Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

Chalo said:
I mean, most people have cars and children even though those things are bad for them and everybody else too. You can't depend on the wisdom of intoxicated vermin to look out for their own best interests.

Ain't that the truth. About the only way you can get most off the couch is by dangling money in front of them and even that doesn't work too good. GM and the feds almost gave me my new Volt ($17k out the door after state and fed rebate and credits) and I couldn't get any of my friends interested in buying one. My solar system paid for itself in 5½ yrs and they don't believe me. I replaced my tank style water heater with a Chinese NG tankless for way less than a standard one would have cost at the big orange borg. I told all of them I would build them a ebike for free if they promised to use it and only one took me up on it. And later I found out that his kid was the only one that would ride it.

Too many stupid lazy people on this planet.
Programmed robots, urban dwelling consumer driven.

Its sad the more deeper i dive in the more i see we have been programmed to follow a trend by design thats changed since accelareted after 1920's and its flawed its this failure and corruption we see on many levels dragging down the success of common sence.

Not just bikes youtube channel done a bit on urban planning, i seen another one on thatchers privatisation signing bp away days after taking power creating out of town areas that cost the areas they develop around massively with complete new infrastructure links that rarely have little housing around them.

My local valley in 1950 had everything needed yo live all year round and a train could take u away for a break during excursion time, people had it damn hard worked to the bone but had a better self pride and a feeling of belong to the comunity now that is all dead its look after yourself and screw thy neighbour selfish behavoiur that starts in the failure of the youth.

Im not saying go back to the good old days where men smack you up with a belt and cane u in school im saying theres a faluire that keeps happening all over the place and one alone jack may still be a decent boy but compound society's mess and jack not only has a high percentage of being on the non educated side of the coin he will more than likely have no inner passion to learn anything of his past or relevant to his future by being to busy with the dopermine releases of today.

The youth really scare me quackerdile is something i got questioned on with belief and its beyind a joke now gow far media has a grip of educating the nation covid proves it with people been told any face covering meterial will do by law and in uk i kid u not firms have repersosed pants into masks and more than quadrupled their profit on an item while making its demand go through the roof, then some rich twat thought ill put the hurt screw on the fashion conscious added an embroded logo and charge £30 for something that doesnt stop fuk all.

Buy a scuba diving kit ur twats.
Ianhill said:
Buy a scuba diving kit ur twats.

Not before you watch a few MrBallen videos about people doing cave diving. So they show up to go diving after barely getting started and the sign says to stay away from the caves because so many people die there. And they say 'We should try it, how hard can it be?' When one or more don't come back the recovery divers just HAVE to try to get the bodies out, one of the pros dies in the process.

I'll let someone else handle this.
Dauntless said:
Ianhill said:
Buy a scuba diving kit ur twats.

Not before you watch a few MrBallen videos about people doing cave diving. So they show up to go diving after barely getting started and the sign says to stay away from the caves because so many people die there. And they say 'We should try it, how hard can it be?' When one or more don't come back the recovery divers just HAVE to try to get the bodies out, one of the pros dies in the process.

I'll let someone else handle this.

Id send all the lobbyist down that cave and shut the fuker clean off, right to repair this suck a my balls 2 time💥

Problem we got is they do it in plain site large companys add thier stamp of fuk u approval and if they lose the campain its mearly a round in a fight they will persit to chuck money at the war.

It's sicken really to just reveal the tip of the iceburg of our troubles, exon mobile kept co2 issues quite from 1950's to 70s they have a large roll in this mess along with the government spending its militarily budget on the freeways setup at the same time.

Now in uk and france they try to slow the meat production and its clear whats happening they are prepering for war and making countrys weak its like bombing the nazi heavy industrial areas before the war even starts so come riot day you can shut off power food and apply the squeeze sending in miltary to shut down any physical resistance while having full control of digital media avenues such as internet facebook youtube and the good old terestrial tv etc, its all a fix for our own safety u must wear this padded helmet cuz one day u will go mad.
What they are doing is a disgrace, especially the farm industry and John Deere, but all the others doing the same BS. My LG K20 cell phone is encased, once the battery goes the cell phone is gone. I like what Louis Rossmann is doing.
Ianhill said:
Now in uk and france they try to slow the meat production and its clear whats happening they are prepering for war and making countrys weak its like bombing the nazi heavy industrial areas before the war even starts so come riot day you can shut off power food and apply the squeeze sending in miltary to shut down any physical resistance while having full control of digital media avenues such as internet facebook youtube and the good old terestrial tv etc, its all a fix for our own safety u must wear this padded helmet cuz one day u will go mad.

