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Tucson Death Race 2011 roll call. Results on page 1

Shortform: I am "ok", I guess. Nothing "serious" according to those that saw me at the ER. "Just" a fractured fibula and sprained ankle.

Longform: Got to the ER about 330pm, and only took about two hours, which must be some kind of record. There was only ONE person waiting when I got there, and one in registration. Was about 15 minutes between seeing each different nurse, doctor, tech, paperpusher, etc., so it took a while to actually finish, but there was no hours-long wait like I had with my mom years back (where once we waited 3-4 hours in the lobby while she was having a heart attack, and some poor guy ahead of us was bleeding all over the floor, already passed out from it, because they were simply that crowded!).

Anyway, turns out I actually have a broken, or at least fractured, leg. The "fibula" is fractured, although for some reason the attending doctor couldn't tell me where (or was ignoring my question). Both of the nurses and the pre-screen doctor and the x-ray tech all said that the blood pooling under the skin and swelling my whole leg and foot up is "perfectly normal" for this type of ankle injury, and "not to worry", that as long as I keep it elevated above my heart it will drain and heal, especially once it is wrapped to keep pressure on the whole thing.

Other than the xray, and a distant visual glance over the bruising (no physical examination at all), there was no other exam. All they did for treatment was to make an L-splint under my foot and up the back of the calf to about 2" above that bruise on my calf in the pics, and wrap it in those self-sticking non-adhesive bandages, pretty tightly. Immediately everything felt better, though now several hours later it is beginning to throb a bit, though I have banged it about some by accident here and there. :(


The splint itself is interesting, as it is self-curing fiberglass, just add water. I assume it's some sort of cyanoacrylate-based resin, as that is what's in those sprayfoams that are moisture-cure, but the tech wrapping it had no idea. He just does the work and is apparently not curious. Took just a few minutes to harden completely, and was already stiffened even by the time he was done wrapping it.

No ETA for the healing process could be given, and no recommendations other than ice and elevation were given. No instruction on how often I should unwrap/rewrap it was given, either, so I am assuming only when I need to shower; I couldn't find anyone that had an answer while I was there (a few went to go ask but never came back before I was discharged). I got a prescription for Vicodin, but I can't afford to fill it, as they haven't processed my application for AHCCCS aid yet (dunno when they will, either). Hopefully the ER will work with me on the bill if (when) AHCCCS turns me down.

It did seem like every single person was surprised I had my own wheelchair already, even though I didn't normally need one. It's one sized for a teenager that I picked up on Freecycle a while back, intending to eventually use parts of it for another bike trailer or perhaps a tadpole trike's front wheels, but I had not yet done anything to. It fits me fine, though, and it's an older Quickie model that has easily-removable bits like the footrests, armrests, etc., and it has a seatbelt too.

I would've reported in sooner, but as soon as I got home I had to first look for my crutches, which took some time to get to, not being able to just climb over the stuff in the backyard and instead having to first move it all piece by piece from in front of me to behind me, while sitting in teh wheelchair, then do the same in reverse to get back out of there with the crutches.

Then I had to undo what I did to CrazyBike2, so it will be rideable tomorrow for work, test it, fix and tighten, retest, try not to fall over to the right (cuz I can't stop a fall on that side, it hurts way too much to put that kinda weight on there!). But it worked perfectly, just like it used to before I messed with it. :roll:

In the process of getting it back in the door afterward, I slipped and fell on the steering tie rod and bent the point at which it connects to the handlebar-end steering tube, which then broke off the tab when I tried to straighten it. :( Had to wheel it back out front (so I could reweld it) without being able to steer it, basically sitting on the ground and dragging it by the front wheel, cuz I couldn't get the wheelchair out the door with the bike in the way, and coudln't stand even on crutches and still move the bike. This was around midnight, after about 20-30 minutes of riding, testing, adjusting, etc, and several hours of all the other stuff above, so I was already exhausted.

