Anyone make a larger hub motor for electric skateboards?


1 kW
Jan 14, 2008
Central NY State
I was wondering if there are any larger hub motors for electric skateboards, something that could run a 6-9 inch pneumatic tire? Something similar to what scooters use, seems as if they should have lots of power considering how fast some scooters can go.
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Something like this maybe?
Yeah something like that but maybe a bit smaller and made for a skateboard axle. That looks as if it needs an axle with flats, or comes installed on an axle already. Skateboard hub motors locate onto a square part of the truck on the inside:

I think you need to be a bit more flexible about the axle part. Looking at powerful or off road longboards for example you see that they use a motor in the middle with axels or a belt drive.

I don't think those little square pegs can withstand a 6-9 inch hub motor sticking further out.
I didn't see any large hub motors in that thread.
That's a good point, but then I'd need to make my own skateboard trucks, or adapt existing ones, both of which are possible of course.
OK, I was trying to picture what you were designing. Originally I thought that it was going to be more like rollerblades. Will this have one or two drive wheels per skate? Could it be a three wheel design, with two wheels mounted on trucks up front, and a center mounted hub motor out back?
Axle basically like a bike and 8 inches: 8" Scooter Motor

RC motor with a short reduction ratio would be a lot of fun.
OK, I was trying to picture what you were designing. Originally I thought that it was going to be more like rollerblades. Will this have one or two drive wheels per skate? Could it be a three wheel design, with two wheels mounted on trucks up front, and a center mounted hub motor out back?
I see the confusion caused by my initial thread title and post. I've edited both, I'm looking for motors for an electric skateboard. I found this, hub motors with planetary gears
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And this, large hub motors
Link to #0 had a big looking motors
Grins got the 8"

But its was more about the fabrication to make it all fit and work.