Well, you bring up an interesting point accidentally. People don't understand very little of the bombing was industrial, the Germans always said if the allies had worked harder at those areas it would have taken years off the war. The long term consequences to Europe from the terror bombing is an interesting subject that isn't directly addressed, but my assumption is that to Britain it was leveling the playing field for their own devastation and the U.S. was looking to be ahead of the game. The world changed, not for the better, because the masterminds succeeded and got away with it.
Another “brilliant but flawed”. Idea from the eager to take public money wind industry..
The “mini VAWT” turbine to capture the wind energy from passing traffic. !

Spot the flaw in their calculations...
Coal miners have read the writing on the wall, and now support Biden's clean energy plan for the retraining it will get them. Good for them; a win-win situation.
JackFlorey said:
Coal miners have read the writing on the wall, and now support Biden's clean energy plan for the retraining it will get them. Good for them; a win-win situation.
..i guess there is some “funding” involved in that ??

But, have they read and support Biden’s proposal to reduce BEEF consumption by 90% in 2030 ? ....4ib per person per year,,max ! :shock:
Or do they agree with Kerrys suggestion to “eliminate ALL CO2 in the atmosphere “ ??
The US really has allowed some F*ck Wits to take control this time !
JackFlorey said:
Coal miners have read the writing on the wall, and now support Biden's clean energy plan for the retraining it will get them. Good for them; a win-win situation.

There's always SOME coalminer's receptive to a new career. Over confidence on that turned the 2016 election in coal zones.

Hillhater said:
Or do they agree with Kerrys suggestion to “eliminate ALL CO2 in the atmosphere “ ??
The US really has allowed some F*ck Wits to take control this time !

Kerry was a good man, now he's not much younger than Biden. Perhaps no longer up to it all, but that's too bad.
Hillhater said:
i guess there is some “funding” involved in that ??
Of course. They are transferring the funding from fossil fuels to retraining. Good for them.
But, have they read and support Biden’s proposal to reduce BEEF consumption by 90% in 2030 ?
Oh you silly, gullible guy! You must be reading right wing scare sites. From the FDA today:

"This is a fabrication. There is no such effort or policy that exists by this administration. It’s not a part of the climate plan nor the emissions targets. It is not real.”

Better yet - did you hear that Trump's former economic adviser tried to scare everyone by claiming Biden would force them drink . . . (wait for it) . . . plant based beer?

From Kudlow himself: “OK, got that? No burgers on 4 July. No steaks on the barbecue . . . So get ready. You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag.”

O the horror! O the humanity! Biden will force you to drink beer made out of . . . barley and hops! It will be like Nazi Germany I tell you!

What's next? Will Biden force plant based french fries down your throat? Force you to drink dihydrogen monoxide instead of water? Require you to learn Arabic numerals in school?

There seems to be no limit to how stupid Trump supporters can be.
Or do they agree with Kerrys suggestion to “eliminate ALL CO2 in the atmosphere “ ??
Nope, he didn't say that either.

You really are a sucker for fake news. Hey - did you hear that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary? Go check!
JackFlorey said:
Force you to drink dihydrogen monoxide instead of water?

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.

For more detailed information, including precautions, disposal procedures and storage requirements, refer to one of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available for DHMO:

Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.

Those people say the Biden Administration doesn't think protecting people from Dihydrogen Monoxide is politically beneficial enough for him to bother with it. Since you bring it up. But you really think he's going to FORCE people to drink it?

JackFlorey said:
There seems to be no limit to how stupid Trump supporters can be.

Just to be clear: You're denying that John Kerry said ''Even if we get to net zero, we still need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,"

You say he spoke not a word of " Let's not pretend that 50% by 2030 or 100% by 2050 is enough. The end zone is quite a bit further than that."

Do you really feel safe jumping to deny things that might be said by the guy who himself denied he ever voted for a bill before he did vote for it? Who threatened college students with "you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

JackFlorey said:
You really are a sucker for fake news. Hey - did you hear that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary? Go check!

So when he finds it that proves once again that YOU are the leader in fake news. (Okay dude, you've just GOT to go find that word in that dictionary. We're counting on you.)

You mean you didnt hear him say it ?

