Buying forest land, implementing solar

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Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
You can't turn a housewife into a hoe. . .I thought about the HEB chick experience, and I just kind of thought about it.

She came off like she was a hoe looking for dick.

But, she was also looking for a place . . . I guess it works out conveniently for hoes. There's plenty of guys willing to give a girl residence in exchange for intimate company, but I'd imagine there's a number of hoes who wouldn't mind a free place in exchange for doing what they love to do anyway, lol.

I think I'm something of a wolf in real life.

DAND214 said:
This thread has repeated it self over and over too many times.


I'm not looking for meaningless sex.

Meaning you're only TALKING about meaningless sex? I mean I get the part where you're waiting for the meaningless sex to come to you, but that's a form of looking, just not a very effective one.

I'm waiting until I have the prereqs, buddy. The HEB chick wasn't waiting, and future HEB chicks aren't likely waiting either.

Bringing a girl home requires a home, ja?

And I consider meaningless sex the kind where you don't feel overwhelming reason-bending love for the girl, the kind you feel like you'd do anything for them (Not that you necessarily do, but do whatever it takes to solve their critical problems). Like, these conventionally attractive girls I see... I wouldn't do anything FOR THEM, because I don't love them. Having sex with them would be meaningless. Gazing into their eyes wouldn't change that fact one iota, because I still don't love them. I need to love them first and feel that mutual chemistry between us for the gazing to create the pairbond. And I really doubt the gazing is necessary (Seems like millions have done without it), but it certainly hastens and solidifies the process!'

It interesting to think though...

Is there a single girl out there whose provocation wouldn't create that 'chemistry'?

Seems like every provocation I've seen has effectively aroused me. They all happened to be pretty chicks too... so I can't discount that.

It's interesting thinking pretty girls are the ones doing provocations and who just want your sex. I guess it's fitting, but I wonder why. Not all of the pretty girls are provokers (That I've seen anyway), but all the provokers I've seen are pretty girls.

This HEB chick... I'd say she had had the beauty of one of the popular chicks back in highschool. In fact, there's a particular girl I think looks like her from my class, though she had blond hair (HEB chick had brown hair). That girl however was an airhead, the HEB chick was... not so much. I guess she was kind of but not so much.
I feel like it's impressive being a millenial and saying I own a home 100%.

Another millenial remarked owning a home was a dream.

I told her it's cost-effective to just build your own! It's not that hard either, I'd say it's one of the easiest things I've done.

But, I feel like I'm getting to that age where it's an expectation, even if its usually almost completely mortgaged.

So I get the sense it's not really that impressive, because it's the appearances that are impressive, not the underlying ownership details.

Well, I'm sure the HEB chick didn't care about those small details. lol

Impress them with appearances.

That drive is not absent in me, though I quell it where I see financial hindering. Once I have the vitals secured, sure, the luxuries can be purchased but ONLY THEN. At this stage however, I would push off the luxuries prioritizing business investments. Those investments will have the most impact made at the earliest, and I would't want to fritter away investment capital on luxuries right at the start.
The HEB chick...

Oh, those hoes... if that's what she was... maybe she was just an affectionate girlfriend. They are sensitive to those "let's go lay in each other company" requests, and they seem to be all for it. I just wanted to snuggle in her warm embrace, and she just wanted me to f her brains out. Which I initially wanted to, but then I just wanted to cuddle. I nuzzled her instead because that wasn't practical, lol.

I actually wouldn't have problems with that, but I could tell the HEB chick would've needed some touching, kissing, to get the mood going. It's hard feeling like I want to be f'ing some girls brains out when they're shrinking away in guilt. I guess maybe it's easier if you don't love them... because you aren't as sensitive to how they're feeling about something...

I'm trying to imagine my mom trying to make her guys as horny as possible. Just don't see that happening.

So, if she's the not-a-hoe, then the heb chick was definitely a hoe, lol.
The affectionate girlfriend
She is young, fun, and flirty…

BINGO! That was the HEB chick. You're telling me this trait declines with age? Oh, THAT sucks!

Could be why I've almost never seen it before in the adultworld.

Fun and flirty... that sounds like me.

If you’re the jealous type: run. Run fast.

