Battery 18650 pack 12V Many questions


1 µW
Jan 1, 2016
I have many questions about 18650 battery.
I want build 12v 18650 battery pack from battery computer , but before i want learn more about 18650 battery.
So my questions are :
What is the difference between BMS and PCM board?
What is the difference between balance charge , and normal charge?
Does exist an electronic board to charge a pack battery?
I want to retrieve laptop batteries , but how charging?
What is the charger i need to charge the x3 battery at the same time ?
Because i want make a pack and not charge the battery 1 per 1.
I have see a charger "lipro balance charger" how it's working?
I see somes pack on ebay:
How is working ?
What is the charger i need to charge the pack from ebay?
The board to charge is in the pack?
Thanks in advance to help me , i'am lost. Cordially,
I think you might want to do a lot of reading around this section of the forums for people's various battery builds using 18650s, as you'll learn a lot of things you haven't even thought to ask yet, ;) and the answers to the rest of the questions too. :)

I don't have any specific links, but there are lots of threads here to check out, many in the recent few months.

If you don't want to read any of them, that's ok, someone else may be along eventually to answer some of your questions, or ask you new ones.