Buying forest land, implementing solar

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So, I'm trying to get a better sense of who my neighbors are.

I see this 30 or 40 something guy...

Then I saw a 30 something girl...(who looked kind of fine)...

And the 30-or-40-something guy is telling me they "own the property behind us", giving me the impression HE owns it.

So, who are the owners exactly?

Got the name and google tells all, a 60 year old who lives here according to the internet. Sounds like a match and that's "normal". So the 30-or-40 something guy most likely does not own the land, but he might "own" one of the "mini houses" on the property (There appears to be 3 or 4).

Then the people across the way that looks like some kind of crack house with 5x 20-something renters (3 guys and 2 girls so far). And one of the white girls looked like a meth head and the other looked like a hoe. Then one of the guys looked like a gang member, but I didn't really get a sense of "aggression" in him like the illegals around here (So that's good), the other two looked like white chums.

I only say it looks like a crack house because of the really old RV and really old trailer but, could be that whomever put that there is poor and it's not really a "crack house". BUT IT DEFINITELY COULD BE!!! It's a definite association in this area, broken windows on a trailer = drug users. Granted, i don't know if it's the poor 54 year old land owners that live in livingston that's like 100 miles from here, or these poor 20-somethings... but someone's poor. Livingston is reputed for poverty, so more than likely... both are poor.
swbluto said:
As I said, we're talking about 1 out of 10,000 kind of statistics here. Probably closer to 1 out of 2,000,000. . .And, furthermore, the most successful business people tend to be psychopaths...

And what's on the mind of psychopaths...

murder, sex and money.

Now sniper rifles... yeah... that's some good shit. BTW, there's really no criminal trend to using sniper rifles and I never had criminal ideation with sniper rifles. It's more of a military interest in international open-field war contexts, not too dissimilar to my interest in long bowsman. Now, criminal ideation with caltrops, maybe when I was real young... sub-25...

That kind of makes me wonder what would happen if someone launched a million caltrops over a pedestrian highway bridge in los angeles sometime after dark. cut a hole thru the chainlink fence to assist the dumping.

Is that a YES? We're NOT talking about these statistics, YOU are dripping them like honey. But they're NOT honey. All these people who don't commit murder don't rave on and on about murder.

There's been female mass murders, female serial killers, there's been male mass murders over 25. Lee Boyd Malvo used a sniper rifle. As did Charles Whitman. Probably plenty more, just don't want to look them up. I'm not sure what the distinction is supposed to be.

Meanwhile, you haven't DIRECTLY answered the question. . . .
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
As I said, we're talking about 1 out of 10,000 kind of statistics here. Probably closer to 1 out of 2,000,000. . .And, furthermore, the most successful business people tend to be psychopaths...

And what's on the mind of psychopaths...

murder, sex and money.

Now sniper rifles... yeah... that's some good shit. BTW, there's really no criminal trend to using sniper rifles and I never had criminal ideation with sniper rifles. It's more of a military interest in international open-field war contexts, not too dissimilar to my interest in long bowsman. Now, criminal ideation with caltrops, maybe when I was real young... sub-25...

That kind of makes me wonder what would happen if someone launched a million caltrops over a pedestrian highway bridge in los angeles sometime after dark. cut a hole thru the chainlink fence to assist the dumping.

Is that a YES? We're NOT talking about these statistics, YOU are dripping them like honey. But they're NOT honey. All these people who don't commit murder don't rave on and on about murder.

Jeez, aren't we talking about generalizations. Remember the bayesian formula video?

Just because the guy is a shy guy doesn't mean he's most likely a math major. He's most likely a business major since there's 10 business majors to every 1 math-major.

Putting this in the context of murders, where the odds are something like 100,000:1, and something like 500,000:1 for post-25s, you're talking about some extreme odds.

