Bafang C965 problem. Reset itself?

Feb 26, 2025
Ive been trying to figure this out for quite a while now and have searched all over so I made an account to ask because I have no clue whats going on. I have a bafang c965 the controller and motor are from aliexpress but it seems like the display reset itself. Idk it seemed like it was working good until I unplugged the battery for a few days but when I plugged it back in and turned it on the speed doesn't register now and when I go through the settings and advanced settings its missing a bunch of stuff. No error codes, still rides around fine. I dont know taking out the battery messed it up or leaving it unplugged for too long did but it seems like it reset something. Display was off and I unplugged the battery from the controller and thats it. No error codes, rides fine and throttle works, basically no advanced settings in the list though. I was going to get a new kit anyways for some more power but its just bugging me and I want to figure it out lol. Im going to get a usb cable and see if I can program it if it comes down to it but any suggestions or help is appreciated.

I feel like I should add I just got into ebikes last year and I bought this kit off marketplace so I dont know what the controller is as it has no id other than saying 36v 15a max. It has waterproof connectors, 9 pin hub motor, 8 pin for display and throttle with a 1-4 cable attatched, and xt60 for a 36v pvc battery. I havent turned it off that long before so I just hope I didnt fry something or maybe I unhooked it wrong it sparked a bit when I hooked it back up. The battery is hooked to the controller and controller to the display/throttle/motor but from what I read I think it has custom programming because its a random unlabelled controller with 250/350w chinese hub motor. I can set the speed limit to 60mph/99kmh and in advanced settings the only things are wheel diameter, speed limit, and pas levels 0-3, 0-5, 0-9 after that it goes b1-12 and they all just show 0s. Like I said though no errors yet since that happened though so I dont know but no speedo, and settings arent there Ive spent hours looking stuff up online and of the multiple different user manuals I have found mine isnt the exact same as any of them lmao.
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Many controllers will run the bike if the display quits communicating with it. They have a default PAS level and throttle is enabled. If the walk mode doesn't work, that is probably the case. Usually due to a bad data connection on the display plug as that plug also contains the the connections that power up the controller.,

Try re-seating the connectors again, at both ends of the 4-n-1 cable, If the display remains blank, you're stuck trying a different cable and display,
I just went and tested it, the walk mode works, it did ask for a password to access advanced settings and 0512 worked, it has no PAS sensor only display, throttle, motor, power wires and the display isnt blank it turns on and seems to be okay other than speed not working and I "THINK" it had more settings before but I really don't know. PAS setting on display changes how much power / speed it gets with the thumb throttle which I can use without pedaling and from what I read on some of the manuals it only assists while pedaling and other manuals that you can go to 0 for neutral and use throttle at any time above 0. It actually ended up showing about 2km/hr at one point but I was going pretty quick and rode it for a good 15 minutes no error codes and didnt turn the motor off or anything. I switched the wheel size all the way to max and minimum and no difference on speed there either while I held it in the air. I'm dumbfounded lmao I am pretty sure it had more settings though. I ordered a usb cable to hook it to my computer so ill try that when it gets here.

I can program the controller with a usb cable and the display as well separately right? I kinda thought that only the display got programmed and not the controller but I dont even know where this controller is from or if its programmable. It says LD-AJSXXX on it I cant really read it very well and its a small 15w controller. Do I need special software or anything? I have looked up so much stuff in the last while and its a lot to try remember lmao.

I'll try reseat the plugs and stuff, I unhooked a motor cable and turned it on to see what it did and it gave me error 38 which I haven't saw anywhere so I really have no idea lol at least it moves though. Is there any special way I should unhook it? I just removed the battery after I powered the display off last time I guess I will try reseat everything like you said.
i pulled the connectors on the bike and am going to take the controller apart to try get some info on it but the 8 pin from controller to 1-4 has a tiny chip in the plastic near the top left pin so maybe that was causing a problem it doesnt look like it would do anything but ill know in a while
I just went and tested it, the walk mode works, it did ask for a password to access advanced settings and 0512 worked, it has no PAS sensor only display, throttle, motor, power wires and the display isnt blank it turns on and seems to be okay other than speed not working and I "THINK" it had more settings before but I really don't know.
which settings are missing?
not all of the versions of the c965 have all of the settings though there is like 5 different user manuals my display lets me set speed to 60mph and can use the throttle without pedaling which made me think it was modified or something but one of the manuals i saw showed that.

you can find a ton of manuals on this site for lots of brands bafang alone has hundreds probably

BAFANG User Manuals Download | ManualsLib i looked at all of these ones though and mine isnt exact to any of them its in between i guess.

i guess i should say that there is an 12 more settings b0 - b12 after the first 3 but they all just say 0 at the bottom and cant be adjusted
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well i pulled the controller apart and promptly put it back together because i didnt want to break anything and i dont think i was gonna find any solutions in there, still has no speed showing and also in the advanced settings it doesnt show voltage or current or anything like that, when i pulled the controller i discharged the capacitors to 0.7v and when i hooked it back up the display still didnt show speed or anything in advanced settings beyond the first 3 but it ended up showing a b13 and a d01 at the very end which is the voltage of the first battery i guess but it was blank also.

battery is showing 40 volts, which is weird because i swear when i checked it a week or so ago it was at 36 so i have no clue how it got more when i havent charged it and rode it around a bit.

i tested the 5 pin that goes to the display with the battery unhooked and it showed 28 volts still + to - just from the capacitors in the controller so i dont know why its not showing voltage current or anything like that in advanced settings, im going to try test the signal wire from the controller to display now maybe the display reads all that info from the controller and not directly from the main power itself?

another thing, i have a 15a max 7a nominal voltage controller and a 36v 40ah battery and i had the wheels off the ground so i could test how fast it will go by itself with the speed limit at 60mph and pas on 9 with throttle only and it was extremely fast which makes me think the controller is messed up because the hub motors are only 210rpm and im fairly sure they were spinning way faster than 3 times per second.

also i found the closest user manual to my controller so far its c965 v5.0 on google its one of the random ones i found on that user manual site so i was pretty stoked about that and it also says on that manual that from b01 to b13 are irrelevant so they might not show anything so ill quit worrying about that and worry about the speed sensor i tested the controller-display pin to the ground pin on the connector and it showed some resistance idk what that means but maybe i need to pull the controller apart again.
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