Lol, yep, her affection knows few limits. lol

It's true, too, I did make a girlfriend plenty jealous being affectionate with other girls. I actually kind of liked that girl, too, moreso than my girlfriend. Definitely not like the HEB chick. That was pure love.

I like my girls like my dogs: affectionate and wearing pride on their bosom. Brings out those mammary glands a little bit, lol. (I just really like the pride, just as girls like male pride.)

We’ve already covered the struggles of a girl who is bad at expressing her emotions, but the affectionate girl is quite the opposite of that. She shows her love, and she shows it often:

She expresses her emotions through affection: playful punches, loving hugs, and passionate kisses.
If you’re the jealous type: run.
Run, fast.
She’s got a lot of love to give.
She’ll be affectionate with you pretty much immediately…
And she probably lets her guard down pretty easily.
She is young, fun, and flirty…
And that’s probably what attracted you to her in the first place.
Being in a relationship won’t change her flirtationship with the rest of the world.
Arm linking, hugging, cheek kissing, or dancing with other people is part of the norm...
Let it happen.
When she’s super excited about something, she’ll hug a complete stranger.
And when she’s drunk, the affection reaches a whole new level.
She’s pretty familiar with the cuddle puddle…
It’s one of her favorite things to do…
And she’ll CP with people she doesn’t even know that well.
Don’t assume that she’s taken just because of the guy who she’s walking arm-in-arm with.
He’s very likely just her good friend.
She needs a lot of hugs and kisses from you...
And she also needs to give lots of ‘em.
Get used to falling asleep in a spoon.
She loves a good snuggle sesh at the end of a long day.
You might actually get smothered in the middle of the night…
Because she’s sleeping so close to you.
But that’s just because she loves you so very, very much.

Passionate kisses... maybe that's why she was so overwhelmed by the passionate love gaze. It all is valued by her: passion. I'm telling you, that girl was a soulmate.

Another good article on this.

Gazing into each other's eyes, I fell for a girl straight away, thinking she felt the same. So I was (unfortunately) chasing for maybe 5-6 months, trying to make sense of her mixed signals. I would also notice she would flirt with others too, but I didn't really care; she's a flirty girl, but I thought what we had was special. At the end of the 5-6 months, I was tired of going no where, so I decided to ask her out one last time: if she blows me off, that's it. She says she doesn't see me that way and didn't know if she was leading me on or not. I say no biggie, it's cool; move on, free my mind for other women.

Interesting. Because the heb chick was DEFINITELY into me. There was no question about that. Granted, her circumstances were likely exceptional and she likely saw me as her savior at the time, so that probably helped a bit. But, after the savior status was revoked by my own incompetence/inexperience at recognizing this girl's plight(Didn't really matter, honestly, timing was bad), that might've changed. I definitely think the pairbond still existed strongly in her mind because that was no ordinary eye gaze. That was the "I'm going to f your brains out" kind of gazing, forward and very aggressive. Didn't leave much to question with that gaze, lol. I believe that intention of mine was necessary to create that strong sexual pairbond we both developed, and she went onto experience the happiest moment in her life (As evidenced by the dramatic overwhelmed-by-beauty facial expression, the one and only time I've ever seen that... don't even see it in movies but it is definitively distinctive and recognizable.), and was estatic for the rest of the day. She was also looking forward to a serious pounding.

Took him 5-6 months to figure it out?

Dang, the heb chick experience was NO QUESTION.
I am pretty sure a imaginary shed does not represent a house. Good luck with your delusions and mental illness. :shock:
slacker said:
I am pretty sure a imaginary shed does not represent a house. Good luck with your delusions and mental illness. :shock:

I'm more concerned about cardiovascular illness than mental illness! Just like my goals have priorities, so do my illnesses, lol.

Yes, it's a shed and I know it's not a house. But it does several things a house does:

-It keeps the temp stabilized.
-Keeps the wind and rain out.
-Provides visual privacy, necessary to prevent getting gunned down so readily.
-With some modifications, it can keep the insects out. ESPECIALLY mosquitos, no-see-ums, ants and wasps. All the mofos. Spiders are annoying too, but not as annoying as those.
-With shelving, I have the potential for oganization, something my shed, RV and van SEVERELY lacks.

