a123 killacycle - has some near lethal acceleration (vid)


100 kW
Mar 28, 2007
CBD - Melbourne
A123 creator had a bit of an accident while doing a burnout
luckily he's ok. My thoughts go out to him and his family.

knightmb said:
Another link to video, the main site got Slashdotted. :evil:


<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1pM1j2d1RMU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>

he's very lucky to be alive!

btw the chick sitting on the bike before he does his burnout is dang hot :p
There's a reason for NHRA comp licensing, safety equipment, dead man's switches, etc. An unlicensed rider shouldn't even be touching an 8 second bike.

Hope the only permanent damage is to his ego. :(

Thats scary! You do have to be wary of e-bikes of any kind! some of my creations whilst a lot of fun to ride would not be so much fun if something goes wrong, my USPD modified once flipped up and over when testing a faulty throttle and almost damn near ripped my fingers off!!

I feel a little sorry for this fella as it seems that maybe the presence of the TV crew goaded him in to doing it, he seems like a nice guy not big headed at all and excitable like all us lot!

Burn outs are dangerous and stupid IMHO, it proves nothing? even my stock USPD could do a burn out? but only reach 17mph on the flat, I am aware drag bikes do this to heat the tyre before a run, however it should only be done on a drag strip!! well if the ev community learn something from this then its a good thing, I think he will be ok, he was lucky! what if he had hit someone?

I am sure it wont derail the bikes progress however I am sure that mr Dube wont be sitting on it again!

Just my penny's worth

Knoxie :roll:

I bet A123 are not too happy about it, although I am sure they are concerned about him they will be now even less likely to dish out the cells for us all to play with like he has, he looks like he has been quite lucky in many ways, not wearing a helmet (I suppose he technically wasnt supposed to move) but none the less, A kill switch would not have helped him, if the bike can do 0-60 in under 1 second you are in trouble if it lets go like it did in a public area.

I noticed at some of the EV gatherings people had been doing similar, Todd with the R1 and Richard! ha ha (nice) but you do have to think now dont ya, esp Todds machine, IF the same thing had happened and you go wipe out loads of folks stood near by, god only knows of the consequences and the hassle in setting up events in the future, they are already picky enough about such gatherings.

I hope the guy gets better soon and he is still as keen as ever, once bitten twice shy applies here and it looks like the man upstairs has given him a second go! lucky indeed.

Man.. i thought i was havin a bad day ( flat tire on my way to work ) .. :(

Just before he gunned it i swear i heard him ask for a helmet... this machine should never be powered up without an experienced rider in full leather/pads/helmet/etc. at a drag strip.. of all people he should know that fully.

Looks like damage to the bike was minimal.. but my god.. that sucketh to the max.. :oops:
In the comments :

I wasn't wearing a helment, because we did not intend the bike to even move!

We were spinning the tire in soapy water. The tire unexpectantly gripped, (water ran out?) and launched the bike. I couldn't get it shut down as quickly as I would have liked. I had to release the front brake to fully untwist the throttle. I then managed to slow it down to about 20 mph.

The positive message here is that when we crunched the battery pack, NOTHING happened. No smoke. No flames. Not even sparks. Not only are these cells more powerful, they are are the safest possible for automobiles.

Also, there was NO ONE in front of the bike or in the possible trajectory of the bike.
Bill Dube
Ypedal said:
In the comments :
Also, there was NO ONE in front of the bike or in the possible trajectory of the bike.

Good thing. People got killed this year at a fundraiser (for kids) by a car doing a burnout that got traction:



and that was a "pro driver"
Another link to video, the main site got Slashdotted. :evil:


<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1pM1j2d1RMU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>
I played the crash back and forth a few times. Looks like he did a good burn until he reached the edge of the "water" where I'm sure it was dry and took off like a rocket. You could hear (I'm guessing) the front wheel skidding down the road as he had the brakes on and trying to stop. With that much angry lithium power on the wheel, there was no stopping that thing no matter how big the disc brakes were.
knoxie said:
Burn outs are dangerous and stupid IMHO, it proves nothing?

