I have ANT H-24S 300A BMS that support 8S - 24S lion cells connected to 18S battery (3 lipos connected exactly as per the ANT BMS data sheet for 18S cell batteries) and not matter what version of the ANT BMS software that I use, I cannot seem to be able to change any settings to the parameters. I have tried setting up the passwords as have been described on earlier posts on this site, but nothing works. I have tried two separate BMS boards purchased at the same time. I can connect to them OK, it displays the cell voltages, but no values are displayed in any of the board parameters settings (although it stills displays 24 cells, as I cannot change the settings to 18S) I cannot seem to gain access to the level 5 permissions needed to change the settings, not mater what I do. My only thought now is that both boards may be faulty. Anyone have any ideas?
I have ANT H-24S 300A BMS that support 8S - 24S lion cells connected to 18S battery (3 lipos connected exactly as per the ANT BMS data sheet for 18S cell batteries) and not matter what version of the ANT BMS software that I use, I cannot seem to be able to change any settings to the parameters. I have tried setting up the passwords as have been described on earlier posts on this site, but nothing works. I have tried two separate BMS boards purchased at the same time. I can connect to them OK, it displays the cell voltages, but no values are displayed in any of the board parameters settings (although it stills displays 24 cells, as I cannot change the settings to 18S) I cannot seem to gain access to the level 5 permissions needed to change the settings, not mater what I do. My only thought now is that both boards may be faulty. Anyone have any ideas?