It is, however, questionably effective at attracting pussy. I honestly didn't think it matters, since this neighborhood isn't attracting the kind I'm looking for anyway.

Remember, appearances. The appearances of this neighborhood is about as abysmal as you can get.

(And bringing up that point of appearances... maybe I shouldn't be getting the crappy looking car...)

It's funny I talk about appearances when behavior, AND DEFINITELY NOT APPEARANCES, is what drove the HEB chick interaction. So how important are appearances really...

They do care about safety however. Some neighborhoods are unsafe.

A safe neighborhood in OK appearances (No mobiles). That would probably do it.

It might be more about safety than appearances...

But neighorhoods mired in squallor tend to be unsafe. I guess you kill two birds in one stone avoiding those...
So lady gaga sings "If I kiss you, I might miss you babe".

I've already established the very aggressive passionate love gaze was essentially identical in effect to a passionate kiss from a book passage. Wild eyes of desire. Sexual pair bond established.

And, oh, how I still miss her and cry those tears of missing.

I know she misses me. At least she used to, lol.

It's so heart-rending thinking about what kind of troubles she's been thru, in terms of sadness, despair, tears with my absence. Her sense of despair was acute when I temporarily rejected her, no doubt that same feeling has revisited her.
Ate at another taco place yesterday. Tasted like the tacos had some kind of fat added (either butter or oil... likely oil) and that was a lot of grain carbs, got like 4 tacos.

Then my left shoulder started getting sharp pinging. Not a good sign.

Then I woke up after 2 hours of sleeping. Not normal and normally not a good sign.

Then I did lots and lots of running, more than normal.

Breathing felt shallower than normal.

Chest feeling a little weird. Not a "calm chest" like normal.

My blood sugar levels must've high allthroughout the night.

I believe that would keep me up and would also likely induce cardiovascular issues, which has historically surfaced in 2 hours of sleeping.

So, no more eating tacos from that place. Too much grain carbs. The oil they likely add for taste might also be an issue. Canola is famous for injury, most common being the cheapest.

I don't get these issues from bananas, ever.
I thought about girls wanting commitment.

The butterfly song,

"A samurai who won't regret to keep me in his net"

I thought about it, there's two forms this comes in as far as I'm aware.


Girls look for love, because they want commitment. It's also mind bending, powerful, and highly addicting. Overwhelming. Key indicator: you'll do anything for them. It's all about them and for them, not you. It feels "deep" and overwhelming.

See ladygaga to see what I mean:


Lady gaga has a lot of songs covering the facets of love and sex. She's absolutely wonderful for content in this area. I suspect maybe if I knew lady gaga, we might've fallen in love if she was anything like the HEB chick, which she kind of seems to be.

God damnit, so didn't need another waterworks trigger.


I need to stop perusing google images, RIGHT NOW. lol


Isn't that true, lol.
[Lady gaga] She is known for her unconventionality and provocative work

BINGO! Another one like the HEB chick. Unconventional and provocative. Her favorite show was portlandia, and I told her about the eccentric yuppies on there, and she just looked enthused I even brought up the word. And she herself was a bit unique, not really a normal chick. So, she didn't have any qualms with unconventionality, looked like she just didn't care. She actually looked like she was excited by it.

I knew I'd be searching A LONG time to find another girl like her. And, it's looking like I was right. lol

She was all like "You want me? Seriously?"... lol, YEAH YOU! I loved that chick.
I wonder if I can make a walkable perimeter around the roof.

What that would take for supporting it and draining the water.

Seems like having roof access would be nice for roof maintenance. Also, hypothetically increase safety with railing along the roof edge. And just getting the "stairs" benefit for the exercise.

I wonder if I can find example images.

Couldn't find one, so I drew one. The trusses.

A walkable roof. There's a reason that outhouses don't have walkable roofs that have nothing to do with the smell. Usually you need room for your feet.

swbluto said:
So lady gaga sings "If I kiss you, I might miss you babe".

I know she misses me. At least she used to, lol.

