Hey everyone new to this forum but have been browsing through various threads in my research. I am looking to purchase a fat bike to mount a Bafang BBSHD motor on. My primary use will be hunting, not really any “joyriding”. The terrain here is pretty flat with the occasional hill to climb. One of the bikes I have in mind is a 2023 Rocky Mountain Blizzard 10 or 20. I have seen some threads of people converting these, but would like to know if there is any major issues on converting this bike before I purchase it? I plan on buying the bike first, riding it a bit and getting familiar with it, and then in 5-6 months buying the motor and converting it. From what I understand I can build a better bike this way for the same price as if I were to buy a premade in the $2500 range.
If you have any other fat bike recommendations around the $1200-1800 price range feel free to share them! Thanks for looking.
If you have any other fat bike recommendations around the $1200-1800 price range feel free to share them! Thanks for looking.