JackFlorey wrote: ↑Apr 28 2021 3:41pm
You really are a sucker for fake news. Hey - did you hear that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary? Go check!
Yea ! “Catch 22”. Ehh?.....not falling for it. :lol:
And i am impressed at how fast Dems’s can run backwards away from a beef debate !
..AND.. i cannot wait to hear the latest definition of “NET” zero. !!
Dauntless said:
So when he finds it that proves once again that YOU are the leader in fake news. (Okay dude, you've just GOT to go find that word in that dictionary. We're counting on you.)

How many times have i told you personally to stop talking to other people on this forum like this?
I'm not asking anymore, you're gone.
There will be no more threads which degrade into mostly red versus blue bullshit on this forum and anyone else who wants a taste of the ban hammer after multiple warnings will get it from now on.

A majority of this thread is not worth retaining and would be far too time consuming to clean up.
It is getting dumpstered in a few days, and we will allow any remaining discussion to be concluded.

I would like to apologize to anyone interested in actual discussion of this topic for not moderating it properly sooner.
Please start another discussion on the topic if it interests you, and we will police the overpoliticization of the topic better in the future. That's a promise.
Its sad that its took a trump vs biden stance.

Politics to me has felt distant but lately its being involves in every topic and i get theres a crying urg among the public for some guidance but joining a slanging match red vs blue is not how we unite and become one stronger entity.

Some will fall off the wagon its inevitable people are not a perfect species but if we take neptronix stance snd stay with in topic talk like adults and expect to read adult talk occasionally we csn all get along and accept our slight differences and try to agree on a bigger picture as a whole and talk as a comparison of the techs not the flaws of our govermental systems or start a thread on that if its with in the rules and keep this thread to break throughs and ground breaking ideas.
Unfortuntely , this thread has exposed how political these fundamentaly technical topics have become.
Coal and Nuclear are Politically controlled and dictated in a negative light, whilst Wind and Solar are recieving the opposite Political support. ..Sadly , it seems, with little reference to any technical or logical economic consideration.
Politics is about “now” .. self promotion, power and influence, with likely financial benefits to some of those involved.
There does not appear to be any consideration for what is ACTUALLY the best solution for the long term benefits of society ,..let alone the Planet.!
Its sad to think that a technical forum cannot explore ALLl the aspects of the factors that influence the choice of technologies for power generation now and in the future. :(
I agree that it is very unfortunate we cannot discuss all aspects without certain members flooding threads with political arguments. I wish that was not the case.

Ultimately this is a technology forum with members across the globe and across the ideological spectrum as well.
It becomes non-useful as a technology forum when political issues dominate the discussion.
And people of all stripes should feel welcome here and not feel the need to either go on the attack or the defense of their closely held ideological beliefs.

Yes, politics are a large factor in the energy sector, but these factors need to be discussed objectively as possible so that we don't invite more non-productive discussion.

I promise that enforcement of this new change will be as gentle and fair as it could possibly be.
Well, this might be the final post for me on this thread...

ABC Australia has a 7minute video report on how there is now too much solar electricity being dumped into the grid, and the aim now is to remove the right for homes getting money by dumping power into the grid when no one actually wants it, some reports out there of powerlines burning out due to too much solar being placed into the grid.
Fears proposal to charge households with solar panels to export electricity will kill demand for solar energy
^I waited days for ABC to put the video on their main YouTube channels as per usual, but it appears to me they don't like posting arguably negative solar energy reports on YouTube, so it never got uploaded there. But is on Facebook and their ABC website...

Frankly, I think it is fair enough, if no one WANTS the electricity then no one should be literally FORCED to buy it, that is the core of the argument/problem.
It's basic "supply and demand law", but I have realize over time that supply and demand law is literally too complicated for some folks out there, so the argument can/will go on forever.

It's no different than being forced to buy seawater or air (IMO), but of course, no one wants to buy those commodities because they are also so easy obtained for nothing.
Do you have the legal ability in Australia to disconnect yourself from the grid and provide your own power entirely?
If so i imagine it's quite easy to get yourself personally from under the thumb of those who like to manipulate the market.

In some parts of the USA, disconnecting from the electrical grid entirely is not legal - however no law i know of dictates what percentage of energy one must draw from the electrical grid. In my future house design, it is connected to the grid, however i will only draw 220V power from the grid and not 110v. If a 110v load is required at the end of the line, then the utility company can supply power to my fridge.