Tshirt Sale Fundraising Proceeds Go to Who?


10 MW
Apr 25, 2008
Austell GA
Im selling tshirts in the For Sale New section and I said I would donate 5$ from each shirt sale to Grin .. Grin graciously declined and suggested I find an ESer that could make good use of it. I thought of Amberwolf.. There maybe others. Majority wins and I will send off what I have collected so far.
Get an endless-sphere T-shirt with a thicker fabric and a front pocket, and I will buy one. I don't even care what it says exactly, the color, or where the money goes.
Amberwolf would be my vote. :)
spinningmagnets said:
Get an endless-sphere T-shirt with a thicker fabric and a front pocket, and I will buy one. I don't even care what it says exactly, the color, or where the money goes.
Ditto, except make mine front pocket with long sleeves. 8)
Either Amberwolf or some sort electric transportation related startup/development, planting trees, maybe some sort of fusion or liquid fluoride thorium reactor research and/or development program. All sound like good ideas, but I don't want to be biased. :)
IC, you should keep all of the funds and try to compensate for all of the money you have spent on testing batteries. i doubt if all the money would come close to covering the money you spent on them.