Tilting 3 wheels

In one aviation site.

Well, that's nice and cryptic. :(

If you mean literally the website for One Aviation, looks like they're not around anymore but there is an archive here:
which doesn't appear to have anything other than stuff about the jets they build.

There's plenty of other hits on businesses with some variation on the name, but too many to go digging into on the off chance one of them *might* have something to do with whatever place you're talking about.

If you prefer to hide your work and accomplishments, rather than sharing, that's ok...but seems silly. :unsure:
Well, that's nice and cryptic. :(

If you mean literally the website for One Aviation, looks like they're not around anymore but there is an archive here:
which doesn't appear to have anything other than stuff about the jets they build.

There's plenty of other hits on businesses with some variation on the name, but too many to go digging into on the off chance one of them *might* have something to do with whatever place you're talking about.

If you prefer to hide your work and accomplishments, rather than sharing, that's ok...but seems silly. :unsure:
Yes nearly all my innovations have been stolen....from kites to wind mills...I have become protective. It is HBA the aviation site.
Not worth it if you're going to make people dig around, find something, ask if it's the right one, get another indirect answer, etc. Nevermind.
Here is my 3-wheeler...I also had 4 wheeler...which resembles more the Cyber Truck. See the sharp canopy...this is the essential part which is also in the 4-wheeler I had ( it was secret ). Now If I wanted to make the 4 wheeler...it would be consided copy of the Tesla Cyber Truck.


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Check this out

THX to Warren at recumbents.com who spotted it on New Atlas

Creator also has a nice collection of YouTube videos to explore.
Yes nearly all my innovations have been stolen....from kites to wind mills...I have become protective. It is HBA the aviation site.
That's how it happens not being born into wealth. There used to be starving artists. Now there are starving inventors. I know one who I went to college with, a gifted embedded systems designer. More than once, he sold ten-million+ dollar ideas he came up with to some corporation for $1,XXX just so he could pay rent for the next month and eat. He eventually ended up homeless and his student loan went into default after he couldn't find work in his field. With ruined credit, no one will hire him, even when they complain they can't find people with his skillset. When Boeing was looking for coders for the 737MAX planes, he applied, was qualified to do the work, but Boeing told the government they couldn't find anyone to do the work and got VISA applicants from India to do it for $9/hr. Those 737MAX planes had fatal flaws that resulted in hundreds of deaths.

He eventually got himself into a warehouse he rented for cheaper than any apartment and set a 3D printer up. His parents, who believed things were still the way they were when they were young, finally realized how stacked the deck is against the younger generations, and bought him a house in the hood when they realized he wasn't "lazy" or "not trying", realizing he legitimately tried and basically had no real options.

His current vehicle is a self-designed electric unicycle he made before they took off on the commercial market. He built everything but the motor, tire/tube, charger, and controller.

Had he been born 30 years earlier, he'd probably have ended up filthy rich.
Here is my 3-wheeler...I also had 4 wheeler...which resembles more the Cyber Truck. See the sharp canopy...this is the essential part which is also in the 4-wheeler I had ( it was secret ). Now If I wanted to make the 4 wheeler...it would be consided copy of the Tesla Cyber Truck.
That appears to have much better aerodynamics than the Cybertruck. Nice work! I doubt Tesla stole your design for it. Elon was probably smoking some really strong weed and thought of some dystopian-chic aesthetic for a truck and decided to put that hare-brained eyesore into production. I think your vehicle looks a lot better than a Cybertruck, tbh.

Is that an actual vehicle, or just a scale model? If the latter, you should build it! It's not as hard as it looks.
That appears to have much better aerodynamics than the Cybertruck. Nice work! I doubt Tesla stole your design for it. Elon was probably smoking some really strong weed and thought of some dystopian-chic aesthetic for a truck and decided to put that hare-brained eyesore into production. I think your vehicle looks a lot better than a Cybertruck, tbh.

Is that an actual vehicle, or just a scale model? If the latter, you should build it! It's not as hard as it looks.
I have much better one today. Elon hardly had anything to do with the design...someone there just picked it up.
Here is my 3-wheeler...I also had 4 wheeler...which resembles more the Cyber Truck. See the sharp canopy...this is the essential part which is also in the 4-wheeler I had ( it was secret ). Now If I wanted to make the 4 wheeler...it would be consided copy of the Tesla Cyber Truck.
I'm confident that nobody who's seen both vehicles believes that one resembles the other, except you. And that's okay.
Holy hot smoking airplanes batman! He reproduced a Stukah.. minus the wings..

Or, is that a Focker?

No, the fockers are the ones that built it.

ok, Dad joke mode is off.. sorry about that.
That's how it happens not being born into wealth. There used to be starving artists. Now there are starving inventors. I know one who I went to college with, a gifted embedded systems designer. More than once, he sold ten-million+ dollar ideas he came up with to some corporation for $1,XXX just so he could pay rent for the next month and eat. He eventually ended up homeless and his student loan went into default after he couldn't find work in his field. With ruined credit, no one will hire him, even when they complain they can't find people with his skillset. When Boeing was looking for coders for the 737MAX planes, he applied, was qualified to do the work, but Boeing told the government they couldn't find anyone to do the work and got VISA applicants from India to do it for $9/hr. Those 737MAX planes had fatal flaws that resulted in hundreds of deaths.