It's so heart-rending thinking about what kind of troubles she's been thru, in terms of sadness, despair, tears with my absence. Her sense of despair was acute when I temporarily rejected her, no doubt that same feeling has revisited her.

I doubt Lady Gaga is missing you. Those stars, they talk like they're so lonely, then a guy gets arrested in her backyard saying 'I knew her when she was an H.E.B. chick/how.'

swbluto said:
I'm waiting until I got the prereqs. . . .

THEN you'll have meaningless sex? Most guys rent the motel room AFTER they get the how.

I think its time for Reid Welch to read this thread and offer his pondering upon it.
I thought about that.

It was kind of weird I was chewing out a girl for not being a guy, and it was pissing me off, because I wanted to ask a question that's only suitable for guys...

And she just had that look "Oh dude, lay me now".

Why the hell would going off on a girl with such a ridiculous thing to get pissed about turn them on so much?

I thought about it...

The boss yells at the employee.

The employee doesn't yell at the boss.

Getting angry at someone implies higher status.

Girls like higher status guys.

Just I like did with the HEB chic, I wasn't accepting her bullshit, and she had that look like "Oh gee, f me now", lol.

I guess to turn girls on, treat them like you're the boss. You set the rules, you're not taking their bullshit, and you get angry at them when they step out of line or (apparently) if anything about them pisses you off, lol, it apparently doesn't matter. You demand respect and you make demands of them and won't take no for an answer, like a boss.

When I was first aggressively acting like I was going for the heb chick's body, she was resisting as if saying "no".... but she relented as I persisted. Sexual surrender. Like a boss, I wasn't taking no for an answer. And she had that deviant smile, like she was enjoying the surrender to my persistent advances. Wasn't like she was begrudging it or anything.

Granted, I think she was a hoe, and she was a lot easier than most gals.

Seems like the hoes often carry pride in their chest. They know it attracts males, as well as pretty much everything else they do...provocations, encouragements, seductive tones...etc.

The HEB chick seemed like she knew all the tricks in the book...

Granted, most of her tricks came after I made my move, when she knew it was getting sexual. [sexual pairbond had been established...]

I think she figured it was a way to ensure I'd come back to pick her up because I had what she was seeking (Or so she thought... I think she was doing a bit of wishful thinking as that's where her hopes and needs were...). And she had that smile like she knew it was happening.

I didn't know this music video was all about this dynamic...

Players seducing the hoe.

Does that happen often?

I often don't hear about it, but that almost seems like what the HEB chick situation was about... lol

While I hear bad things about hoes, I'll have to admit she added a bit of joy to my life, lol. So they are welfare boosters in my opinion, good for society.

There’s one winning advantage these self-proclaimed hoes have over Classy Women, the ability to not get emotionally attached to a man before he gives her commitment.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing. The HEB chick had my commitment. She had highly desireable skills, the ability to generate sexual tension/desire, and many anecdotes suggest that's key(The chemistry) to a happy enduring relationship. And, oh, she was horny. That's important, lol. She just happened to be a horny women with the right skills who wanted what she thought I had and love seemed to be enough for her.
With a .5 acre property, I have the ability to feed at least one person with the farming. So I guess I shouldn't be scoffing at the idea of paying more for the acreage...

And it'd be great for the roman complex.

Kind of giving up on the HOA lake properties. Figure its a bunch of old people curmedgeons who live there who'd invent rules ad-hoc restricting my ability to kayak on the lake. If it's not restricted, I would have the ability to readily travel there to enjoy the lake.
Dauntless said:
A walkable roof. There's a reason that outhouses don't have walkable roofs that have nothing to do with the smell. Usually you need room for your feet.

swbluto said:
So lady gaga sings "If I kiss you, I might miss you babe".

I know she misses me. At least she used to, lol.

It's so heart-rending thinking about what kind of troubles she's been thru, in terms of sadness, despair, tears with my absence. Her sense of despair was acute when I temporarily rejected her, no doubt that same feeling has revisited her.

I doubt Lady Gaga is missing you. Those stars, they talk like they're so lonely, then a guy gets arrested in her backyard saying 'I knew her when she was an H.E.B. chick/how.'

swbluto said:
I'm waiting until I got the prereqs. . . .

