummer or Rolls, results.
This, they will not hear nor notice the slight "scrittttch" (think: Titanic and the Iceberg) until, probably, the next day, when somebody, somewhere, notes,

"Oh, man! Dude!!! Some pissed guy has keyed your car's paint!"

The victim of his own rudeness will not mentally-connect the scratch's creation to that silent scrape of your waggle-flag side extension;
he or she was on his or her cell phone, or had the audio system blaring.

Mr. Twombley Twiddles now bids you all a good day,
and also suggests riding with a Macintosh stowed in your pannier;
being prepared, as all good riders are prepared, for inclement weather.

We do hope this helps.
No permit needed, no licensing fees:
this is a pro-bono "invention" given over to bicyclists
for the Public Education of assholes.

Thank you for for your time in reading.
Shall we enjoy a tea for all at four?

Mr. T. T.


Nice Video Nuts!
Well,we're getting hammered here right now,along the southern shore of Lake Ontario, with our first major blizzard.Man it's a howling out there,it started around 8am. Soooooo Doc,Nuts and Y you's should be getting it soon.It may have already started Ottawa way and in Quebec and Y should probably get it Saturday or Sunday.

I'm not a whimp I'm just getting I'll be walking today...


I know you're joking, and don't want to derail the joke.

I've been using a "Flash Flag" for a while, and went to their site a year or two ago, and bought a box of them. It's similar to what you describe, short of using your fibreglass arrow. Because of the spring mount, this thing wags madly on the left side of the bike. It's not very long, maybe 12", but as soon as I put one on one of my bikes, I immediately notice that I get much more room from automobiles.

I honestly believe it's because they're afraid that the arm of the thing might damage their car if they pass too close...

rguy56 said:

I know you're joking, and don't want to derail the joke.

I've been using a "Flash Flag" for a while, and went to their site a year or two ago, and bought a box of them. It's similar to what you describe, short of using your fibreglass arrow. Because of the spring mount, this thing wags madly on the left side of the bike. It's not very long, maybe 12", but as soon as I put one on one of my bikes, I immediately notice that I get much more room from automobiles.

I honestly believe it's because they're afraid that the arm of the thing might damage their car if they pass too close...

You don't derail the "joke". The safety-side flag is not a new idea and I knew that. It DOES work!
And an arrow tip? Well, that's optional, for the sadistic among us. I am one of the "among", when it comes to cars that
deliberately try to scrape my side. If one does: "Captain! We've caught a mild scratch from a 'berg!" :lol:

Here is where to get the "Flash Flag". I had forgotten once seeing that site, long, long ago.
By jingo, I won't need an arrow after all; only a sharpened nail in its end, rubber capped
on my milder-mannered days.
ouf, Eric was right.. this one's a doozie.. started at around 11pm last night, and had at least 30cm this morning on the ground, Sandy(the dog ) had to climb the 4ft snow drift to reach my back yard for her morning pee, quite funny, she loves this snow.. ( Samoyed mix ) made it to work on time but no one else has.. :evil:
Ypedal said:
ouf, Eric was right.. this one's a doozie.. started at around 11pm last night, and had at least 30cm this morning on the ground, Sandy(the dog ) had to climb the 4ft snow drift to reach my back yard for her morning pee, quite funny, she loves this snow.. ( Samoyed mix ) made it to work on time but no one else has.. :evil:
Demonstration of a traffic-clearing device suitable but not legal today for bicycles. I have also an old, compact, two pound electric version nearly as loud. These devices freeze dog bladders even on the hottest days.
(that was me and my dog)
nutsandvolts said:
Seems Vancouver is getting some lessons in "seasons"


Looks more like Winnipeg or Ottawa than Vancouver ... wow

Yesterday was a perfect day for shovelling snow so I did it four times. Today it's above freezing and the stuff is getting heavier but my sidewalks and driveway are merely wet and starting to steam dry in the sunshine. Rain is predicted before the end of the week but it could just as easily snow if the temperature drops.

Between bouts of snow shovelling I was busy installing the new lights on le Béte.