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Xenforo conversion thread

Yeah per previous postings;

We have two big content problems:
1) youtube links were converted during testing ( everything looked OK according to us ) but not in the final version.
2) when people typed links in phpbb without the URL tag, it would magically convert to links - but it would write the link without the URL tag. Xenforo doesn't work this way, it requires you to press the link button. So these show as plaintext.
Only certain users on phpbb used this functionality..

I will have a fix in ~2 weeks. This will require writing some specialized code to fix.

Sorry about the mess!
@gobi , I think this is being worked on.
Regarding the linked post below, some more info:

If I F5 (refresh) the page for either of the filtered pages as linked, it sometimes shows some new unread / unanswered posts, sometimes not. I have as yet been unable to determine the rules by which it shows new unread stuff vs when it does not. Also, the new unread posts could show up anywhere in the list, with for instance some still-read posts showing up at the top of the list, but new unread posts showing in the list below that, then more still-read posts. Doesn't make sense and I'm sure there is a pattern to it but I don't know what it is.

But just now, after refreshing and seeing nothing new (but still showing posts that are not unread and that have been replied to, and therefore do not qualify under the Unread or Unanswered filters and thus should not be showing up at all), I accidentally opened the "New posts" link in a new tab, and it shows several unread and unanswered posts. :? Refreshing the other tab still shows the same posts it did, and none of these new posts.

Refreshing this page after middle clicking each thread's "dated/timed" link on the right to open each in a new tab (thus marking them read) still shows all teh posts it did, though they don't have the red mark on them at the left to show they're unread.

But then just clicking the New Posts link at the top left again clears all of that and now shows "no results found".

This is very confusing behavior to a user, as it doesn't behave as expected. (if it's designed to do this, it's a bad design).

As a note, the URL at the top of each of these pages every time you click the New Posts link is different--the number at the end of the link is different. So XF is not just refreshing a page when you view it from the link, it is creating a whole new page each time, so that's probalby why it doesn't behave as expected.

Unfortunately this makes it much more difficult to use that it should be.

To use it "correctly", one must open a new tab every time using the New Posts link, and then change the filters to match what you want to see, every single time you want to check if there are Unread posts, and again every time you want to check if there are Unanswered posts. (if you only wanted to see one or the other, you could save as default, but you can only have one saved default, which means you still have to change the fitler every time you use the page for the other one).

This means that, at the least, I am unlikely to help answer questions as much as I otherwise would, as I'm not going to do that multiple times a day, when I should be able to just refresh a tab's view to do this.

I doubt you can change this behavior, but if it turns out to be possible it would be extremely helpful not just to me, but to those posting new threads for questions they need answers to.

EDIT: So there is a sort of workaround; if the default filters are set as Unread and Unanswered, then keeping two tabs open and instead of refreshing them, you click the New posts link in each, and just close teh Unanswered filter on the one and dont' do it on the other, then you can relatively quickly still "refresh" them for real....

But it still shoudln't be necessary, so hopefully the behavior of a page refresh can be changed to be an actual refresh of the page being viewed, for this function (well, really, all functions should work that way ;) ).

Not sure why, but this page
that I have set filters Show Only Unread and Show Only Unanswered on, still shows posts that have been answered, and that are read.

This page
that I have set filters Show Only Unread on, still shows posts that have been read.

Because there's no simple set of links for the Unread and Unanswered posts like PHPBB had, the only good way for me to keep checking these to see who needs help is to keep a tab open for each one, and just refresh it (F5) when I am checking.

When i do, it does show me the unread and the unanswered, but it *also* shows stuff it should not, based on the chosen filters.

If anyone can tell me a way to make the filters work as they should, I'd appreciate it.
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Regarding search results:

The search is being limited somewhere in XF outside where a user can do anything about it. It won't show all the results (sometimes it only shows one) that exist.

For instance, this member
has multiple posts, which you can clearly see in this thread, for instance
but if you go to their profile and click on Postings, it will only show you one (that is not even in that thread), even if you click the See More button.
There are no other controls anywhere to do anything to see the other posts.

