Kepler said:
Ok, all measurements and geometry have been sorted and I am now busy fabricating parts. I have made every effort to make this drive as small as possible but also very ridged. The mock-up of the new drive on the bike looks ridiculously small and looks about the size of tube replacement kit. Not including the actual motor and pivot, the drive is only 38mm wide will all electronics completely hidden.
Below are the working drawings and should be quite true to the finished product. Hopefully I will have it ready for testing at the end of next week.
You do very nice work, better than I could with my limited access to metal shop tools of even the most basic nature... Now working with wood, I can do (and I do)... I am now beginning working with carbon fiber at home too.
I do know basic steel, aluminum work, mig, tig, OA, stick and I can work a drill press, recip saw (bench type) and to some extent a lathe (not very good at it) but the only stuff I can do at home is a cruddy hack of a benchtop recip saw made from a portable b&d unit but powered with a supply line... a dremel drillpress and a circular saw which is strong enough to cut 4-10mm aluminum.... that said, it takes forever to make this crap by hand without the right tools so I have the highest admiration for people like you, Timma (what he can do with a drill press), etc...
Now about your newest design, I think it is great and will not only succeed in you goal of reducing the footprint but also I believe it may endup a bit lighter and surely more sturdy... That said, if your open to suggestions and slightly twists on the design - I have one totally out of place suggestion (which you may have posted in another thread) which would require a full redesign (mostly) and then based on your drawing I have some ideas to make it smaller, lighter and stronger (but not neccessarially more rigid in all places).
First the off the cuff bit:
Given the one real drawback of friction drive is the poor performance or just inoperability in rain and other wet weather, wouldn't it be ideal to drive the rim (it would have to be a V machined rim, but they are commonly available as they make a better surface for vbraking) using a pair of spindles which drop down to align with the rim properly when actuated (closed down on the rim)?
I would think a softer polyurathane spindle (or capstan if you prefer) would engage the rim wonderfully.... if you mount the motor transaxialy then you could run small belts or chain and a simple jackshaft to get both rollers engaged but running off one motor and both spinning in the proper way at a syncronized speed? If you use a radius slot type slide / pivot them the belt tension and or chain lengths would remain constant as the rollers actuated and locked into position.
This could also make the unit much more ergonomic...
Don't worry, if you don't give this a shot I will from wood if I must!
Now with the current design, if I am reading the tech drawings correctly...
1.) I notice your use of 6.5mm stock? I am thinking that it may be a bit (just a tad) overkill and if you reduced it to 4mm but the primary bolts (above and to the right and left of the speed controller) should be
mated on the outside edge of the aluminum lower block with a locking nut... this will apply better structural distribution of torque and other forces.
2.) The straps I assume are to limit range of motion of the engagement arm?
That's actually not a bad idea but I would think a guide of flat angle aluminum with slots cut out for the proper angle of attack (a better way to say this?) and simply delrin or ptfe sleeves where the carriage bolts
pass through the guide slot?
3.) In addition to the above, it has occoured to me that if you had detent position switches or at a minimum an end of travel switch which the roller arm would trigger as it both disengaged and engaged in positive
lock.... well if you had electrical signal for this I believe the HV85 (you are moving up right?) has multiple levels of current limiting and throttle ramp control... since you have far more experience with friction
drive, I may be off base (I've built 1 from an old scooter ripped apart for doner parts and I wasn't too impressed with it) but would it not be a GOOD THING in a friction drive to not only ramp the throttle up
slowly until full engagement which then you could go to a second throttle curve with a much faster ramp up to full current... this would allow the drive to engage the full lock position before engaging any tire
wrecking torque (I am thinking of a 750w nominal with 2100w on reserve friction drive which is why I ask) and should in theory increase the efficiency of the system? What are your thoughts no this
4.) Let's keep with the "Spin the drive spindle so bad that you burst the tire" argument or scenario which is most cited as the non weather related drawback to friction drives... First a question... does the positive
overlock type system combined with travel limits prevent sufficient engagement pressure that if the roller was to slip it would not cause any damage because loss of traction will cause the drive to disengage
from the postive lock position (which in theory if you used the above detents, it would reduce the throttle immediatly allowing for a quick recovery of traction - assuming your positive lock handles this "roller
burn out" condition.
If your design could still "burn through a tire" in the event of a massive slippage under WOT style accelleration, I think I have realized a solution (not the simplest but I would be willing to build you a prototype for
testing if you were willing) which is purely electronics based and rather simple (not too expensive either, maybe 15.00 of parts and 15m of time to assemble, 10m install and calibrate).
When using front hub motors, I ran into the slippage issue and loss of traction all the time (even on dry roads, wet for sure and snow... OMG, lets not go there) which in my situation cost me a good bit of tire
tread and lost power... unlike the situation with friction rollers where if they stay locked and keep spinning and speeding up faster and faster... they would in all likelyhood burst a tire right?
So the solution is a 30 line program (written using BasCom AVR) running on an Atmega32 or better (4.00 give or take) and in crudest form... just a hall sensor or equivelent optical tach on the motor output shaft
and in the most refined version... another 20 or so lines of code and a current shunt (I used the 100A solid state hall effect shunt from a burnt out EagleTree logger but a resistor shunt and voltage divider
network would suffice)...
Basically when that freespin occours - the motor RPM increases far faster than it could possibly under real accelleration and the load current drops... the same as with my hub motors... the mCU watches for this
condition and immediatly interrupts the PWM of the throttle causing the drive to stop spinning... a second later (give or take, it's adjustable) it will begin to ramp the PWM back up until it matches what your
throttle input (it works as a wedge) is and then it disengages... This basically detects within 2 - 4 cycles (interrupt based) the slippage and allows the roller to use the kinetic energy in the rolling tire to rematch
speeds before re-engaging the throttle.
Again this may be totally un-needed with your type of setup, I don't know?
5.) I would think you could replace the 2mm aluminum plate with carbon fiber panel and maintain rigidity while saving a good bit of weight and gaining a "cool factor"
6.) If you mount the speed controller inside the (what do you call it) small covered recess at the top, I would suggest obtaining a PC type (maybe graphics or coprocessor) heat sink which matches up nicely with the
splines in the HV heatsink... an alternative ... you could make one with the proper sized aluminum slats attached to the top cover - the advantage would be simple, better heat distribution which will result in
much longer and more efficient controller operation.
7.) Is that motor and pivot part an abstract showing a belt or chain running between the motor and the drive cog/wheel or... is it that you intend to make the carrier plate / mount in a flat panel tear / pear shaped
piece? If it is a solid plate (or plates?) for mounting the motor and actuating the pivot then:
1.) I would suggest patterning after Recumpences mounting beam for the Astro Pro 3210 and the first stage input large pulley.... I can't remember what the part is called but its similar to the rods connecting
an automobiles crankshaft to the pistons - that oblong is only to support a much larger diameter axle on the pulley jackshaft than the motor has and the subsequent bearing.
If you went that route you would reduce the material used by approx 65% which would have weight benefits, then for covers Id go lexan made to look like carbon fiber or actual carbon fiber (or ABS plastic
even) just to hide and protect the drive system.
Can't wait to see the final build.... hope you don't take my input as negative critisim, half of it I am not even sure about it's more questions and observations...