miro13car said:
on Falcon EV you can see he clearly uses milvolmeter so no 1000Hz thing?
And HIS cell IR is about 0.6 miliOhm.
From comparing 2 voltages at 2 loads you come up with
1.5 miliOhms at 20C temperature, on Falcon he measure obviously at ambient so around 20Calso so very close to your temp.
So Falcon's cells has three times less internal resistance that your cells.it is clear.
Falcon knows his stuff if he would not offer Agrade cell he would have not charge $80/cell, right?
He charges 80 dollars for a reason.
In the picture at this link:
he is clearly using an HP 4328A. The specification for this instrument at this link:
shows it uses the AC method at 1000 Hz plus or minus 100 Hz.
Other can confirm this but using the AC and DC method produces different numbers for the internal resistance of a cell.
I can not speak as to Falcon EV's reputation or why he charges $80 as I have never bought anything from that site.
I have been around the block long enough to know that a higher price does not always mean a higher quality product.
Given the recent event of cells showing up in Hong Kong / China, he may be getting them from the same source as we are.
If he takes credit cards or paypal you have lots of protection against fraud. This is not true of many Far East vendors.
Even more, if he offers any kind of warranty, and especially if he will match the internal resistance of the cells than I would think that may be worth the $80 / cell vs $50 per cell. On the other hand, you could just buy extra cells and do the matching yourself and keep the extra cells as spares or for other projects that did not need a close match.