Rewelded it after much effort moving welder, helmet, clamps, tools, etc., all out front, moved all the stuff back inside so I could ride around testing it more, and since it didn't fall apart I have to call it good and stop for the night; I'm just way too exhausted. Hope it stays together for the work commute tomorrow. I didnt' even have any energy to do more than bolt on the non-lidded rightside cargo pod (since the vpower pack is still on the left side, and I can't get the batteries out to unbolt it from the bike on the bottom bolt).

I'll tell you what: I have way more respect for AussieJester being able to do all this stuff with essentially NO use of his legs, when I can barely do any of it with complete use of one leg and a little bit of the other! Plus I really wish I had long ago implemented those stabilizers he's got on his, back when I thought about copying them originally. Riding would be so much easier right now if I had them.

Anyway, that's enough OT for the thread for now. ;)
Aww man sorry too hear it was a little more serious than a sprain :-( Do
what the doc says keep it up and try not to bash it around haha like
that would be possible with all your K9's Heal up well
buddy :)

Hyena said:
So Paul, you mentioned earlier that your secret weapon didn't work out so this (winning) bike was plan B.
Can to enlighten us what plan A was ? Or is that a secret for next year ? :wink:
Well, i Had a controller with almost double the power.. But maybe It would have been too much for the turnigy ?? Maybe it was actually a good that it went poof..
Setting the controller up for the right power level is key. Going beyond the efficiency knee really adds heat to the motor, like leaning out an engine too far. Heat is quickly a problem. Saturation or other effects determine the max current that should be used with the motor, and the controller has its own safe limit. For survival to the end of the day these need to be properly balanced.
amberwolf said:
The splint itself is interesting, as it is self-curing fiberglass, just add water. I assume it's some sort of cyanoacrylate-based resin, as that is what's in those sprayfoams that are moisture-cure, but the tech wrapping it had no idea. He just does the work and is apparently not curious. Took just a few minutes to harden completely, and was already stiffened even by the time he was done wrapping it.
Yep, I had the same on my wrists when I broke them. I asked the same questions and said something like "cool, so the material is impregnated in a dry form of quick setting water based resin ?" and got the same "meh, I dunno, I just put them on" answer.

I actually work in a hospital so I should keep my eye out for some laying around. They'd be brilliant for wrapping up and protecting lipo packs!

I hope you heal up quick - bones typically take around 6 weeks before you can start to resume normal activities, I suspect being a main load bearing bone it'll be longer.

Dogman, I only just saw your videos - nice work!
I dont know what software you're using but does it allow picture in picture ? It might be cool to have a split screen of the front and rear footage spliced together.
I had my suspicions that you may have had a broken bone there already, AW, when you mentioned that your ankle had been sprained a long time and wasn't healing too fast. My vote is that you broke it once, half healed it, and then rebroke it in the DR. Ouch!

Unwrap that thing at least once a day I'd say, and leave it looser for sleep. Then wrap it tight, but not too tight to go to work.

Lots of good vids starting to post, over at motorbicycling. http://motorbicycling.com/f35/death-race-4-16-2011-a-26743-39.html
Well, i Had a controller with almost double the power.. But maybe It would have been too much for the turnigy ?? Maybe it was actually a good that it went poof..

Lyen controller hehhehee.LOL Looks like if you can get that controller to work without blowing turnigy's you'll be the one to beat again and for a while.. Great riding by the way..... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I am finaly home enjoying the last day of my 1st vacation since 05.....I had a blast!

I also cant beleive we have 6 pages since saturday night LOL!

#1 Big thanks to Dave31 & Ed at Freedome Bikes.com for receiving my equipment & sending it back to me. These guys took time out of their busy scheduals to help me out & I am very thankfull.