This makes it difficult to help people, as finding existing information I know is there but can only remember who posted it, and not what it was called, is literally impossible in the cases where this happens. Or in (the many) cases where I'd like to help someone that has several threads going about something, but they've only put tiny bits of the information needed to do so in the current thread, and the rest is scattered among their other threads...if I can't see what other threads they've posted, I can't find that info. :(

As much as I would like to like XF, even PHPBB's search was more useful in this regard (though it certainly sucked for narrowing down results, and wouldn't even search for some things at all, at least I could usually see them all to filter them myself when it cooperated).

Another search results issue (within a member's posts, at least, haven't checked in regular search) is that it shows just the thread title for every post, and it does not put "Re:" or anything else on them to distinguish the original first post of a thread from later posts in that thread. (virtually anything it could prefix to the results displayed would help, for all posts that are in the same thread--it doesn't have to show them in the thread itself as it does'nt matter there). This makes it a lot harder for me to find and fix the many newbies that make multiple copies of the same post / thread because they are too impatient to wait ten seconds ;) for someone to have time to run across the post, then to read it and reply to them. :( I have to open every single post they have with the same title to see if they have made multiple threads or if they are all in the same one, and then I can merge them together once I find them, so the rest of us aren't wasting our time trying to help them in multiple threads.

Additionally, (I think someone else may have covered this?) there appears to be no way to search within a single thread you are viewing, which was VERY helpful especially in threads more than a couple of pages long, and actually did work well in PHPBB. If there is a way to get this back it would be much appreciated.

I have yet to extensively use search, so there are likely other improvements that could be made; others have posted here about some of them already I think.
BTW, don't take my posts on all this stuff as negative, I just want to provide those that can change things with information that will help them make the forum better and more usable for everyone (which does include myself ;) ).
Regarding unread posts, it would be helpful if XF would take you to the first unread post in a thread, and not just the most recent post.

The only options I can find in any of the lists of threads, whether they are from one of the linked "search pages" at the top (like New posts, Watched, etc) or from a forum itself, are the title link at the left or the date/time just below it, which take you to the first post of the thread, or the date/time link at the right whcih take you to the latest post, or the member profile links at the left for the OP and the right for the latest replier.

Altering the one on the right, or linkifying the red icon you have added to mark a thread unread, so that it takes you to the latest unread post, would be helpful and save a lot of time having to scroll around (and page thru) a thread to find the last post you remember reading (or skimming/reading the whole thread again if you can't figure out which one that was, until you get to someplace you definitely don't recognize to start reading the new stuff.

I just noticed that *after your'e already in a thread*, you can scroll all the way to the top and click the Jump to New button and it will take you there...but you have to first go to the thread and then scroll up to the top (if you clicked the latest link) or go to the thread (if you clicked the thread OP link).

So the functionality does exist in XF, it's just not built into the right place yet. ;)
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I think some attachments have been crosslinked in some posts. In the example below, it appears to only be for attachments that were lost by PHPBB previously as the graveyard version gives "The selected attachment does not exist anymore." when clicking those links.

This one
some of the attachment links take you to photos that I'm pretty sure are not part of that thread. (the others correctly go to what they should, or give an "oops we couldn't find that" kind of error as expected because of previously-damaged PHPBB content. ).
I think some attachments have been crosslinked in some posts. In the example below, it appears to only be for attachments that were lost by PHPBB previously as the graveyard version gives "The selected attachment does not exist anymore." when clicking those links.

This one
some of the attachment links take you to photos that I'm pretty sure are not part of that thread. (the others correctly go to what they should, or give an "oops we couldn't find that" kind of error as expected because of previously-damaged PHPBB content. ).

This is a rather strange behavior in terms of how it converted missing content. I think it is not worth fixing as it means just re-breaking it another way.. 🤷‍♂️

I'm just reporting anything I run across, in case it is a symptom of some other issue. ;)

Inserting images via links to other sites doesn't seem to work as expected.

If I click the Insert Image button (or Ctrl-P) and then use the By URL tab, pasting a link such as
and then OK gets "image cannot be loaded from the passed link".