THEN you'll have meaningless sex? Most guys rent the motel room AFTER they get the how.

I fail to see how sex with your girlfriend is meaningless. And, taking the girlfriend to the motel room...

What do you think I'm looking for, one night stands?

It's about the love. It's not just the hit it and quit it girls.

The HEB chick was not a hit it and quit it girl. And she was looking for a place.

Some guys, though, are just interested in sex. Others might sleep with a girl they aren't interested just for the sex.

Yeah, not me! There's no way in hell I'm going to sleep with some girl I'm mildly attracted to, let alone not interested in at all.

Though, I will admit... sleeping with the girls who do arouse you, even if you don't love them, appears to be beneficial, tends to bring happiness and joy. But it is short-lived... a girl you love is far more powerful and enduring. Just as the love itself is overwhelming, so is the sex, at least during the honeymoon.

swbluto said:
What do you think I'm looking for, one night stands?

I think you're looking for something to say. . . .

While I think it might be most appropriate to post an animated GIF of some girl jumpin' up and down a bouncin', maybe I'll just ask your reaction to the march by women today regarding the sort of bullying you consider so essential to getting any sex you consider worth having.
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
What do you think I'm looking for, one night stands?

I think you're looking for something to say. . . .

While I think it might be most appropriate to post an animated GIF of some girl jumpin' up and down a bouncin', maybe I'll just ask your reaction to the march by women today regarding the sort of bullying you consider so essential to getting any sex you consider worth having.

All that boss behavior is "conditional"... meaning, it only happens under the right conditions when the situation demands. Doesn't mean you're going out of your way to be a control freak or a bully. Because it happens when it's DESERVED or NEEDS IT, it's not really bullying. And, heck, if it is a form of bullying... many girls like getting a little bit of abuse from what I've heard. Some of them WANT to be abused. I've not had too many experiences to the contrary. I've heard of many women running when the nice guy just treats so politely and nicely and definitely no sign of abuse at all...

It's funny talking about this...

Because, when I just abuse my dog a little... his tail starts to wag. Not necessarily when I start petting him.

He considers it PLAYFUL and it makes him HAPPY.

Maybe that's how girls take it? Who knows. What works is what works.

My pug was no different. "Abused" her just a little (Threw her across the room to land on the couch)... and she got all sorts of feisty because she considered it PLAYING which it was.
swbluto said:
It's funny talking about this...

Because, when I just abuse my dog a little... his tail starts to wag. Not necessarily when I start petting him.

He considers it PLAYFUL and it makes him HAPPY.

Maybe that's how girls take it? Who knows. What works is what works.

My pug was no different. "Abused" her just a little (Threw her across the room to land on the couch)... and she got all sorts of feisty because she considered it PLAYING which it was.

Oh yeah, with that post this community is about to be inunDATED with women looking for a good time. Dogs, too. I suppose I do need to hunt up a bouncy woman GIF in your honor. . . .

Lets' see, what would you consider to be the difference between 'a millenial and saying I own a home 100%' and a millennial owning a 100% home?

Owning a 100% home...

That seems ambiguous. Could imply equity ownership or state of construction. Or maybe even how it numerically compares to a normal home in some way.

Right now my shack is a 25% home, lol.

Owning a home 100%...

Doesn't. Implies equity ownership.

I think maybe I was getting manipulated by hot pussy who was looking to use somebody to satisfy her needs and wants. A hoe looking to use somebody.

The only power they seem to have is that you really want to screw them in a way no girl has ever made you want to screw them before.

Sirens. Prostitutes. Hoes. Financial shipwreckage. Such was that craigslist guy who got all his possessions "lost"(i.e. pawned / craigslisted).

I knew when it felt like I was in the backalley with a prostitute, that should've been the warning now I know more about what they're generally about. Money seekers. Funding a spendy lifestyle. Fine dining.

Having said that though...

Establishing that sexual pairbond/love and not putting that to good use...

That's disappointing, lol. Oh well, the first time is always a learning experience, I figured that's what I would get out of it, though I didn't expect it to be NEARLY that powerful/addicting. Playing with fire there, boy, lol.