#2 Big Thanks to my sponcer (sister in law) for the plane tickets to & from the event. It would not have been any fun driving 3k miles home with broken equipment :lol: (like a guy stuck in vegas for 3 days after blowwing the bank-roll in the 1st 1/2 hour)

The event through my eye's:
Death race was all mine to lose....when I was running, I was 3 seconds a lap faster than than the fastest Morini. (which from my observation actually had a little top speed on PaulD's set up) I had a ton of power & the bike set up was perfect....I could take any line I imagined on the track & my corner entry speed was unmatched........when the bike was running :(

I guess I created a bit of a stir in the last practice session as I waited For alex to be on the track before joining the fun. I ran through a bunch of gas bikes to catch the 10hp morini powerd boxer. I tested Alex on a couple turns to anounce my pressence & then drove around him in a technical section....E-bikes had a HUGE advantage from turn 4 all the way into turn 9 where none of the single speed gassers could build any speed...just for fun I let the front wheel come up exiting turn 12 onto the front straight & maintained my "hot lap" & exited the circut...I now had 100% confidence.
at least 40 guys showed up in my pit after the pratcice session. (I guess a lot of guys never saw a wheelie before)
And for the record, I was running top gear for the entire circut of the track...1st was only used for launching off the line.

Heat race 1: I am on the outside of Alex's morini on the front row. Flag drops & i prolly got excited & shifted too early, over amping a controller & having it cut out....as I only had a single motor rounding turn 1. I was trying to keep calm & decide if i should pull over & check it out or keep running...I was just following Alex around the track when PaulD makes a pass on me thru the switch-back turns 10 & 11....(didn't hear him coming LOL)That really woke the racer in this fat duffer up so I just ran it into turn 12 for the re-pass & looked up the track at Alex...I kept it pegged all the way through turn 1 & my race line put me inside Alex exiting turn 2...I see I am pulling away where the track doubles back on itself after turn 8 & alex & PaulD are just exiting turn 7 as I am on the straight heading for #9 with only one motor. Pauld was a close 3rd to Alex at that time.....the motor puked on the front straigh tnear end of lap 2....smoke rolling out of a shitty spot of stock 80/100-180 windings...my 10 gage phase wires melted the wire wrap & unsolderd a bullet conector...lotsa Amps were being drawn.......thats me on the left shoulder of turn 1 in Dave31's video.

After putting the motor that "stopped" into the drive position of the tranny I spun it up unloaded in the pits Just before the gate call for the main....said a prayer & when to the line..The HV160 controller was not happy..it just poped off under any pressure...on the 3rd re-set it burst into flames...the track workers were very excited about that! sparks & plasma shooting out of what looked like a gas tank LOL!. the Negative wire finaly un-soldered & stoped the show...& I pedaled back to the paddock.

& watched as good a race as I have ever seen...PaulD had the track figured out by that time & you could see from the side lines he would not be denied...his technique & line selection were impecable & precise...He stalked up on Alexe's Morini & made a brilliant pass...& then pedaled his azz off for the win On a very clean exicution of a RC bike build.
His bike was super efficiant, & looked absolutly cool. (& paul d is a geunine good guy too!) watching him win made my failure way more than tollerable,I had a great time!

Over view:
Bike set up is the key...I had a handling advantage & cornering advantage over the the entire feild...the stop watch had me 3 seconds faster on my good practice lap than the fastest race lap...thats huge in road racing. I am a solid 35#over weight (227 in my underwear) I cant say I am a better rider than any of the guys there..but the bike made it easy.
Big brakes made my straights longer than everyone else's & tires that can take any line with confidence....I am still wondering which turn had the bumps everone was talking about...being a motocrosser I don't notice them till they are 3' deep rollers I suppose :mrgreen:

Hub motor vs RC (ouch i hate to say RC) in a racing senario....I encourage you Hub devotee's to keep trying...after helping Luke bore the side covers & seeing how heavy that thing was....& watching it run ovbervolted to the friggin moon, I can't ever see any hub motor running side by side with a properly "race set up" independant motor. there are just too many turns on a race track that pushes a hubbie into its in-efficanct range for it to be competitive.....its just the wrong thing for Ultimate performance.

I did pick up a nice Girvin fork at the swap meet sunday & a couple fox air shox for pennys on the dollar. Tuscons a col town for a michigan boy to visit...To hot to live there though...(& the wife text me we had a spring snow shower monday where 2" fell in the morning)

I am off to the motored bike sites & see what the buzz is oer there.
liveforphysics said:
Finally got done driving home.

