Upgrading scooter from 36 to 48v?


100 W
Nov 26, 2013
I have a 350w 36v scooter which goes about 25kph. I am planning to build a much bigger battery for longer range, but i would also like a little bit more speed. I'm thinking of increasing the volts to 48 (500w), which should give about 32kph i believe. Some questions about this...

- Would i be able to use the standard controller without changing anything? (only increasing battery volts)
- Would this have any affect on motor temperatures? (I think not since i'm not increasing amps)?
Well, speaking of the Currie, probably much the same as yours:

I put the higher voltage in, 24v to 36v time. Maybe a little better, couldn't say for sure. Tried the shunt mod they were pushing big back then. Didn't think it meant anything. I notice much less talk of that now. 36v 500w controller I was sure made a difference, but I'll point out it wasn't enough of a difference.

32kph on 500w? I doubt it. I remind you're trying to about 1/3 more power when you're already into the law of diminishing returns. You'll get less than 1/3 more for it. If you're not going to be happy at maybe 28kph instead of 25, you'll need to consider more substanial upgrades or maybe just move on. I don't know I would want to go 32kph on that Currie with that lousy one wheel brake, all around instability, rough ride, etc.