1900g motor, only 103mm x 85mm

Malcolm said:
Call me a wimp if you like, but 60 mph sounds pretty hairy on a mountain bike frame – or are you planning to build a special frame for this one Lowell?

This would have to be on a custom frame built to handle 20hp. As for 60mph, I've already been 62mph on my current mtn bike frame. No big deal.
a "little" faster turning than the Predator:

the new Lehner 30-series..

weights only 1600g
power: at 42000Watt Input
it puts out around 39700Watt

efficience at that point: 94.6%

efficience stays from 11.000Watt to 42.000Watt at over 90% !

the problem: its revs with 50.000rpm at this 42.000Watt ;)
yeah.. as said, that would be the problem..

the other problem: it would be useless for a bike..

see at the efficience.. its very high at high loads..

but the looses are always over 1000Watt

when you need less power, the efficience gets smaller too, and the looses are still 1000Watt

so: unless you have a bike that goes always over 80-100mph this motor would run realy inefficient
Miles said:
I see they do a version of the 3080 with a Kv of 131...

I think the Predator is more use to us, though.

Agreed, I think a fully amped Predator motor would even put an EV grin on a dead person. You could build a bike with well over 100W/kg... :twisted: