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Ridehax Podcast (was :Endless Sphere Podcast / Ebike Nerdcast)


It will be hard to beat Justin, but there are alot of players doing amazing things with ebikes. There is no shortage of awesome people to keep the good times rolling :) Frankly I'm glad we didn't have him on until episode 19, so that we got all the podcast bugs worked out, at least most of them...

Thanks for the kind words GMU :)
Yes I have to agree with the other posters on this thread. Absolutely love the podcast. Nothing is better than hearing the quirky personalities, strange dialects, and interesting conversations that get brought up on the nerdcast. Seems like we are all on the edge of something amazing...if we can just get past a few small issues.

Whats the deal with China and there millions of hub motors/billions of people. You would think a few entrepreneurs would be interesting in starting a business clearing up the fog with doing business over there. Like Justin said...no one is interesting in the small volume/high quality market.

Think about it...They make a dollar a week (exagerating for extra drama), take the time and get us the products we need and we will happily pay for it. Get a few guys with skills like Farfle, Luke, etc that can source some strators, axels, and put together a team that can wind them. Id love to buy a dual magpie setup, but I cant justify spending half a month man-hours to put one together. Get a high quality product and sell it on ebay. Sell a couple of motors a month and live high on the horse.

Never understood some countries mentality. Ive been to parts of Asia and Mexico and litterally you'd have to walk past dozens of unemployed people to walk into a fancy restaurant. God forbid that you walk into the bathroom overseas and have to witness what happens when it goes years without a cleaning. Take some of the un employeed and give them a job...clean your bathrooms...remove the grafitti off the walls, fix your infrastructure, it will increase business!

Sorry a small rant....great podcast!
sflorlando said:
quirky personalities, strange dialects

Story of our lives. :mrgreen:

For the record, I can't stand to hear myself talk either :)
Yes great stuff.

What has been great is re-listening to the podcast. I started listening before I ever even seen an ebike. The first few i listened to I was hooked by the passion you guys had toward this movement.

I was completely lost at first. LVC, HVC, BMS, mosfets...all greek to me. After building two bikes and working on a moped, I can now understand the conversations and find a lot of value in it. Thanks Guys.
Episode 22 is live with Luke and Todd! - http://troyrank.com/2012/07/01/ebike-nerd-podcast-episode-22/
Good to hear all you guys, maybe we should plan on setting up a podcast during one of the races so we can get everybody on?
It's always so GOOD Troy!

You know my only complaint: MORE more MORE more!!!

Seriously man...good job. To me is this a big part of ES and we all really appreciate the effort!

Yes I second that guys!! the best hour of chat I can think of? ha ha awesome I could listen for hours more, Luke is a proper legend and doesn't get enough credit IMHO for actually racing that bike of his, he has balls of steel!! Props to you too Troy for taking the time to do the shows with Greg, I always look forward to listening to them, thanks guys :D

I apologize for not doing more. Crazy crazy busy. The only reason it happens at all is because of Greg. He sets them all up and all I do is show up :) :mrgreen:
Episode 23 is live with Amberwolf! http://troyrank.com/2012/08/10/ebike-nerd-podcast-episode-23/

My apologies for waiting so long to post it guys, I've been super swamped, getting married later today :)
grindz145 said:
My apologies for waiting so long to post it guys, I've been super swamped, getting married later today :)
GTFO of here man!!

Congrats in advance. I hope she shares your enthusiasm for ebikes. May the only chain in your relationship be around your sprockets :mrgreen:
Gifts of wisdom from uncle hyena on your wedding day :lol:
Congrats, Troy!

Re the podcast, i should note that the original plan was to numberonebikeslover on along with AW, hence the 'recycling' theme, but we couldn't reach naeem before showtime and went ahead anyway. turns out it was a three day brown out! we hope to get naeem another time...
Good point Greg, i should update that it's more about Mikes car free lifestyle which I envy so much
Hey great news on both points!! good luck on the marriage buddy! thats a great excuse for a party and a drink if nothing else :wink:

Amberwolf is a top man! mucho respect for what he gets done! :mrgreen: I will do my usual! download the podcast, put it on my phone and then go and listen to it whilst on an ebike ride! I find thats the best way to do it ha ha 8)
Just consider yoursleves lucky that he could edit it for you to cut out all the long pauses while I collected the smoked brain cells and salvaged their thoughts, and whatever wild ramblings might've been in there. ;) Might've saved you at least three or four hours of listening time. :p
i might have been a bit over eager. :lol:

it was my second podcast edit, and i did it mostly visually, cutting out virtually all holes in the wave longer than .25 sec. :twisted:

now you're ready for the nightly news broadcast. :mrgreen: :lol:

great chatting with you. listeners might benefit as well from this visual:
GCinDC said:
i might have been a bit over eager. :lol:

it was my second podcast edit, and i did it mostly visually, cutting out virtually all holes in the wave longer than .25 sec. :twisted:

now you're ready for the nightly news broadcast. :mrgreen: :lol:

great chatting with you. listeners might benefit as well from this visual:
Just remember that wet stuff you see is very rare here, and completely not present right now. ;)

(in fact, the droning noise in the background of the 'cast is probably my window AC unit, which I couldn't shut off or I would have melted in short order, or the old defective salvaged iMac I was using for Skype would've overheated and shut off). FWIW, I think you did a great job of editing; if I didn't know better I'd say it was all recorded just like that live. :)

A more current pic of that bike:

And one of it's original forms with the powerchair motor chaindrive:

The current stable of functioning ebikes:
If editing a podcast is anything like editing a video for youtube, i know the royal pain in the Ass it is to do..... good job guys !

My interview was posted just about as-is, but i'm sure it's not always that way lol...

I used to try and rehearse prior to hitting REC on the digital camera, could never get a satisfactory video that way, now i just turn it it on, do a 5 seconds run to make sure i'm in the right place ( head not cut-off, or out of camera sight ) and then go for it.. one take , save, post. it's not as easy as it sounds.
We're not exactly consistent on editing quality, Greg is not one to slouch on editing, but i like it uncut :)
Got to listen to the podcast over the weekend very cool! Amberwolf sounds sounds very laid back! almost as if hed taken a hit from the bong! nice one :p very cool interview and he comes across very well too, its always so nice to hear what people sound like.

So whos up next then fellas? How about Miles? he is a rather splendid fella and also a moderator! and I reckon he knows what Skype is too 8) so many dont confess to :? he he
No bong needed, just chronic exhaustion, and I am generally a quiet mostly-laid back person. It is probably hard to tell when I am actually excited about something. ;)