He eventually got himself into a warehouse he rented for cheaper than any apartment and set a 3D printer up. His parents, who believed things were still the way they were when they were young, finally realized how stacked the deck is against the younger generations, and bought him a house in the hood when they realized he wasn't "lazy" or "not trying", realizing he legitimately tried and basically had no real options.

His current vehicle is a self-designed electric unicycle he made before they took off on the commercial market. He built everything but the motor, tire/tube, charger, and controller.

Had he been born 30 years earlier, he'd probably have ended up filthy rich.
This actually very closely resembles my life so far.
First job out of the Military, little startup before they were cool in the building was me.. and 7 guys from MiT, I was the only non-jewish person. The only one without an advanced degree, the only one without a mathematics degree...

I went from being a shooting star to road muck, from top of the mental ladder, to the resident idiot.

Honestly, it was good for me, beat that attitude out of me quick. I think every resident genius inventor needs someone like me. I am well above average in a number of areas, but I know myself, I was *not* in the same league. Being smart, is much different from being a genius, at least from where I stand in the bleacher seats.

I had a programmer who was unbelievable. We had a catastrophic failure of a storage device, and the tapes were locked to hardware, and ... could not talk to the new box, We have off-sites etc, and if all else fails, govt contract. Back then you had to keep day/week/month review and *COMPLETE COPY Of all code.. in print..... Later at IBM I learned that we were not being picked on, when I rant into the people who manage the print process. Yes, 4 ginormous printers and a 24/7 staff to manage it. We had like a big sheet printer with daisy chained boxes.

Nope, no need, he (the programmer) had been monitoring the code everyone was submitting, so he re-typed it from memory..
I still hate him a little bit.

Granted about once a month or so I got a panicked phone call "I have to do X and Y is totally in failure mode" Cars (generally they want fluids, starve em.... Even got a call once when his mum was out of town, Power is down can't work. Turns out mum had been gone a while.. 3 months actually, and since he had never thought to pay any bills...

So yeah, when your genius friend went with patent in hand, he should have had a lawyer, they will generally be reasonable in their pricing, with good reason all 8 of used this guy for stuff til he quit and moved to Miami...

Unfortunately the guys that get left holding the bag are the smart ones. The guys with screwdrivers in back pocket instead of pocket protector in front.

Then there was the whole "hold it, your degree from Haas is in business?" moment...
Most smart people and geniuses alike never even get the chance to fully develop their inherent aptitudes or to do something with them, most often due to their lack of having both time and money simultaneously. The established players don't want any competition, and would rather that those with the capabilities that could upend them spend their lives instead in constant drudgery making them profit and for their capabilities to go unrealized. That is the society we find ourselves in. Kind of hard to invent something new when you're working 60+ hours a week and/or living paycheck to paycheck, let alone getting it off the ground and into the marketplace.
Most smart people and geniuses alike never even get the chance to fully develop their inherent aptitudes or to do something with them, most often due to their lack of having both time and money simultaneously. The established players don't want any competition, and would rather that those with the capabilities that could upend them spend their lives instead in constant drudgery making them profit and for their capabilities to go unrealized. That is the society we find ourselves in. Kind of hard to invent something new when you're working 60+ hours a week and/or living paycheck to paycheck, let alone getting it off the ground and into the marketplace.
Sounds like my life. Not sure how smart I actually am (not very, most of the time)...but full of ideas and have a lot of things I like to do that I am not completely terrible at (I guess these would be "aptitudes"?), though the things I like to do most are the ones the fewest others have any interest in my versions of. :(
I also came from the lower income bracket, so I understand the problems faced from that. One of the big things I have observed (I am not shaming, I am just stating facts) is the self re-enforcing tallest poppy syndrome. This is a social issue where people who try to rise too far too fast get cut down by their peers, and this is a portion of the issue, this leads to people who *have* potential getting so used to being told how they are wrong, pushing too hard, whatever. Then they start to believe it. Amberwolf is a good example. Super smart, has a very .. I guess it is hard to explain, a very genius way of approaching things, and the stubbornness that comes from having a vision they are not willing to sway from. ANd yet is self effacing and considers their own intellect questionable.
I would dare say there is some history to that.

Kind of an overview here I did not see if they actually tracked the history..

There was a scientist famous for growing pea's At some point (as I heard the story) he was hired by a middle eastern grower of poppies... They may or may not have been opium poppies. In any case during this contract he realised that the farmers would see the first poppies to mature, and immediately cut the buds to start the production process. This stopped these self same fast growing, fast maturing plants from reproducing. Consequently, the patient farmer gets more product.

And Amberwolf, I am not blowing smoke, I have made it a goal in my life to interact with as many smart people I can. It pushes personal growth, and it is always fascinating to see the approach used in things, many things to learn. As a big mouthed brash Old soldier.. I tend to ready fire aim a bit more than I should, and it behooves me to be reminded that thinking through the process is almost always a better solution.