Seemed like over half the guys I talked to were from Cali.

We should make a race in Cali. Many good kart tracks here.

How about southern Oregon. Then we get the CA guys and the OR/WA guys meeting in the middle. :D

I forgot to say How cool it was to meet up with Sosaulty,Etard,Dogman,LFP,Nicobie,Wineboyrider,Evoforce,Amberwolf,PaulD & the rest of their support crews.
The Attitude that was refered too in an earlier post is typical of what you find at race trackes everywehere & in every form. You Just won't meet a better class of People that those who hang out at race tracks. Doesn't matter if its drag,karts,motorcycle,....only A-holes I ever met racing were the RC car guys....(way too e'fin serious to be playing with toy cars)

&if I missed anyone I apologise....It was a good time.
$15 camera? Where what how...

knoxie said:
great videos Dog, loved the music as well! best footage I have seen so far, not bad for a 15 dollar camera eh! the opening shots with the sun setting in the back looks sweet! so wish I could have been there and I do appreciate how scary it is turning a pushbike in that fast on the corners, I have fallen off so many times over doing it in the past :lol:

The gasser bikes look slick and they do shift, I would have been busted years ago round here riding one of them and the way petrol is going its gotta be cheaper on Lipo. You got some great shots of Luke there as well, its interesting to see how your power compares with the gassers, you really can leave them for dead from a standing start but some of them catch you up in their powerband.

Would be great to do something like that here :mrgreen: we could make it happen however we would need marshals, ambulance, insurance, bikes would need scruitiniring, etc etc...boring! ha ha...should just cut holes in the fence sneak in like foxes, make it a night race where you have to bring your own lights...true death race in the dark! ha ha :mrgreen:

Thanks again Dog, your video taking may have been short but you have captured a really nice slice of the action here..top job 8) you may not have won the race but you have won the video award! jeez I am up late again 1 am again :p nighty night 8)
theRealFury said:
Xanda2260 said:
Uk death race 2012? Hell yeah!
I might actually have my trike done by then!!
If so, count me in!

+1 to that. Would love to take the next build im working on out for a spin on a propper track... wonder how much it costs to hire Donnington Park for the day haha :)

Donnington would be epic, pricey though I bet! If they'd even let us in!
Say, where abouts in west yorks are you? I'm a Leeds lad myself (though I now live in Lowestoft), the parents still live in Rothwell!
After the launch there was no corner on the track that warrented a down shift....A slipper clutch set up would have been an = set up.
& as an after thought, my tight ratio tranny did'nt really pay any dividend....my original wide ratio would have actually been better for a softer launch (amperage speaking) & my top end gearing was actually about perfect I thought. My motors were acceptably warm after a 10 lap practice run friday.

But above all the bike geometry & tires were more than enough to dominate.....I am just ellectarded when it come to being conservitave on the "E" equipment....My JH controller build is #1 priority....if that works & i ever get back to touscon....(too many "ifs" in that sentance :mrgreen: )

did LFP post any of the pics & vids of us working on his bike in my motel room? pricless stuff
theRealFury said:
Xanda2260 said:
Uk death race 2012? Hell yeah!
I might actually have my trike done by then!!
If so, count me in!

+1 to that. Would love to take the next build im working on out for a spin on a propper track... wonder how much it costs to hire Donnington Park for the day haha :)

Count me in....
Xanda2260 said:
theRealFury said:
Xanda2260 said:
Uk death race 2012? Hell yeah!
I might actually have my trike done by then!!
If so, count me in!

+1 to that. Would love to take the next build im working on out for a spin on a propper track... wonder how much it costs to hire Donnington Park for the day haha :)

Donnington would be epic, pricey though I bet! If they'd even let us in!
Say, where abouts in west yorks are you? I'm a Leeds lad myself (though I now live in Lowestoft), the parents still live in Rothwell!

