You haven't shown any proof of your dribble in over five years and over three hundred pages...
This thread spun off from a previous “global warming dissusion thread”,..specificially to discuss the various grid electricity generation options in the future.
my primary “dribble” over that time was to show how unviable Wind and Solar are on a practical and financial basis.
Of those few countries /state utilities that have committed to a significant W&S proportion substution of their generation capacity,.. ALL of them have seen dramatic increases in the power cost to the consumers ..FACT !
As some of you are now slowly realising , energy cost is not just about the price of the fuel. Many other factors are in play.
“Back up systems”,.. storage, , syncronisation, support generation, more transmission lines from the multiple generation sites, and much shorter life cycles compare to Thermal generators….all multiply the real cost of that generation.
Another side effect of these increased energy costs is the effect on economies.
Germany, once a European industrial and economical powerhouse and a trendsetter in RE, is now a seriously in trouble economically as many of their major industries have jumped ship to cheaper operating countries, and the crippling financial dept from their investment in Wind and Solar. Whilst having to maintain a full Thermal generation capacity for back up !
Australia is headed the same way, Motor industry shut, Aluminium industry (a high energy consumer) shutting down ( even though heavily subsidised).
Take a look at the UK also,..another RE “leader” !
How much “proof” do you need that Wind and Solar are a fools solution to a non existant problem ?
As for the ongoing CO2 debate…
it doesnt really matter if you believe CO2 is the evil gas , nothing you , me, or anyone else i the UN does, until China, India, Africa,etc decides to destroy their own economies,….then you are flogging a dead horse argument !