Canada? Is it for me?

Sounds like a relaxing mostly stress free life style and one where you feel good about yourself when you lay your head down at night.

No family to hold you anywhere ? I love my family , but it is indeed something that keeps me tied to where I am currently.

I know a good amount of people in Canada and if you like the woods and wildlife that has to be one of the best places you could be.

Their laws on growing medicinal plants is also more relaxed based on what I have read so that could work out as well.

I wish you luck - sorry I don't have any good advice , but I do find your lifestyle and future journey very very interesting.. Id say I am
a bit envious.

Wish you luck.
What a cool story. That could be one angle to making a living: Write. I ran your message into Microsoft Word and it's almost 900 words. If you wrote that much each day for a few months, you'd have yourself a book.

Another thing: Every time I visit a state park (here in Georgia or in California) there's always a host of the campground. It's someone with an RV who stays at the campground for a couple months. They get to stay free and in exchange they help campers, keep restrooms clean, etc.

Here's a link. I don't know if it's legit (might be some service that tries to get you pay) but it's informative if nothing else. The field is called Work Camping, but some just call it Workamping.


About Mexico

I grew up in San Diego and began going to Mexico when I was fifteen and continued until I was thirty. I'll be there again this summer, but only because it's a cruise and only in tourist areas.

Mexico is an amazing country with wonderful people, but it's a culture that is difficult for Americans to adapt to. I love Baja California, especially far from Tijuana. Baja is the old west. You can find your own spot there, and have freedom, but if you don't know the country well you have to get your feet wet by visiting a lot.

Most of the violence is in Tijuana and the border areas. Also the mainland can be sketchy in places. If you're serious about Mexico, learn a lot before you go. There are a ton of surfers from California who moved there. It's very cheap.

I know very little about Canada.
As a canadian since 35 years now i can share you some features about living here.

If you wnat to love Canada, you must accept that the weather have 4 seasons and that depending on wich province you choose you will have to accept colder temp during winter or not..

For the rest, if you can accept that, the rest will make you fall in love with that great country :wink:

About the wood... tehre is ALOT of sq km of wood!!! millions!!.. also millions of lake etc.

ex: here in Quebec, you will have temp from -25 in winter to +30 during summer.

Most of the people in Canada dont need guns because there is no need for that here. guns are for hunting during the hunt season 8)

The3re is ALOT of natural ressources here and the Quebec province is having one of the most clean ressource you can immagine!.. Hydroelectricity !

Terawatts of electricity.. just for your ebike! 8) :wink:

Even if you want to have a taste of Quebec city in the Quebec province in the east of Canada, take a look of that great presentation:


People from E-S that visit me here in Quebec are very impressed with our great city !

Even if you want to visit us, contact me!

i doubt if you can carry the guns into canada. not sure where you got the fear of internment camps. maybe being isolated so much has you stuck with a distortion that is not real.

if you wanna go live where people like guns and also have a fear of the 'liberal' guvment, try moving to the south where that is more commonly expressed view. of course you will be expected to uphold the unspoken rules of white dominance of the culture. the tea party basically is created as part of that culture too so that may make you more comfortable, it is mostly people who never got over losing the civil war, and still consider yankees as carpet baggers who have taken over their country.

so that may be a better solution for you, and it is like another country. not as cold either so living in your RV would be easier. but rents are very cheap and you could get work of some sort too.

imo, canadians tend to be more liberal too, and of course you would need to be a citizen there to get health care, whereas you may be able to get healthcare in this country if the supreme court doesn't defeat it.
I suggest, SERIOUSLY, you go live with AmberWolf & you guys develop stuff for eBikes, etc. :D :idea: Sure, Phoenix sucks, but both of you can eventually move-on to somewhere else...

After you have enough money saved talk AmberWolf into going to Sedona or Flagstaff or elsewhere (plenty to choose from) & do eBike rentals & eventually have a bike retail/rental store & on the net too. Or, go to Portland or other OR town. Eugene is an awesome college town too!

You are far too much a loner, imo, and need more human friends & company. I think you are getting a bit tooo paranoid about the government... camps & all that... seems paranoid. Sorry, honest opinion. :wink: BUT! You could find like-minded "country folks" with such radical viewpoints & go off the grid with these people too. I'm sure there are plenty "out there" considering the Alex Jones' seemingly popular agnst against "the system". (And, I'm not an insider or supporter of the police state mentality feeding constant cold wars from our Feds, including "the" war on terror :lol: , or the fracked-up State criminal justice system imprisoning millions of non-violent people & destroying their lives!!! That IS INSANE, when ankle bracelets, home confinement, half-way house, etc. is better for the non-violent offender to reform at FAR less taxpayer expense.)

Otherwise, yeah, the campground host would be great. Sure, go to Canada if you can deal with the cold weather and/or rain & get free health care too! :mrgreen:

Also, there are a high percentage of jobs out there now that are part time. Plenty! Man, get plugged-in somewhere starting with AmberWolf, imo, and seriously get a network of like-minded friends you can associate with IN REAL LIFE off the net & ES too. :idea:
mdd0127 said:
It would be nice to find a farm somewhere that appreciates my skills but I've tried that multiple times and people get jealous of the way I live and make things difficult or take advantage of me. I'm going long term camping soon, I just don't know where yet.