I'm more in interested in crushing the competition in the marketplace and making out like a bandit. You know that phrase? MAKING A KILLING. It's what I'm apparently good at and that's not stopping. And all the hotties want to be with me because I'm the successful hunter they've always wanted, and I'm slowly but surely discovering and unleashing my potential. (And a lot of non-hotties want to too, sadly. *tear*)

As to the austin bomber perpetrator, I have an allabi and I DON'T HAVE A MOTIVE unlike a COMPETING MEXICAN CARTEL ASSOCIATED DRUG DEALER/DISTRIBUTOR in that city. So, nope, the evidence don't fit.

Drug dealers murdering each other is as old as the day is long.

It's apparently happened quite a bit in this neighborhood, which used to be a "drug dealer" neighborhood. Isn't that comforting to learn?

Doesn't seem like it's really lost its root, judging from my illegal neighbors! LOL.
Women have a pickup line "what do you do for a living"?

Highly rated comment, what I was saying. The idea that girls only care if you listen, and don't care about a job or car... LOL, yeah right! In my world, that comes in the form...

"Do you have a job?"
"What have you been doing lately?"

Interestingly, I get peeved when girls ask if I have a job. But, maybe it's only when it's the non-hotties asking. A hottie asking makes me think she's interested and I'm thinking "hot digs", lol. Actually, when the HEB chick asked the last question, I didn't seriously think she was asking about employment. I still don't really know, but... seems pretty probable. I didn't answer the "job aspect", but seems like she probably inferred the job from my answer anyway ("You know, chopping trees", she thought, LOGGER).

Seems like the hotties have a tendency for subtlety and insinuations in their speech.

The less attractive girls tend to be more blatant.

Interesting, I guess you could say I'm subtle when communicating a sensitive/strong point with a girl, so I guess I'm a "male hottie" at heart.

Thinking I'm actually getting irritated by the blatancy of the less hot chicks on sensitive questions, and not simply because "they are not hot".

Getting irritated by blatancy on sensitive topics is definitely normal.
Thinking about how long I want to make the walk-in kitchen.

If I make it ten feet long, it's 20x18.

If I make it 12 feet long, it's 20x20.

Judging from the walls of my 10x12 shack.

12 feet long definitely seems more luxurious/comfortable.

And it'd give a bit more free room for the combination livingroom/office/bedroom. Free room is good, not only enough space for the desk, bed and couch, but to have enough spacing between them so it doesn't "feel cramped". Relaxing and luxurious is the theme.

Average kitchen size.

They say that 100 sq. is "the average", was 80 back in the 1950s and they suggest that 175 sq.ft is "more realistic".

Seems like they include the dining area in the calculation.


20*7 = 140 sq. ft.

I guess my kitchen size would be "near average". Which is nice for a 0 bedroom home initially sized at 400 sq. ft., designed as an upper end studio. (As compared to the builders average of 2500 sq.ft. today.)

I wonder when I can get the electricity ball started. Be nice to get it rolling as quickly as I can, just so I'll definitely have it by the time I'm moving in.

I'm debating whether I should paint and perforate the floorboards with weepholes to prevent mold growing on it while it's exposed to the weather. I was told houses need to be built in less than a month due to mold issues, and the most significant mold issue seems to be the floor boards looking at my shack's floors.
Thinking more about the floor frame.

Ideally it'd be 21x21.

But to implement a 21 foot floor joist would require a 12 footer with a 10 footer.

The length of the floor frame has no issues, it can remain 21 feet long if so desired.

A 12 footer would require 2x8, over 2x6, and they'd all need to be uniform, so it'd upgrade the entire floor frame to 2x8.

The other compromise is to use 2x6, but to have an additional dek block supporting the middle of the joist of each joist.

that'd make the average number of dek blocks per joist about 3x.

With 15 joists, that'd be 30 extra dek blocks, then all that extra cost with the 2x12s over the 2x10, $3 more each, so $45 more in total.

30 extra dek blocks and $45 more in 2x12s is $165 more dollars.

If I kept the floor joist at 20 feet, I could use 2x6 10 footers, and it'd only require about 1.25 dek blocks per joist.