Agreed. I watch kids in hopped-up street racing cars burn rubber and I wonder, "another kidiot showing-off his ability to extend his ankle -- wow -- wonder if I could that. :roll: "

It's OK in the right conditions, like a GP racer after he has won a race or in controlled conditions like a bike paddock display, that's fine but you always find the wrong sorta people doing them, like you said kids with souped up old cars and the like.

It's a little puzzling considering the bikes immense power that mr Dube even considered pulling the stunt, the fact that nobody was killed was just luck, plain and simple as a 600lb motorbike hitting you at 60-70mph would make a mess.

A123 batteries can of course deliver the whopping amps needed for this kind of performance but people on the board shouldn't treat their own machines lightly, some of the rigs on here out of control, could kill the rider and or any member of public that is close by, we all have to make sure our machines are safe and have all relevant safety's in place.

Mr Dube was slightly odd as well, why mention that the machine is a huge 0.5 mega watt RF noise generator? I would have kept that under my hat! ha ha, you can hear xlyte controllers on MW and LW radio! tune in its fun! ha ha.

Take it easy Mr Dube, put your feet up and take a rest and leave the testing to testers on the drag strip! don't take the keys next time!!


knoxie said:

It's OK in the right conditions, like a GP racer after he has won a race or in controlled conditions like a bike paddock display, that's fine but you always find the wrong sorta people doing them, like you said kids with souped up old cars and the like.

And people performing for the cameras recklessly... :roll:
I like a good burnout.. as much as the next red-neck..

But there is a time and place for it. usually includes beer and beef-jerky. :lol:

I think it's all about the show of Power.. i'm not impressed by a Toyota Tercell revving to the limiter and giving a squeek..

But a 400 bhp smoking tires in a cloud makes for a good entertaining show. :p
xyster said:
And people performing for the cameras recklessly... :roll:

Yeah, tell me about (me guilty as charged). Of course, I guess the front wheel pealing out isn't as impressive as the back wheel :D

Still, when you look at how "little" room there was for any "mistakes", it was just a bad idea. If they took it out to a drag strip and had miles of track, then this just would have been a "whoops" took off accidentally.
knightmb said:
xyster said:
And people performing for the cameras recklessly... :roll:

Yeah, tell me about (me guilty as charged). Of course, I guess the front wheel pealing out isn't as impressive as the back wheel :D

I've done it too as a teenager (showing off in a reckless manner that is). Having learned the lesson the hard way, or seeing enough other people learn it the hard way, most of us grow out of that phase -- some of us it seems never do.
Inventions don't kill inventors, inventors do.

The pros make it look easy. One second yer makin noise; the next, you could be shot out of a cannon. If you ain't ready...
OMG, That thing took off like a rocket, Thank god he is ok, and also that those lithium batteries didnt get damged, can you imagine those suckers going off.
Ypedal said:
Or.. can you imagine if that pack was made up of Sony 18650 Lico's !!!

BOOOOOM>>> :shock:

Sanity enforced by lithium 18650s....I resemble that remark! :D
to most people the "burnout" is a standard of power. I had a 50cc moped that I could almost write my name on concrete with. the current 10 inch wide wheel I have on the "mobility" scooter will burnout on concrete and leave nice black marks (as long as no one is sitting on it) top speed maybe 23 mph. My var comment in the TG site was the person that said he should have pulled the clutch???? why would that slow you down? and what do you need one for on an electric bike? the stunt had some safety elements to it they did clear the path and put up a safety barrier the van! If the thing will hit 60 mph in .9 seconds he did well to get it shut down at all. by the time his brain kicked in that he was moving he was almost AT the van.
Think he said he had to juggle with the brake lever in order to fully close the throtlle. Some idiot probably put the brake and throttle on the same side, stupidly assuming that noone in thier right mind would want to accelerate at the same time as they wanted to brake! :wink:
Lessss said:
Sounds like they don't have an autokill on the motor when pulling the front brake.

Hard to do a brake stand which is really what he was doing anyway. and the reason the front brake is on the same side as the gas is so that most people are not doing brake stands at the stop light!