I tried it without the https:// on the URL and with, since it shows http:// right above the box (and if you click on it just right it moves the http:// into the box but that will not stay there once you click in the box to type or paste, which is a wierd behavior that is confusing).

If I use a URL off this site, such as this for the avatar of the post right above this one as an easily accessed image
then it works with no error

so it isn't the https:// or the image format (jpg) causing the problem. I have not yet experimented with many images, this was the first one I had tried to insert as just a linked image rather than attached.

I can attach either image just fine:

and I can also manually insert the image with IMG tags if I toggle BBcode:
The broken content is out of hand.

Getting ready to work on the content processor to fix all the known content issues, even going back to issues that we had on phpbb.

Content processor.png
If there is anything specific you'd like me to check out, just list it here and I'll post results as I test. (I'm home sick again today, so on the site fairly often ATM, between dozing sessions).
It sounds like attaching 'by URL' just doesn't work.
In fact we kind of don't want it to work because people move images later and we lose content as the years go by as a result

On the other hand, i can drag and drop images from other websites, my desktop, my files, or my clipboard, which is a lot nicer than having to manually copy a link anyway.


result of right click > copy fat pikachu > go back to es > ctrl-v:

Fat Pikachu | Know Your Meme

..it ends up making a copy on the server via the "image proxy", which is what we want it to do.
If there is anything specific you'd like me to check out, just list it here and I'll post results as I test. (I'm home sick again today, so on the site fairly often ATM, between dozing sessions).
Nah, you already got my plate plenty full!
It sounds like attaching 'by URL' just doesn't work.
In fact we kind of don't want it to work because people move images later and we lose content as the years go by as a result
True. :) I'm just trying to test things as I have chances to do it (normally I only attach images, and if they came from somewhere else aslo give a link to the soruce).

Maybe just take the By URL tab off the dialog. ;)

On the other hand, i can drag and drop images from other websites, my desktop, my files, or my clipboard, which is a lot nicer than having to manually copy a link anyway.
I didn't try that yet, as I've had a number of sites that supposedly support this end up just showing the dragged item as a media page, taking me away from the page I was actually on where I was editing or typing something, so what was entered alreayd was lost.

I'll try it out with ESXF though.
Nah, you already got my plate plenty full!
Only one plate? I was going for full on banquet.... :lol:

When I used to do beta testing for music software, I would generate so many bug reports for so many different problems that only a few percent would ever even get looked at for any particular version (I once got an "award" for finding more bugs than the entire rest of the beta team including the internal testers and programmers. :oops: )
When I used to do beta testing for music software, I would generate so many bug reports for so many different problems that only a few percent would ever even get looked at for any particular version (I once got an "award" for finding more bugs than the entire rest of the beta team including the internal testers and programmers. :oops: )

Was this open source ( usually they are not concerned about rough edges ) or commercial software ( usually the are concerned )?

I can see how you'd be a good tester!
Mostly commercial DAW software or effect/instrument host software; with a few commercial and user-made VSTs or DX/DXIs. I can't remember all of them (none of them are in business anymore AFAIK; I think some of them sold their stuff on to other companies, or were bought out, etc). The main one was Cakewalk, and then SONAR, which Cakewalk evolved into at the turn of the century. I think I tested ten major versions over a decade or so; the last one was v8.5.3 IIRC (they kept making them for a few years as they were bought by different companies, but I'd run out of time/energy to keep up by then). That's what I still use to make my music, like this one you might enjoy (if it doesn't get you at first, you can go in to about 43 seconds where the main bit starts):

I also tested Cakewalk's Project5 v1&2 (which I used a little after, but mostly not, as it's essentially a live-looping performance platform like AbletonLive and doesn't really fit my composing style), and their only apple foray Metro (never really used it after, though) Brainspawn's Forte v1, might also have tested v2 but can't recall. (it won't run in Windows11 so I can't bring it up to see on this laptop). Some instruments like Tassman (which hasn't worked since WindowsXP), Rapture, Dimension, SessionDrummer, DR-008 (all of which I still use), DrumCore (which I never really used after testing; it's way too complicated to setup and use, though it sounded awesome if you could deal with all that), I forget the list of effects, but includes the SonitusFX suite SONAR ended up packaged with (which I use a lot).