It's weird having had girlfriends, but not having had a sexual pairbond like that. Maybe I had some kind of pairbond in a more minor form...

Going out at night in a neighborhood like that is playing with fire.

No kidding! I've learned you need to choose your neighborhoods/neighbors carefully.
Fine dining.

It's a pretty common desire of youngins. At least I had the compulsion though never could afford it, not really.

Seems to be big business in Houston. Could explain the waistlines...

I don't trust most restaurants in terms of their food options and ingredients at this point... so a null point now.

I now would consider that a wasteful lifestyle and at the moment, I'm trying to minimize waste, got high priorities that are kind of expensive.

Given the poor sales for January as compared to previous januaries so far... Oh, well... at least I'm funding living expenses at this point. So I'm not losing money.

I really need to get line electricity established. Need to hunt down that new property sooner rather than later.

I feel like I'd be more gangbusters with expansion if the electricity didn't cost so damn much.

Having had no expansion for an entire year given the limitations of the RV and whatnot...

That seems...

Disappointing. But understandable.

That should alleviate in some directions when the shack is built. All the time I'm not sourcing property/clearing/building, I should focus on expansion in whatever forms.

Market research (Find what sells well and do it better)

Market testing (Throw as much as you can against the wall and see what sticks)

Think it'd be interesting to try my hand at affiliate marketing.

I definitely have copy writing skills with experience proven stats to back it up. I get the sense that copy writing is a high value skill.

Seems like disappointment is the prevailing emotion.

Good song on this.


Past disappointments turn to steam
We're superheros, in our dreams

Get far more emotional about the HEB chick than this, lol.

I figure I have until 35 before marriage becomes "appreciably later than normal".

I see myself as needing these prerequisites for marriage...

but then I see this hottie living with this guy in this small shack on the road with their 3 kids...

and I'm thinking the bar isn't really set that high.

Don't really see a strict need for it, but I do want to be careful. Learning more about the "kinds" of girls out there, I feel like I'm getting a little wiser in choosing marital partners.


I can't seem to control whom I fall in love with. That seems chosen for me.

So,l figure a better approach is learning to be dominant and effectively managing the needs, desires and resources, ensuring the stability and viability.
Interesting dream.

Baby dady.

Worshipped her in the bedroom.

It was like a man, the size of a baby. And this girl claimed he was 10x the man than any man she's been with, and then there's cutscenes of him just going at vigorously because he's enjoying it, no apologies or shame, just doing what he's compelled by instinct to do. Multiple situations, different cutscenes.

The HEB chick almost seemed to be just like this girl. She was looking forward to getting vigorously 'used'. Not a concept that registered in my mind at the time, but it's what my move was implicitly suggesting, I'm going to frock you so hard so there's no tomorrow. And judging from how excited she seemed to be and was highly encouraging to see it come to fruition... I think that's EXACTLY what she was looking for [I'm pretty sure she was also looking for residence... I think... yes, has to be. She was nervous and aggressive and there's no mistaking the urgency at the end.] Many images online suggest that they really want the "passionate rough" kind but it's kind of rare.

The more irritable a girl is, the more horny they are. It's the only way I can figure I fell in love with her yelling at me, and the move I subsequently made was so effective. I might say "Couples who fight together, stay together" and maybe that's why I fell in love... but... I think she might've been bitchy because she was horny. Might've even been a horny bitch in heat, she came off that way, anyway. There's no question she was horny.

Bold pickup attempt, passionate rough kind.

Those went together.

Wasn't holding back my urges, they came out in full force in my behavior, which quickly overwhelmed and excited her.

Joan jett mentions something similar


You took my heart and my pride away

Yep, I stole the HEB chick's confidence, that 'pride'. She was wearing it on her chest, jutting it forward, but it soon vanished. I would say she was bending over like a slave at the end, which she was clearly relishing judging from that prurient smile.

[I think she recognized I thought she was a little whore, but I think more importantly, she could tell I didn't care and that wasn't stopping me.]

But I dream about the lovin' you do

Vigorous passionate rough kind, like a horny buck. Granted, might have something to do with him messing around town, too.

HEB chick and joan jett - both rebellious impulsive bitches. Conquered by the horny bucks.
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