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What's with the word "Cheater"?

Chalo said:
LockH said:
Per Miriam-Webster dictionary:
Simple Definition of cheat
: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something
: to take something from (someone) by lying or breaking a rule
: to prevent (someone) from having something that he or she deserves or was expecting to get

So lessee... Which "rule" or "law" exactly?

For many of us, it would be a 750W power limit and 20mph top speed limit. Agree with it or not, but if you violate them and use public rights of way anyway, then you're a cheater.

In my case, I was going about 15mph the opposite direction. I never whiz by other bikers, but I do pass if they are going below 20. My motor is 1000W, but it was not apparent and I do not abuse the extra power. I will go the full 34 MPH when I am on the street with traffic, mostly for the safety of a smaller speed differential between me and the cars, but never go much over 20 on bike trails, and never around other cyclists or pedestrians.
Chalo said:
LockH said:
Per Miriam-Webster dictionary:
Simple Definition of cheat
: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something
: to take something from (someone) by lying or breaking a rule
: to prevent (someone) from having something that he or she deserves or was expecting to get

So lessee... Which "rule" or "law" exactly?

For many of us, it would be a 750W power limit and 20mph top speed limit. Agree with it or not, but if you violate them and use public rights of way anyway, then you're a cheater.

Whuuuaaa???? You tryin' to get us all BUSTED???? Nah, NOOOOOOOBODY has an overpowered bike. But I'm sure you realize that now.

INTERESTING DEVELOPMENT: I think the fact that I was not pedaling was what was ticking the guys off because they seem to be leaving me alone. I'm in dress clothes, so I don't want to exercise and sweat; just get to work on time. The past few days, I have begun ghost pedaling as I go, and my past 3 commutes have been free of any name calling by lycra dudes. I'm not contributing to my momentum, just spinning the pedals as I go, but it seems to be keeping the lycra guys off my back. I just want to get to work in peace, so ghost pedaling is fine with me.
The fingers said:
Wait until one of them makes your day by thanking you for letting them draft behind you into a stiff headwind. :p

Can't imagine that day ever happening here. Would be nice though. These dudes around here that ride in groups all decked in lycra have a high percentage of elitist snobs in the mix. I'm sure some are nice guys, but you rarely hear from the nice guys.
No, not "Cheater" - they are calling you a "Cheetah"! Because you are fast and sleek but with limited range and endurance. :D
My wife thinks it is the cycling equivalent of a Cougar
Well.. I've been riding my ebike for years now without being called a "cheater" (at least to my face) until today!

Was climbing a steep hill with some minor assist... And I hear some guy yell "Cheater" while pointing at me!

I just smiled :)
I wouldn't get too excited about it. My sister in law saw my bike for the first time and as I was explaining that it had a motor she remarked that I was a cheater with a big grin on her face as though she was the first person to think up this witty line! Funny thing was she doesn't even ride a bike. I guess anything other than walking is cheating in a way!
OptimusPrime said:
I wouldn't get too excited about it. My sister in law saw my bike for the first time and as I was explaining that it had a motor she remarked that I was a cheater with a big grin on her face as though she was the first person to think up this witty line! Funny thing was she doesn't even ride a bike. I guess anything other than walking is cheating in a way!

Good point, thanks for the tip. If you think about it that way, Optimus Prime, using your Ion Blaster to kill people and blow up things might be called cheating too! :)
If nothing else, ghost pedal for your heart, lungs, and blood circulation.

Not enough to sweat, just enough to push the blood around in your legs. Enough pedaling to feel slight pressure on your pedals is about 50w of effort, won't ruin your clothes, or make you tired when you get to work.