The main thing about the commercial stuff is that by the time it's in beta, marketing already has been advertising it for a while (yeah, I don't get that either, if it's not done how can you advertise it?) and it has a set date of release, so there are certain features that must be completed and working by that date, even if stuff elsewhere is broken or unfinished (cuz you can deal with that in a point release, apparently). So any problems not directly relating to the marketed bulletlist of stuff are backburnered, and anything that is a feature from previous releases isn't new so it has much lower priority than anything new (even if not advertised). The older the release it was created in, the lower on the list it is, and mostly older stuff never gets fixed because it's not marketable anymore--even if it's a bug that renders a feature essentially unusable, as long as it doesn't actually crash the program (crashes of any kind are always a high priority, but sometimes they result in feature *removal* rather than repair due to priorities). Retarded, but that's how it worked (not with all of the companies).

Sometimes they would listen to the beta teams about how something needed to work to be useful, and sometimes marketing either had already advertised it a certain way so it couldn't be changed, or had decided for everyone that it must work this way because that's how it works in "the other programs" (even if all the users of those programs would rather it didn't), and that's just how it was going to be. That was almost always UI things, most often appearance-related, or how a control/etc would work onscreen, and when marketing decided such things it was never good and always less to much less usable than it would've been if actual users of the program had any say about it. :( Sometimes we even were able to get new features written in and included in that version even after it was in beta, if it could be done without interfering with other things. Not often, but it happened. A couple of times the beta team as a whole had such a huge problem with how some UI thing worked (making it effectively unusable) that we were able to essentially override marketing/etc and get them to do it the "right" way, but this was very rare.
Regarding unread posts, it would be helpful if XF would take you to the first unread post in a thread, and not just the most recent post.

The only options I can find in any of the lists of threads, whether they are from one of the linked "search pages" at the top (like New posts, Watched, etc) or from a forum itself, are the title link at the left or the date/time just below it, which take you to the first post of the thread, or the date/time link at the right whcih take you to the latest post, or the member profile links at the left for the OP and the right for the latest replier.

Altering the one on the right, or linkifying the red icon you have added to mark a thread unread, so that it takes you to the latest unread post, would be helpful and save a lot of time having to scroll around (and page thru) a thread to find the last post you remember reading (or skimming/reading the whole thread again if you can't figure out which one that was, until you get to someplace you definitely don't recognize to start reading the new stuff.

I just noticed that *after your'e already in a thread*, you can scroll all the way to the top and click the Jump to New button and it will take you there...but you have to first go to the thread and then scroll up to the top (if you clicked the latest link) or go to the thread (if you clicked the thread OP link).

So the functionality does exist in XF, it's just not built into the right place yet. ;)
Yes! +1 Please! :love:
So, I noticed that I cannot find any of my posts from 2017 until now after the conversion. I went to the archive and see them there.

Didn't notice anyone else complaining about missing posts, but just figured I'd chime in since I noticed something.
For existing posts with general hyperlinks, or links to YouTube videos, the conversion changed those links into plain text. I noticed that by just opening the post using the edit button, then saving without making any changes, will convert the plain text back to hyperlinks. Maybe this was already discussed on this thread, but am I recalling incorrectly that the old system allowed searching within a thread?

This first one is subtle but you can see the hyperlink text turns blue:


YT links.jpg
Can't recall if it's covered before, but it didn't import any bookmarked threads from the PHPBB version. I only have a page of them, so I can probably go to the archived old version and find those in my profile, then open them in the new forum, then rebookmark them here....but I feel sorry for anyone that had lots of bookmarks cuz they're in for a lot of work.

Hmm, I had bookmarks numbering in 3 digits, it was a royal pain to migrate

Bookmarks ( barely anyone used this feature ) did not make it through the conversion process so if you really need them, visit ES 1.0 Graveyard - Index page and manually restore them if need be.