I also really want to get the heck out of America before they start rounding people up and putting them in internment camps. It's right around the corner and scary as hell because the ones that don't fit neatly into the system, people like me, will be the first to get picked on. Heck, I'm scared to drive to California from all of the checkpoint horror stories.

no offence meant at all, but why are people jealous of you? how do they take advantage of you? and why the heck do you worry about internment camps??
mdd0127 said:
The reason that I'm worried about the government is that over the years, I've been very vocal, both in public and online about the corruption and tyranny we're all starting to fall victim to. Since they passed the NDAA and are now cooperating with internet providers, it's only a matter of time until I get profiled, pulled over, and possibly "indefinitely detained" for speaking the truth about the big corporations and banking cartels that have been running our government into the ground. Drones suck too and now it's legal for the authorities to fly them all over the place. I don't want to stick around until something bad happens and it's coming so I'd rather be somewhere else.
Dude, come-on, now, seriously, the government could care less about you & your free speech... you are not advocating violence or terrorist activities, so I seriously doubt, no, it's impossible, you're a target. Don't forget that American, that was definitely assassinated on President Obama's direction, was overseas and did vocally & online try to recruit terrorists to attack the West -USA. Whether we like it or not we have lived in a nation, since near its inception, that has allowed for Presidential Executive Orders. Frack! You see! This has been a loop-hole never sealed by "the people" to stop and prevent such "orders". Ohhh, Frack. Guess what, it is perfectly legal in the challenges that have come before the Supreme Court, so UNTIL the American people rise-up & vote in the reps that will repeal Executive Orders we're fracked. Or, get the Supreme Court to rule that assassinating or detaining w/o trial American citizens by Executive Order is illegal.

You are *seriously* disabling yourself both mentally & physically by overestimating yourself as a serious target, and that is both paranoid & grandiose to believe this, IMO. Focus on your tiny self, realize how insignificant we all are about Sociopathic Leadership "out there", and do something that helps others in a personal and meaningful way.

How about you and AmberWolf developing some eBike products together, seriously? :idea: Why not now! :idea: :mrgreen:

Don't do anymore work for people promising you payment that can not afford to pay you or on trust alone. You're picking the wrong people to count on... :roll: :wink:
A man was not happy with the country where he lived. The man traveled to a neighboring country. He found a wise man and asked him how the people and the government were in his country. The wise man said how were the people and the government in the country that you came from? The unhappy man said:

"My way of living and goals in life simply do not coincide with the generally accepted views. People get jealous of the way I live and make things difficult or take advantage of me. People completely devalued my work and tried to renegotiate its worth.

Government is going to start rounding people up and putting them in internment camps. It's only a matter of time until I get profiled, pulled over, and possibly "indefinitely detained" for speaking the truth about the big corporations and banking cartels that have been running our government into the ground."

The wise man said the people and the government in his country were the SAME.
Some quick thoughts as I awake.

Your enjoyment of Canada will depend largely on the geographic location you choose.
Canada is second largest country in the world, with many different climates & people.
From desert,(Southern BC interior) to perma frost north of 60, moderate temps of the rainy west coast,
S. Ontario & S.Quebec and its 4 seasons. To the east coast that can see every imaginable weather systems.
Basically we have all weather.

Then there are the people. 30million or so of us. Most of which are within 300km of the American border.
Im sure you could find sympathetic people/landowners on Vancouver Island where the rich retirees, the hippies, & alternative lifestyle people seem to flock.
In South Ontario you would have more difficulty. I live north of Toronto.
Land value & cost of living are high. It is much more Americanized style of life.
Buy, buy,buy. Consume, consume, consume. Show, show, show. Empty, empty, empty.
The sheeple will still look cross eyed @ your lifestyle choices.

Leave the cities though & you will find many more sympathetic country folk.
People that still hunt,fish, & farm/garden. People that know how to survive/thrive if the shit goes down.
Humans that care for each other.
Houses of under 2000 sq' not the McMansions of suburbia, or the million dollar bungalows of Downtown T.O.
Even as a peace & love Canuck myself, I am always amazed @ the difference in attitudes of country folk.
They dont care about your BMW, or your iPhone, they care about relationships.

Canada is not without its issues though.
We have a 3 party political system, which in theory should prevent the puppet government you currently have, but in practice falls prey to the same issues of special interest groups/ business/ corporations buying & persuading politico's to vote for the money, not whats best for Canadians.
Then there is the massive wealth separation. Like the US & other countries, we have a rapidly disappearing middle class, replaced by poverty. The 1 or 2% ers have it well here.
Our health care is passable not exceptional. Wait times are long, not everything is covered, unless on welfare.
Lots of waste & bureaucracy.
Then there is the illusion that the same shadow government that is destroying the US doesnt have its tentacles in our government & policy.

Wars are currently fought for oil, soon it will be fresh water, & guess which country is going to have to defend itself.