Then I'd have to size the width wall frame to the floor frame, which shortens it about...

20 feet 3 inches - 7 inches = 19 feet 8 inches.

So, it shortens the width of the house by 4 inches, no biggie.

Then I might have to use temp ledges to install the sheathing along the length. Just some extra hassle, not really a huge issue. Worth the $165 and the fact i don't have to dig that many more foundation holes and buy more spacers, cement and gravel. Foundation hassles and extra costs outweigh the temp ledge hassle by a large margin.

For the 20 foot length, I think I'm going to arrange the front wall frame like so...


that way the window is in the center of each 8 foot length, and the door is in the center of the 4 foot wall frame section.

then the sides along the width...


(the right side would be 8-4-8 so a header block could be installed in the right side middle for expansion capability. But, it'd be asymmetric with the left wouldn't it... let's see... 4 feet offset vs 5 feet offset... well, we could always implement a 5 foot offset in the right side to match the left.)

windows in each of the centers.

then the back windows and doors...

might need special consideration there, with the kitchen/dining layout.
swbluto said:
I'm debating whether I should paint and perforate the floorboards with weepholes to prevent mold growing on it while it's exposed to the weather. I was told houses need to be built in less than a month due to mold issues, and the most significant mold issue seems to be the floor boards looking at my shack's floors.

marty said:
Windows are nice for light and air. If shed will not have heating and cooling? It needs some vents to prevent moisture, condensation, mold and other problems.

Trim trees 6 foot away from structure so you don't get squirrels.

Roof need to be sloped so water runs off. Important that water runs away from building. Doors and windows will leak water if not installed properly. Where's the shower?
VENTS! Yea air is what's needed to prevent mold.
Ok, I have sort of a vent in my sheathing, a bunch of 1/2" holes covered with fiberglass mesh screening (for bugs). It has a fan when needed.

And, today, got done raking up the pine needles and of this time of the year (last half of march), it looks like working outside in the forest is OK until about 1 p.m., then it gets way too sweaty and hot. Of course, cooler cloudier days are the exception. [And I should treat those days like BONANZAS!]

I have a feeling in about a month, the cutoff time is getting pushed back to 12.

Then sometime around late may, there will be pretty much no acceptable time to be working outside, lol.

Anyway, my neighbor was recounting how his neighbor yesterday was throwing this little girl's dog in the fire and it was screaming bloody murder for 10 minutes. He said, 'if you think your neighbors are bad, look at mine.', lol.

I think I'd be willing to trade out a dog murderer over a person murderer myself, but I understand I don't have the choice at the moment, but that's getting changed in about a month.

The police were there, but apparently couldn't be apprehended because he doesn't have a felony on his record.

Wow, I wonder if that'd keep away the police in California, lol.

Trying to imagine some suburban guy throwing dogs in the fire, and them burning to death, and the cops just shrugging their shoulders.

Yeah, I've learned by now, this neighborhood is phucked up and I AM OUT OF HERE BITCHES!!!

via Imgflip Meme Generator


Dogs getting thrown in the fire and 2-year old daughters getting raped by the father, wtf. luckily that last guy got sent to prison for life.

I could understand 14 years old (I mean, I can understand being sexually attracted), but 2... wtf...

He probably thought she couldn't recount and tell on him and he'd never get in trouble, unlike with a 14 year old...
swbluto said:
Jeez, aren't we talking about generalizations. Remember the bayesian formula video?

Ummm, no. And Irrelevant. Both questions answered.

One of my relatives is growing up big. So I asked him: Center, or power forward? He answered "Power forward." He looked right for a basketball player over any other sport. Guess what, no thought he could REALLY make it to the NBA. But he'd do it. So forget your small percentages of those who actually DO, remember for every one who does there's how many who aspire. There's the REAL question about you.

We could just never say a word about your behavior. Lenny Bruce had a comedy routine where he speaks for Hitler saying he thought everyone was LOVING the things he was doing, what with what he was reading in the newspapers. Let's not forget Goebbels controlled those papers over and above everyone else, Hitler included. If we don't say a word, how would you know? You sure can't figure it out for yourself.

