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Rawatron emotorcycles any experience?

Mar 10, 2024
There are multiple e motorcycles that are based off the Daymak EM2 here in Canada. Aramada, Rawatron etc. Rawatron in exclusive to one company but is essentially the same product with different variations in display and cosmetics. Does anyone have experience with Rawatron? How can you access the controller settings like Daymak? The dealer is ambiguous and not overly helpful in providing any info, they just want a good chunk of money to look at it or change programming etc. The bluetooth does not show up as Daymak but as a number (053) and only for access to play music/phonecalls. The Daymak app does not appear to link up to change any settings. The Daymak 12345678 password does not work.
Haven't seen that one before, but these things generally are not made by the company that has their name on them, and the dealers rarely get any useful info from the company. They don't usually even know who actually made them (probably think they are made by the company they deal for, if they put any thought into it at all). Even the company that sells them may not have any technical info on them at all, just ordering them in batches from some manufacturer and dropshipping them to individuals and/or dealers by the containerload, never actually seeing the product they sell. The manufacturer of each batch may even be different.

If the dealer does have technical info, they dont' useually give it away, since post-sales service is probably their main income.

If you look at the actual parts used, there might be manufacturer labels on them that may lead you to them, but they also don't usually release any technical info or setup software, etc. to end users. Worth a try, though, because you might find someone that posted software or settings or other helpful info under that controller/display/etc name rather than the whole-vehicle name.
Good points, The hardware is generic therefore hard to to determine the who/what made it and how to access it for support. It's clearly not made by this company and the brand stickers they put on the bikes look like they were made on a Cricut by a novice. It's just a rebranded mass produced bike. Might be better to just go with all aftermarket parts that can be traced to an actual company for support. Chances are they use the cheapest parts to keep costs down. The fact they want $150 to look at it and $200 to program the controller says a lot about their customer service.
The hardware is generic therefore hard to to determine the who/what made it and how to access it for support.
What specifcally do you mean by "generic"?
A quick google for "Smartbrushless Controller" does find some pages with that, one of which says the manufacturer is "GOBAO SmartBrushless Controller Producer: GuangDon Gaobao Electronic Technology Co.,", if you want to dig into that.
A quick google on that company name says their site is GOBAO – GUANGDONG GOBAO INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD

The same search with a space in the first word has other hits but is less likely to have as many relevant results since many controllers are called "smart".

The numbers on the barcode are too blurry in the pic for me to try to use them in searches, but you can try various portions of them.

Sometimes a search with combinations of info from the various parts will find things that searches on single bits of info don't.