But a few months of this, you will notice a difference when you go to do more energetic things, like sex. You don't have to sprint, to improve your sprint. For me, the ideal is just a bit more effort than ghost pedaling, 75 to 100 watts. But still not enough to sweat, or be unable to talk or whistle a tune as you ride.
I found a funny thing happened as I got more and more into e biking: with no conscious thought of attempting to get a workout, I've started pedaling more and more. I did 45 miles yesterday, up and over a 8 K+ mountain range, and pedaled the entire way except for maybe 1/4 mile. That's the furthest bike ride I've even done in my life BTW. In the middle of a remote area with no cell coverage, with threatening weather, snow or freezing rain was a strong possibility. The payoff in range is obvious, my first 11.5 AH battery lasted 26 miles, that involved a lot of climbing, once in the valley on level ground on the other side of the range, the remaining 19 miles barely put a dent (?) in the second battery I was carrying. I guess my thinking is : " I'm here on the saddle already, may as well pedal a bit", and then over a few days I found that little bit of pedaling got easier and I started doing it more. I'm a snowboarder in the winter, and know what "the burn" feels like, and I guess when someone tells me I'm not getting a workout or I'm cheating I'll just have to laugh!

Also, this was a work related ride, not just for giggles, I had left my work truck in a remote area (having driven my crane truck back the previous day) after finishing up a job installing a solar water pumping system for a rancher. Riding the bike turned out to be a cost effective not to mention fun way to get back to the job site without having to drive my SUV with the tow bar. I think once the utility of e bikes becomes more widely known, they will be used more and more for very practical reasons. Think of the news footage you've seen of rescuers looking for lost hikers or whoever, on a e bike they won't make any noise (so can hear better) and can access places even a ATV can't go (too wide), the recent offering by Cabela's of an e MTB in their catalog is a good example. Getting called a cheater is laughable, and that's how I'll respond when it happens :twisted:
Got called a "cheater" again this weekend and gained some more insight into the mindset. I was traveling from point A to point B on the SART trail and went to go around this young, athletic guy going about 10 MPH on a beach cruiser along with a mixed group of his friends. I like to go about 17, so I dinged my bell and pulled out to go around him. He looked over at me and poured it on trying to not let me pass, I guess. When he couldn't beat me, he yelled cheater. What's with this competitive nature on a stupid beach cruiser? Young bucks showing off to girls, I suppose. Everyone fancies himself Lance Armstrong.
I think it's just a few that think this way, I think it's much like if you wore Lycra in the late 80s , after a while people adjust to change.

I think we are half way there, most riders I see on my commute don't care and are used to ebikes. 4 years ago it was different.

However on mountain trails people still don't like it, I think they perceive powerful ebikes almost like motor bikes. Especially if u push them along or they have to get out of the road, which I can understand.

All ebikers aren't saints. Few bad apples out there giving people a scare or going too fast. I've seen people going way too fast on paths etc , pisses me off. As it's those events that people form negative opinions from , next ebike they see they give a jab!

And we'll there's always a few pricks that think life is a competition.
Jestronix said:
All ebikers aren't saints. Few bad apples out there giving people a scare or going too fast. I've seen people going way too fast on paths etc , pisses me off. As it's those events that people form negative opinions from , next ebike they see they give a jab!

Exactly or they are just having a bad day and need some outlet to shout at someone, I tend to not to pay too much attention to others cause there are lots of Ah0's out there
The guy on the beach cruiser,, He's the same f head that weaves around on the freeway passing left and right, passes you on the left going 20 mph over the speed limit, then whips into the right lane and jams on his brakes in front of you to make his exit. What's he thinking? He's thinking his cock is biggest, period. He can't just follow a car to the exit, he has to get there 1 nanosecond sooner. He can't be passed on the bike trail either without feeling his cock just shrank 3 inches.
Life's too short. Smile and enjoy the ride!
eSurfer said:
Dauntless said:
eSurfer said:
Everyone fancies himself Lance Armstrong.

And Lance Armstrong is a. . . ?

Your are kidding, right?

Whattaya mean, 'kidding?' Lance Armstrong, the title of the thread, comic timing being what it is. . . .
That would be a good one,, guy yells at you "fkn Lance Armstrong".

Definition of winner,, cheater who did not get caught. But at least Lance had to still pedal hard. We don't. :mrgreen: