Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

....Still, the green hydrogen industry is in its infancy. The rush from companies in Europe is expected to bring as much as €470 billion (US$560 billion) by 2050 in government funding and private investment,
I suspect it will take a LONG time to produce “Green” Hydrogen economically, in quantity...probably 30-50 years.
The problems are many, huge, and some unknown as yet.
Green H2 is one of the many “Boardroom” ideas that sound too good to be true.....and usually are when you try to make it work in practice
Simple factors like generating enough “Green Electricity” to start with, have yet to be resolved, ( it will most likely need Nuclear tech to be accepted as “Green” ) ,..
...and at the other end of the list is the. Simple fact that H2 is incredibly dangerous and near impossible to contain or store economically.
But, the time they have wasted their money , resources, careers and life, on a dumb idea like this, ..the truth about CO2 will have been realised and the folly/Hoax of the century will be laid bare !
This popular YouTuber "The 8-Bit Guy" shows how his house is ruined because of the Texas power outage due to wind turbines etc not providing reliable power during the snowstorm last month.
Cos he couldn't heat his home with electricity his house pipes froze and burst and leaked water all over the house.

USA (Texas) Electricity generation subsidies.
The Texas Public Policy Foundation conducted a major enquiry into this subsidies thing, and released a long findings paper, well, a book really, as all these enquiries release hundreds and hundreds of pages of findings, and titled Federal Energy Subsidies And Support From 2010 To 2019.

So, what they have done is to compare the subsidies on the basis of subsidy dollars per unit of electricity generated, and that actually is a fair comparison, considering coal fired power generates huge amounts of electricity, and renewables so little.

They found that Solar power gets just under $83 in subsidies per MWH, wind power gets $18.86 per MWH and coal fired power receives 73 cents per MWH.

So solar gets 113 times the subsidies of coal fired power, and wind receives just under 26 times the subsidies of coal fired power.i
Kyle hill just done a good video on nuclear.

We need to wake up and look at the true death per twh produced and see that nuclear is safer than the rest by a long margin even with the meltdowns we had.

Coal and fog would kill large amounts daily but its clear with out that stepping stone we still be on open wood fires, we have paid a price for technological evolution but we must see that its our only future.

I million kilograms of coal 1 kilogram of uranuim same energy density whats taking us to deep space not solar i tell u that.

Solar has its place its a second feeder from the suns immense power clearly both methods are needed solar for rural basic power nuclear to power a developed city.
Ianhill, yeah nuclear is alright but no one wants it near them. Plus all the environmental permits and town halls make it not worth building. Capital costs are very high.

2015 Article -
markz said:
Ianhill, yeah nuclear is alright but no one wants it near them. Plus all the environmental permits and town halls make it not worth building. Capital costs are very high.

2015 Article -

No one wants nuclear on their door step even when most have it in reality, 50 miles as the crow flys for me, i agree i wouldn't want an old school reactor its crazy lethal but so was smog and thats visable yet people act like clean coal is a way when its really not the more fine we make the smoke particles the deeper and easier they travel into the lung but lets remember carbon capture is becoming a necessary for the plactic industry as they will be forced to use a percentage of recylced material.

Ill be honest id rather a modern nuclear plant on my door step than a modern coal one fact, 1950 smog in london would have kill figures like covid theres been massive progression in air quality but im concerned we may just limit the poor rsther than expand a network.

Riots are kicking off all time and the silly billy 9n the street that thinks they educated themself go around saying 5g mast are killers while the other side of the coin dint want us to eat meat anymore, ive had a tits full of it all i feel the human race is being domesticated slowly over the years with drip feed news and its working well we are becoming scared of taking responsibility on big future decisions and take the weak cheap route far as i see.

Britain has always done the same save a few quid do it in cheap and let corruption settle in.

I researched the first steam roller new york had one from britian it wasnin 1850 to pave the way for bicycle paths motor cars came along later and got limited to 8mph because the tram networks carryied the many to and from work so cars were seen as a luxury to the rich in 1890's north england made a battery tram that run the network we had a clear edge and a method for public transport that worked.

After the 1st world war big changes were introduced to help the motor car and a faster pace of life tram networks torn up by the end of the 2nd britian had a corrupt transport Secretary Ernest maples that had big shares in tarmac companys and lead the way crushing the rail network and begining the motorway scheme later he had Beecham axe alot of the railways for him this dirty scratch my back amongst the rich has existed for along time i can trace it back to bank of England's existance and its this corruption that leads the people down these rabbit holes shameful but unfixable in my eyes as humans are the flaw we are part virus our dna has ervs we are what we are and act accordingly flawed as a species.

