Thread for new battery breakthrough PR releases

I've had good luck with "Just Have a Think".

With "Undecided", its a useful start to some research, but it is not reliable information. I look at it as infotainment which is one level above clickbait, but not quite as useful as wikipedia...
This is interesting, not a "battery" but can store and release energy with amazing energy density:

Twisted carbon nanotubes store 3 times more energy than lithium batteries

The researchers found that their twisted carbon nanotubes could hold 15,000 times more energy than steel springs per unit mass. The researchers successfully demonstrated an energy storage density three times higher than the standard lithium-ion battery. Unlike the variable performance that lithium-ion batteries deliver under different operating temperatures, the twisted carbon nanotubes demonstrated consistency in energy storage through a wide temperature range of -76 Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius) to 212 °F (100 °C).

It's like a high-tech version of a rubber band airplane. While we probably won't see spring powered bikes anytime soon, it may be good for applications where you want a very tiny power source.
Ok !. So it's been a few years since thes Li-S cells first started production, and with apparently huge improvement potential to over 600-1000 Whr/ kg. And reported very low costs (<<$100/kWhr ?)
So where are they ??

BTW - This quote from @Hillhater was from 2015.....

This is interesting, not a "battery" but can store and release energy with amazing energy density:

Twisted carbon nanotubes store 3 times more energy than lithium batteries

It's like a high-tech version of a rubber band airplane. While we probably won't see spring powered bikes anytime soon, it may be good for applications where you want a very tiny power source.
Here's the actual paper in question that discusses its implementation:

It reminds me of carbon flywheels having insanely high energy density because you can rotate them extremely quickly and not fly apart.