Just because the shy guy isn't majoring in math doesn't mean he doesn't WISH he was good at math. People who major in business take a lot of math classes. And the NAZI's didn't create the violence and chaos in prewar Germany, they just rose up and took advantage of it. Even stifled it, prior to the war itself. There were many trying to do much the same thing only worse in competition with them.

swbluto said:
I'm more in interested in CRUSHING. . .making out like a bandit. . .MAKING A KILLING. It's what I'm apparently good at. . .HUNTING. . .TEAR!


They're competing with you? Dang, is using the violent terms really going to curb your appetite? Don't you fear, as George Clooney said in 'Oh Brother, Where Art thou?' it'll reawaken your appetite without properly putting it to bed?
Heheh, well, theres's a saying that's used in THE REAL WORLD, not the pretend internets... and it goes...


Unlike what internet fools like you do, good at spotting the many many false positives based on INTERNET words alone and can't see the forest for the trees.

I'm not saying you're a real world fool, but you're definitely an internet one.

To tell if you're a real world fool... I'd have to observe your real world actions...

I swear this was the HEB chick. Trying to hog all the attention with her provocations.

The slutty provocation came very shortly after ignoring her and paying attention to the bagger...
So the next decade will be a great decade for USA real estate with the loose mortgage rules that'll cause a 10 year boom and subsequent crash. Might even be longer than 10 years.

This mortgage boom will be especially good for those at the receiving end of the mortgage money... developers... construction workers...existing owners... house flippers who time the market just right... with the extensive labor market slack suppressing wages, I highly suspect it'll be FAR BETTER to be an "owner" developer than a non-owning worker...

towards the end of the 10 years, it's best to either own more rentals than resales... maybe even completely own just rentals by that time...

or make sure you're cashed out and get ready to invest it in the stock market when it crashes. (This is a risky strategy in my opinion, many people lost out the last time since once the sign to cash out becomes obvious... all of a sudden it takes a full year to sell the house, by which time, prices have already crashed. I think it's best to increasingly own rentals over time, in terms of minimizing risk. For example, owning 20 duplexes, upto 2 houses on the market at a time as time goes on.)

If oil booms when real estate crashes, i can see a potential play being.

triple long oil, cash out within a year or two.
triple long s&p 500, cash out within 5-9 years.

So this about someone being afraid to indicate his interest in a girl...


I'm telling you, that's how it fvcking works.

In true love, hold nothing back.!&source=bl&ots=6r9-wKlAfm&sig=wndUowk3CRd54tS7CfvdhOAmp70&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtj_a-9_HZAhUOTawKHfUSBOYQ6AEIdTAS#v=onepage&q=MAN%20UP%20AND%20HOLD%20NOTHING%20BACK!&f=false

That's how it works huh... true love is so overwhelming, you simply cannot contain holding it back.
swbluto said:
Ok, I have sort of a vent in my sheathing, a bunch of 1/2" holes covered with fiberglass mesh screening (for bugs). It has a fan when needed.
2018 International Mechanical
Code Chapter 4 Ventilation
Check with local building inspector for minimum ventilation required. More air is better. As in larger vents.
66% of millenials have 0% saved? Am I reading that right?

Dang, I didn't think I was doing THAT great.

But mark me words, once critical mass is achieved (probably after this christmas), I'm on a roll. All efforts this year will be geared towards achieving critical mass.

Illegal neighbors just fired off some kind of loud gun within 300 feet of my property (They live 900 feet away, so they purposely travel over here.).

I'm not personally concerned about it, though it does suck a bit I don't have my phone on me just in case. Oh well.

I see the "pay boost" to starting out here with the near-0 rent as a sort of hazard pay, lol.

