Update -
So the bike is about 6 months old now, with a little under 1000 miles. The only repairs so far have been - replaced crank (see previous posts) and a flat tire.
The bike has been shutting down more lately. Out of about 10 times riding, it shuts down maybe 3 to 5. It deffinetely happens on hot days. The bike never shuts down when I have the "gas" going. Only if I let go, and hit it again, it may shut down. So I've been riding with the gas on! Gas and brakes at the same time, timing lights.... Its hard when I have to pass like 15 lights and 10 stop signs on the way to and from home.
I've contacte Currie Tech 3 times.
The first time, the guy told me that I am not charging the bike enough. He recommended that I charge it overnight. I did that... but I know its not the battery. One time after shutting down on the way home (10 mile ride), I rode it again later without charging it for over 5 miles.
The second time I called, the lady took down all my comment and said that they will get back to me. A month later - no response.
So I give up on the "customer support" and "6 month warranty" and decide to call and express my frustration. The guy asks for my info, looks at the file, and says, "unfortunately, the contoler gets hot in the hot states, the bike shuts down, we've had several complaints, and we will address this issue in future lines." I ask him if there is anything that can be done. He tells me that I can buy a new controller for 55 bucks. I told him that the warranty should cover that. He talked to someone and said yes! But they have to check availability.... So I may be putting in a new controller soon, hopefully it will fix the problem.