Earlier I had wished a folder kind of feature for bookmarks and with XF conversion, there is a label option that would do the job, but unfortunately it is not working. Your plate seems overflowing, so I am not even requesting that feature :), but just wanted to let you know the state.

And w.r.t unread posts, XF is taking me to the first unread post in a thread, not to the last post, but others have mentioned that the reverse is happening :unsure: . Also to reach the first unread post in a thread it takes only one click as compared to two in PHPBB, that is really helpful.

I really like the forum in XF, thanks neptronix for your effort, Grin Technologies support and to anyone working behind the scenes
Maybe this was already discussed on this thread, but am I recalling incorrectly that the old system allowed searching within a thread?
Yes, it did, there's nothing to do that in XF that I can find. Hopefully it can be added back in, as it was extremely useful to me for helping me find info people needed.

And w.r.t unread posts, XF is taking me to the first unread post in a thread, not to the last post, but others have mentioned that the reverse is happening :unsure: . Also to reach the first unread post in a thread it takes only one click as compared to two in PHPBB, that is really helpful.

That's strange. The opposite of both of those is true for me.

In PHPBB I would simply have to click the red page icon in my subscribed threads list to go to the first unread post in a thread.

In XF, the only way I can find to do that is to click one of the two links that take me to the first or last post in a thread, then go to the top of the page and click the Jump to New button.
Currently for me, default operation when ctrl+clicking on a thread title listed in the New Posts list opens the thread in a new tab pre-scrolled to the first unread post! :love:
Firefox 110.0 on Windows 10

Only a very few (seems to be old old threads started many years ago?) open up to the first post in the thread. Clicking on the Jump to new button brings up the first unread post in that thread.
That's strange. The opposite of both of those is true for me.

In PHPBB I would simply have to click the red page icon in my subscribed threads list to go to the first unread post in a thread.

In XF, the only way I can find to do that is to click one of the two links that take me to the first or last post in a thread, then go to the top of the page and click the Jump to New button.

My observation as below with screenshots,

1. XF: XF_subforum.png -> click on unread thread "FLIPSKY new 20s 100A tiny controller (vesc based)" -> XF_clicked_unread_thread.png (1 click - it directly jumps to the first unread post in that thread, see the "New" tag on both the new posts. If the thread is scrolled to see previous post, XF_unread_thread_minus1.png shows the previous one not having "New" tag)

2. PHPBB: PHPBB_subforum.png -> click on unread thread "kWeld - Next level DIY battery spot welder" -> PHPBB_clicked_unread_thread.png (it jumps only to the first page of that thread) -> click "First unread post" -> PHPBB_clicked_unread_post.png (to reach to the first unread post - 2 clicks)

I use multiple machines, all Linux based (counting Android as a Linux flavor), browser used is mostly Firefox, updated to the latest for the particular platform.


  • PHPBB_clicked_unread_thread.png
    222.2 KB · Views: 4
  • PHPBB_clicked_unread_post.png
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  • XF_subforum.png
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  • XF_clicked_unread_thread.png
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  • XF_unread_post_minus1.png
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  • PHPBB_subforum.png
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Another observation, reply to a post (say P1) that is already a reply to another post (P2) doesn't include P2, but only P1
I poked at the last-reply issue and found that any thread created after the conversion seems to operate as you found, where the thread title link (at the left) in a list of threads (watched, new, etc) takes me to the first unread post, and the date/time link (at the right) takes me to the last post.

Threads created before the conversion seem to mostly operate as I had previously observed. Once (but only once, and I've already forgotten which thread it was) it operated as you had observed instead. Then I ran out of unread posts made since the conversion, so I can't test this any further myself. (any reply made before the conversion operates as I had observed originally, of the many I tested (dozens?...lost track)).

So, if the behavior holds true from this point, the thread title link itself is now the first unread link, which will do the job needed. (I'd prefer that it actually still go to the first post of that thread, and there be a separate first unread link, but I can live with the present apparent functionality.)

But...it's still wierd that post-conversion and pre-conversion last-replies have different functionality, and doesn't make sense to me, since XF should be building all those links from the post-conversion data?.