And talking about "Actions speak louder than words", lol, dauntless... what about THOSE guys, huh?
marty said:
swbluto said:
Ok, I have sort of a vent in my sheathing, a bunch of 1/2" holes covered with fiberglass mesh screening (for bugs). It has a fan when needed.
2018 International Mechanical
Code Chapter 4 Ventilation
Check with local building inspector for minimum ventilation required. More air is better. As in larger vents.

Do those things keep out bugs?
swbluto said:
Heheh, well, theres's a saying that's used in THE REAL WORLD, not the pretend internets... and it goes...

Or it WOULD, if you could just out with it instead of hiding behind some image.

swbluto said:
To tell if you're a real world fool... I'd have to observe your real world actions...

A real world fool posts a bunch of nonsense on the internet. Kicks kicked out, kicked out, kicked out. Goes unwashed, unattended, uninspired. Oh, talks of all the women allegedly clamoring after him when in fact. . . .

And you don't have to see the guy in real life, you already know only a fool would carry on that way. Or talk on and on about mass murder and denying he's interested.

You say 'Take it easy,' I say there's nothing hard about picking youer foolishness apart.
Dauntless, there's a word for you.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Your baseless antagonisms will be easily and quickly disregarded likewise. I would rant about your type of person, but I'm seriously doing so well to really be interested in putting in the emotionally negative effort required.

There's another quote for this kind of situation...

He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas
swbluto said:
He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas

How IS your dog, now that you bring him up? Don't worry, I have no intention of laying down with either one of you, so no need for the dire warning. (Do you at least wash the dog?)

So fits funny thing about all this success bringing you unlimited time to post, edit,, find pictures when you don't know what to say. I don't consider things to be going so well but I still lack all your spare time.

So Mr success, prove it by paying back your student loan. Behave responsibly.
Well I could, but you see, doing so would be the least profitable use of my liquid capital.

In a nutshell, maximizing allocations to the maximum ROI cash streams on an absolute percentage basis is how it's done. An the absolute value of negative 6% is a lot lower than a positive 500%!

Here's how to grade investment opportunities efficiently.

Minimum investment required, ROI (If I were to get detailed, I might break both of these metrics into labor time and invested money. i.e., return on invested time and return on invested capital.)

The trick then is to find opportunities, grade them and /ACT/ on them accordingly.

Not unlike girls...

Girls /supposedly/ require time and money, so rating them accordingly is not so off the mark either...

Those easy girls require less of it, which is why the ROI is higher with them making them more valuable, lol.

I'd imagine girls with chemistry tend to be easier... but is that really true... probably not, it just feel easier for me as I'm more motivated. At least it seems more thrilling/exciting.

However, I don't think I could say you're really getting a return on your investment. Maybe some kind of emotional return, ultimately. Yes, that would seem to be exactly it, an emotional return. And a significant measurable reduction in histamine and blood pressure with regular sexual activity, so some kind of physiological and longevity return. And in turn, some kind of psychological return. There may be a financial return with the motivation they tend to impart, wife pushing the guy to earn more money, he then seeks it... thru climbing the corporate ladder or asking around for more work... like Michael did with my neighbor in seeking work from me in cutting down my beloved trees on my new prized property.
So yesterday, implemented the new approach, keep dinner time minimal and go low as possible on the banana consumption. (I had one banana about an hour before bed because I was getting hungry)

Yep, didn't get woken once by acid reflux and I slept a full 6 hours.

I used to buy 9 bunches of bananas, 3 bunches a day, but seems like I'm getting by fine now on 4 bunches every 3 days, about 1.3 bunches a day. I'm specifically using "how I'm feeling" (persistently sleepy or hungry) to judge when I need to eat (And using taste to determine how much to eat...), instead of just supposing I need 2500 calories daily and eating accordingly, thus causing acid reflux with the resulting wheezing and choking phlegm in my throat. Acid reflux seems to be a sure fire sign YOU ARE EATING TOO MUCH!

To significantly up your caloric consumption as driven by hunger/sleepiness, it seems like you really need to work out (do cardio), then the hunger becomes /really/ noticeable.

So 10 bananas a day.