Yea, would be a dream to race round donnington on e-bikes haha. Im a Wakefield lad born and bread, live about 4 miles from Rothwell, no wonder you moved down south, id take Lowestoft over Leeds any day, lovely area down in Norfolk and the Broads.
Hobby King has the cheap turnigy cams, when they are in stock, and similar others can be found when you know what to google for.


That's the one I had on the rear. I can never get it to work right half the time. tiny buttons, led's too small for me to see, etc. Not easy to get one going just before the flag drops at the race. But cheap. Some have found similar cams even cheaper than HK.
Hey Thud

Thanks for your ride report! really nice to hear first hand how it went, you will have to get yourself on the podcast so we can hear all about it in detail :mrgreen: any other members who went to the race and want to get on the show to talk about it? I reckon it would be good as the thread has been very very popular and I know most that have watched the videos and heard all the ride reports are really choked about it :p, I tell you I dare any ebiker to watch some of those racing videos and then go out on their bikes and ride slow? just like when me and my brothers when we were kids, 5 mins of watching jon and ponch on the bike cop show chips we were pegging playing cards to our back wheels and blasting round on our harleys! well raleighs! ha ha :lol:

Would love to see more pictures and or videos, for us in the UK a kart track is far more accessible than a proper race track, I have one 3 miles from my house, shennington kart track shown here on google earth, looks perfect for bikes, some nice long straights as well, I will check with the owner to see what the deal is.

Here is a video of the Karts whizzing round.


Better start a thread all on its own for this one though.

Thanks to everyone who went to the STDR 2011 and has posted up so far, looking forward to watching more...much more, Oh and is there a build log for pauls bike or any more videos of it in action? if not Paul we want more videos....hey you watch us start buy Pauld a gopro fund :lol:


  • kart track shennington.jpg
    kart track shennington.jpg
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I personally have fallen in love with the idea of ebike racing on kart tracks. Safe was right years ago whe he called it. That looks like a perfect venue. Time you you folks to start a Death race UK on a kart track.

Not only do they require some extreme rider skill, but they punish the snot out of the motors with all the decelerating and then romping back on the power. It takes that perfect combination of robust design to last the race, and perfect rider skill to stay on the thing. Excellent for the racing to push ebike design forward. Sorry, but I just don't see the latest bb drive 400 watt motor as much of a leap forward. But a death race bike that goes the distance, that is to be considered progress.
Thud said:
did LFP post any of the pics & vids of us working on his bike in my motel room? pricless stuff

I haven't yet, but tonight when it get home from work I will try to off load some pics.

Thud- I find it funny that we went through the bag of 5 go-pro's together to confirm they all had mem-cards and batteries, then didn't bother to mount a single one to anything. lol
That doesn't suprise me. Race machine first, then stuff like cams. It's a real distracting PITA to try to get cams going on the start line.
Luke, I opted not to roll film during practice friday afternoon....big mistake.
I never even rememberd I had 2 cams on the bike & one on the helmet while on the starting grid or staging...I was running lines on the track & staying 100% focused on riding. not a single frame of video off my bike LOL....I'll do better at thunderdrome.

I'll be meeting up with grindz there & I am sure we'll discuss a pod cast....be cool to get a conferance call together with PaulD & the others at the race.

EDIT: I am with you dogman. but I have a racing addiction. I knew it would be a riot riding flexy bikes on a kart track with like minded folks..To finance another trip to this or like events I will need to start offering some thud products...damn this racing addiction.
EDIT: I am with you dogman. but I have a racing addiction. I knew it would be a riot riding flexy bikes on a kart track with like minded folks..To finance another trip to this or like events I will need to start offering some thud products...damn this racing addiction.
Tell the wifey to keep smoking. LOL.
theRealFury said:
Yea, would be a dream to race round donnington on e-bikes haha. Im a Wakefield lad born and bread, live about 4 miles from Rothwell, no wonder you moved down south, id take Lowestoft over Leeds any day, lovely area down in Norfolk and the Broads.

Wakey! Bloody hell! I went to Rodillian High School! Have to say though, the Broads are lovely...