Transfer operations at SONGS began in January 2018 and have not been entirely smooth. That summer, one of the 50-ton canisters became misaligned during handling and was left perched on the rim of its cavity, 20 feet off the ground, without support, for 45 minutes.
markz said: of the 50-ton canisters became misaligned during handling and was left perched on the rim of its cavity, 20 feet off the ground, without support, for 45 minutes.
?. Coffee break maybe ??
But , i dont think they need to worry......
I don't understand, you think that was FAVORABLE to green? $800 trillion cost is claiming it's IMPOSSIBLE to do the green thing. And I'd think you'd LIKE the guy who says "The only true zero-emission power source which can be baseload power today is nuclear power. Nuclear power is one solution championed by the nouveau green…"
markz said:
"Not in my backyard" and preferably "No where near me"
Dauntless said:
Nuclear power

Absolutely. But at least when it was operating there were all these experts supervising every moment. Now it's a big garage. You know how many of those public storage places get broken into? Oh, the rats get into your stuff. All sorts of opportunities for all the additional radioactive material being transported there for storage to cause trouble. Which is what happened with the Japanese tsunami, it was the leftovers laying around that were the problem. You do know our closed plant is at the beach, right?

So the submarine Scorpion was lost in 1968. There's a mystery associated with that, but it was known to be in such bad shape it should have been put in for service but they kept it on duty anyway. An engineer was transferred out to coverup his complaint that it did not belong at sea. Then it surfaced and transmitted a distress call, then disappeared and was claimed lost while a huge search was underway. But apparently the Navy knew where it was all along and this was a charade.

Oh, I don't think it's fair to say there are conspiracy theories about the sinking of a submarine where there was a coverup then a lot of 'We don't really know' once they admitted they knew where it was. But is it possible that it surfaced during a nuclear accident? Could it be that the crew knew they were as good as dead already, as the sub was deliberately sent well below crush depth? Or perhaps they didn't know that was where their Commander was taking them. Although maybe you'd rather believe the theory that the Scorpion was sank by the Soviet Union because they blamed the U.S.S. Swordfish submarine for the loss of one of theirs.

Doesn't a nuclear accident sound tame in comparison to the Tom Clancy novel? At least it's a reasonable possibility. No, I don't want a nuclear submarine in my back yard, either.
Dauntless said:
I don't understand, you think that was FAVORABLE to green? $800 trillion cost …"
YES,... Did you read the same article i did ?
.....I’m simply saying solar energy and wind energy have become cheaper and thus, more attractive in many countries.
This means incredible amounts of clean, renewable electric power are now available to us.
It means an epic transition away from dirty electric power to clean electric power.
It means a reordering of a trillion-dollar-plus industry.
And when one industry is on its way out the door, there will be a surge in new industries taking its place…
Or even a new hybrid model that will allow the previous industry to survive… but in a fashion that’s checked all the boxes to be environmental and social, with proper governance.
But the best part?
We’re going to make a boatload of money being fashionably early… Investing in the new masters of the clean energy universe.
That guy know little about the situation..
Sure , he says it will cost a lot, but his figures are way short of reality...
Converting to “Clean energy”. ?? ..why did he ignor Gas generators ?
80 Gw of solar and winf required ???..Oops.. he forgot about Capacity Factors,..and Back up generation for when Wind and Solar are at “ZERO” output ? TerraWhs of batteries or pumped Hydro needed.
The guy is looking at it as an oportunity to make money !
Hillhater said:
Dauntless said:
I don't understand, you think that was FAVORABLE to green? $800 trillion cost …"
YES,... Did you read the same article i did ?

I obviously didn't read it the same way you did. I took it as him saying it'll cost more than they're saying and do less, offering no true solution. Which is the same way I think of it all. I don't have the aversion to the green technology that you, but I DO have the same cringe factor for the goofs pushing so much of it and acting like it offers more than it does.

Hillhater said:
But the best part?
We’re going to make a boatload of money being fashionably early… Investing in the new masters of the clean energy universe.
That guy know little about the situation..
Sure , he says it will cost a lot, but his figures are way short of reality. . . The guy is looking at it as an oportunity to make money !

Well, yeah, when one industry is on its' way out it leaves unemployed workers in the wake, some never make a living again, etc. I much prefer the hybrid model even if the old one will eventually disappear. That creates a more stable economic environment so there is money to PAY for this expensive transition.

He says THEIR figures are short of reality. He's saying it'll keep costing over and above. The line ". . . .I'll take the over" is referring to that.

But it's a short article, of course he didn't cover everything in detail. I think you don't get the mindless followers to read the whole thing by sounding negative, and he didn't want to anyway. But the choir does need some preaching to about how off track they are, you especially know that. He's trying to get the true believers to listen to him is how I'm taking it. It's an investment research group, he'll speak of the money making angle.

Gas generators.There are remote places such as the Amazon that are off grid. They get gas for their generator and watch TV at night, etc. Those are the EASY people to transition. Yes, some solar panels, a windmill, battery storage. The generator is largely history and we get our effect. The volume of the job to be done is tough, but individually each one is fairly simple. Just as long as they don't triple their demands overnight.
Those generators were provided by the government and the gas is sent every month by the government but the generators are only on for a specific period of time each day, if at all sometimes. No government will pay the price to convert, its a 3rd world country no need for them to spend billions on alternative energy unless Biden gives them free money to convert + extra money for the officials to pocket.
The Gas generators i was refering to are the 1700+ generator plants that supply approx 30% of all electricity in the usa.
They are the single biggest source of electrical generation , more even than coal. !
So why did he ignor them in his costings for converting to “clean” energy ?
It would likely double his 800bn estimate .
The $800 billion is not his estimate. He's saying that is already well short. He's not addressing the full cost, he's saying the things he mentions are going to cost more than they say.