270 grams of carbs a day.

That seems about right.
My neighbor over here to the right.

He lies when...

He doesn't want to get blamed... (he'll accuse others)
He wants something done (he'll accuse an authority, such as the fire chief, wanting that something done.)...i

I'm still friendly with him, he definitely has a lot of good experience, contacts and is aware of deals around town. So he's a potentially valuable person to know, despite that characteristic of his. I'm not going to call it a flaw, but just something to be aware the fire chief really doesn't care about my RV like he suggests.

The fire chief is no laughing matter in the forest. He appears to have the ability to impose hefty fines, and has a history of doing so.

Seems like forest=fire chief, like bread and butter.
So birth rates have been down since the great recession started.

This is also true of teen birth rates.

Well, let's think about this.

In my experience, home ownership tends to drive birth rates.

Home = Marriage = Babies, such was the HEB chick. I won't go so far as to say "babies", but she definitely seemed to consider us married or something. It seems kind of hard to believe she'd be crying over merely finding a boyfriend.

If incomes and employment went down for the would-be fathers, and mortgages became harder to come by (Which indeed they did), then I'd expect birth rates would go down as they did.

This was true of Japan in the 90s and True of America in the 2010s...

They say a relative dearth of sub-10 year olds as of 2018 is what's partially driving ToysRUs's failure.

Selling toys on a consistent basis requires a steady birth rate and steady discretionary incomes.
swbluto said:
marty said:
swbluto said:
Ok, I have sort of a vent in my sheathing, a bunch of 1/2" holes covered with fiberglass mesh screening (for bugs). It has a fan when needed.
2018 International Mechanical
Code Chapter 4 Ventilation
Check with local building inspector for minimum ventilation required. More air is better. As in larger vents.

Do those things keep out bugs?
Bugs yes. Microscopic [strike]orgasms[/strike] organisms no.

Buy a vent, cut a hole and install. Air is important for good health. The good air is outside. Two vents are better then one. Usually one at each end. Small sheds can have one vent.
Oh hoho, I think that girl I barked a really rude command at actually works at the one of the nearby nail salons, lol, because I walked into the store and thought I possibly saw her and I was a little curious/surprised, then she hops the guardrail right next to the door I'm standing right behind, and I'm like... time to get a move on!!!

I still didn't know if that was her, and I didn't know if jumping guardrails is how this random girl typically gets around, but yeah, I was going to the restroom and I came out and there she was, talking to the nearby starbucks kiosk employee. And then she started following me out and /casually/ went back to the nail salon.

I was like, WTH.... LOL.

Still don't know if that was her, but I'd say she was chasing me! So more than likely, probably was.

Order around those bitches like you're the boss and treat them rudely and with disrespect, and suddenly they're all over you.

btw... this 'treating them rudely and with disrespect' isn't affected/pretend... it's really what you feel like telling them when they're not doing what you want them to do. Or they're not behaving the way you want them to. Or something about them, anything about them, is pissing you off.

Not doing what you want them to do...

Imagining this in the sexual context...

getting mad at them...

which then turns them on...

and then they do it... or allow it...

(which was happening with the HEB chick, wasn't it...)

I guess my original command to her could've been considered a sexual context...

she was pissing me off because i wanted to see what she looked like but she was really taking her time getting out of the car... so the thought that came to my mind... which then came out of my mouth...

"Just get out of the car bitch, and show me your pretty face!"

I bet you this is rooted in subordination.

A rather natural thing for a manager to do is getting angry at an underling not doing what he wants, but in the sexual context with a girl, it implies they're the underling to you not doing what you want them to, which turns them on. Essentially, the master is turning the subordinate girl on, by getting angry at them when they're not doing sexual things they want them to and making them do it anyway. [I'm not describing rape btw, I'm just talking about the "atmosphere", in real life, she gets turned on, she really wants to do it and immediately consents.]

Hotties fantasize getting raped... probably because they won't let anyone do it unless they're "forced", or forcefully persuaded...
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