
Nice work Kim. Remember where the ali end and your fingers begin. They are not meant to be part of the motor mount. he he

bzhwindtalker said:
How in the world do you manage to build those things with no mill, and no lathe??? Amazing work man that motor case/mount is brillant.

Cheers Talkin in da WinD man :wink: Takes ALOT of patience especially with 10mm ali, large majority of what you see is hand filled
still alot of wet sanding before i polish the pieces, i think these parts polished will go nicely with the blue anodized 2 speed ThudSTeR
has put together for me :wink:

Danny Mayes said:
I agree. Looks very nice indeed AJ D

Thanks 'D MaN' shouldnt be long now buddy...

Warren said:
"How in the world do you manage to build those things with no mill, and no lathe???"

He did it the same way the they built the first mills, and lathes, except they did it with non-power hand tools. :)

He is what we used to call a master craftsman.

Dunno about the master craftsman :shock: but thankyou ... i dont have access to the machinery usually used for such jobs
but still want the cnc 'look' so alot of patience is required is all, a steady hand, a range of different profile
hand files... and a comfortable seat LoL

flyinmonkie said:
Nice work Kim. Remember where the ali end and your fingers begin. They are not meant to be part of the motor mount. he he


HAHA funny man Clay aintcha LoL... Yeah i usually religiously wear a glove on my left hand when welding ot using the angle
grinder, have chunked glove heap of times with no damage to the hand, unfortunately i have no frocking
idea where my gloves are, missplaced them in the move back to my place im afraid, lesson for all you
guys, safety glassess ear protection AND GLOVES when using power tools!

Hyena said:
Nice, the motor mounts look sweet.
This bike shall now be called... The Omega :p

Ahhh Jay Jay Jay, you seem to be in the wrong section of the forum! I'm actually surpriesed your here at all :shock:
you still raging from last nights Sydney Mardi Gra? did you ride your e-bike in your assless chaps
in the parade...again. this year? LOL... :p :mrgreen:

Thanks again guys for the encouraging comments, day off today fingers are actually alot better
than i thought they would be, so should be back into it tomorrow, get this job finished ready to mount the box
when she arrives, not sure ill be ready for the Electrathon mid March though...

Getting together a lil kit for this mad man.
Here is the 2 speed after a final assembly & fit this evening.......I bet i assemble,feel,disasemble....file/ each of these things 30 times befor they are declaired ready for the anodising tank.


thats a 12fet controller case for a size referance.
still having a glitch on the controller build...but we will sort that tomorrow....should have a package out bound monday.


looks like another day before the mail also screws with the colors a little...but it looks good to me.
That is beeeauuudiful Todd!! just pmed you before i saw these new pics, mate you have out done yourself! The 'blue' on the tranny where thumb is, would be closest to what it looks like in person i am guessing? if so thats a pretty damn close match to the anodized parts on the bike! Can't wait to get my mits on it and get this BiG MoFo CA120 hooked up to her! This bike is going to PiiiSS!

I find it absolutely amazing at what you can produce with such little equipment that you have AJ. A truly amazing build mate!!
Damn... I have made parts with a mill that are way worse looking than that.... your beavers are trained well master kim.
Goood stuff ThudSTeR ;) loving the blue anodizing
im thinking this bike will have its first hit out before end off March!
My birthday this Wednesday this will be a nice prezzy to myself LOL 8)

Cheers all for the positive feedback, LoL@Farfle, yup the "beavers"
are highly trained ::wink::

Thanks Todd ;)

AussieJester said:
Goood stuff ThudSTeR ;) loving the blue anodizing
im thinking this bike will have its first hit out before end off March!

Bugger, your gonna be done ages before me at this rate. Mine doesn't even roll right now.
Farfle said:
AussieJester said:
Goood stuff ThudSTeR ;) loving the blue anodizing
im thinking this bike will have its first hit out before end off March!

Bugger, your gonna be done ages before me at this rate. Mine doesn't even roll right now.

Could be close :: snickers:: ...but i got all i need in the workshop now to
make her runzzzz... :mrgreen: 8)

Delivery from ThuDSTeR arrived a few days ago, i been faffing about
getting things organised, heres a few shots of the gearbox all mounted ready to rock-n-roll!


left of pic, that be your reduction unit Danny_Mayes ::wink::


And of course the 18fet controller modified ala Thud /methods stylin'



Lil thing-a-ma-jig in front of the controller be the 72v-12v dc/dc converter cute lil thang
ain't it LoL...

Back to it, had to shoot to Coventry Fasteners for FOUR BOLTS!!! yesterday 50 buck
cab fair later :: rolls eyes:: thankgod for my 75% discount voucher book for Taxis!
Were needed to mount the gearbox so couldn't do without...had to be countersunk variety.

ciao for now ladies..

awesome looking bits of kit there, I just hope your spokes are up to the job. Being the manly sort that you are your grip on the handlebars shouldn't be a problem. :p
That looks fawkin awesome! Wonder if thud could build a plus-size version of that two speed with more beef for uh, plus size outrunners :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
that is awsome are you hoping to get it fitted and tested soon ,(with vids hoping)
gotta a question for you as im thinking of trying one of these beasts in the bogrunner(thats what im calling my frames)
have you figured out the miles per amp hours yet
Quick thanks to the guys following the thread and offering support, i appologise for
the lack of updates the last few days, i left my mobile phone at the girls place over
the weekend, i will be catching up with her tomorrow night will pick it up then OH have a "job"
interview Thursday morning to ok ok ok guyz dont get carried away, its only a very casual
public speaking job, talking about spinal injuries to younger adults in the 15-17 year age bracket.

Aaaanywayz... i have been slowly ticking everything off and am happy to say
i will be onto the wiring this afternoon, i have had a few minor (insert 'major')
"hiccups" the stabilizer setup being the major piss off, then the mount i made
for the gearbox, turns out it fouled by a few millimeters on the chain from
box to rear sprocket aaaargh, doesnt sound major but when you have to take
it off the bike for the 17th time dissamble the whole unit to carve a few mm's
off the frocking thing it becomes uhm a PISS OFF!! LOL.. so once all this
was fixed i found the stabilizer wouldnt go full down, hit the bottom bracket
on the seat tube didnt...oooooff everything comes again to grind away at the bracket aaaaargh

SO... Now i have everything back on, all the flats on the shaft (with exception to the
rear freewheel adapter will be near last on list once everything is assembled and chainline confirmed)
I know i know none of you like flats on the shafts well, i dont like dimples much after tearing a shaft near in half when the thing decided to chew through the shaft :-| Flats i have never had an issue, i'm staying with what has worked for me, soz guyz...

I hope to have a rather 'pleasing' update (ride video) come Thursday arvo Friday morning PERHAPS
even Wednesday night depending on how i go working the wiring out
from the old junction box and bar mounted switches AND my big concern the beta
Cycle Analyst made for RC ESC application, anyone aware if i can use this
on the 18fet Infineon? i was hoping i could at least wire in the shunt and get
some current measuring etc? anyhoot...back to it, my workshop
looks like a bomb hit it i smell like the underside of swamp rat
and AGAIN!! i sliced my finger open with the frocking angle grinder bastard thing
bit me on THE SAME finger as last time!! it just finished healing thankfully
not as bad, i slipped applying candle wax to the cutt off disk grrrr...

Back soon chaps...

Looking good!

So done in time for Easter?
The wicker easter bunny basket up front will look great filled with hand painted eggs (is that... blood?) when you're delivering them to the kids on Thursday. :wink:

Good luck with the interview.