I think the solution to your issues is to find like minded people in the US & start a commune.
There has to be many people with your beliefs that you can start to form a community around.
Escaping to Canada or any western country is not going to solve the corruption of this world.
Standing up, speaking out, and gathering like minded people, to fight the greed of corporations is the only way to get the great democratic country called The United States of America back.

Corporations are not people. That has to change if you want your country back.
The population needs purpose & meaning not more gadgets, not more TV, not another Hollywood Blockbuster.

Everyone needs to start shouting aloud,
"I am tired of the lies & Im not going to take it any longer."

If I had the farm I dream of, you would have a plot to park. :mrgreen:
Hope you find your peace.
One more quick thought.
Guns in Canada.
Per capita there are more guns in Canada than the US. Owning a gun here is not a big deal nor hard to attain.
We do have a registry (sort of)/license for firearms though & three categories of firearm.

1.Non-restricted. Rifles, shotguns, etc with ammo & size restrictions.

2. Restricted. Handguns, rifles & shotguns that dont fall into 1.

3. Prohibited. all other guns, grandfathered, autos, etc.

A license for 1. is easy 2 & 3 get a little more restrictive.

There are many banned guns though. ex. I want a Saiga12, but they are a no go here.

So if you do come to Canada dont fear, you can hunt. :mrgreen:
before you drive up to the border crossing, make sure you know what the mounties will do with your guns. you may be surprised at how they view americans driving into canada with an arsenal in their RV. but who can afford the gas to drive them to canada anyway. i still think louisiana or texas or mississippi is the best bet, since i grew up there and know that is the common theme in life there. the evil guvment, but georgia, florida, alabama, tennessee, south carolina, virginia would also work out better.

and getting cheated on wages and dleiberately under paid is really just a fact of life for everyone, not just md. i have the same problem with tenants, who just decide they don't wanna pay rent, or they wanna start a fire or bust out the walls in the house. life is cruel, but just imagine if you were black or mexican and had the entire society arrayed against you.

imagine if you smoked pot and they could put you in jail for it, or if you have an accident and go to the hospital and they bankrupt you.

not trying to diss him, but i think he has a false image of canada, but i hate the cold, so there is no way, i would move back to louisiana first, even without A/C.
dnmun its proly the same temp here as it is where you are. We get lots of rain in the winter but our summers are 6 months long lol. I live on Vancouver island and it almost never snows. It only gets down to ~-5 or -10 deg C and that's very very brief. The summers are full of swiming/fishing in the rivers,lakes and ocean. So the weather is damb fine. Only place better would be California or somewhere tropical.

Md be careful we have as many laws or more putting a damper on things here. I see the MAN dishing out what ever shit he can think up in his safe little office all the time. One day they will impound my car for going 40km over the speed limit and well at what point do we step in a say enough is enough already. Just be careful it might not be as great as you want it to be. But health care is good. They cant refuse you even if you don't pay your $62 a month. I have broken more bones then I can count and this month I will be getting my second nose surgery which in America I would have had to pass on and just not breath because I can not afford it.
@Arlo, i can't stand the cold here even, but i am stuck with it until i can finish working on this house. the cold goes on and on and on. here is may5th, low of about 42o, my shed was about 54when i woke up and had to start another fire, got it up to 65 and it is still cold, long johns under my wranglers, quilted shirt, my brother in louisiana is running his A/C i bet to try to get his house as cold as i just got mine up to after burning wood for an hour. hehe

but we do feel for you md, worried about getting stopped. i had to drive a car recently for about 3 weeks for which i could not get the title and registration. car had plates from another car that i found at the car auction so i could park it on the street without getting a ticket, so stolen outa state plates, which themselves were expired, and the portland cops shoot on contact with the enemy. i am profiled as a bank robber, first class. and i own guns! lotsa guns!

in a flash, driving on the street, i coulda been stopped, car seized and towed, left me with no wheels, and i could not afford to even get it back from the tow yard even if i coulda got title by then, and paid the fines, so i woulda just totally lost the car and have even more warrants out for my arrest than now. so we can relate, not dissing you, but you do think different from me, which is ok, but you can be limiting your options by thinking up solutions in advance which may not work out. that's where i was coming from.

there is a lotta work in the oil patch, driving trucks, whatever, if you pass their pee tests, good money and you are doing good for the country to produce oil here, rather than over there. compre?
dnmun said:
there is a lotta work in the oil patch, driving trucks, whatever, if you pass their pee tests, good money and you are doing good for the country to produce oil here, rather than over there. compre?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :idea:

I don't think he's going to work for an oil company. :wink:
mdd0127 said:
People forget the fact that I live in a tiny rv because I don't want to, and a lot of times, can't work all of the time because of medical reasons, and they usually have to work all of the time to support their much more extravagant lifestyles, so they get jealous or condescending.

I get this to an extent, but dont let it affect me. I work part time in a place where everyone works more than me and they get jealous sometimes when I leave early, but I just say "you wouldnt be jealous if you saw my paycheck" and everything is ok.

as far as getting taken advantage of, I live by the golden rule and I'm going to print this in caps which I never do cause I hate caps but this deserves it.


also I'm from eugene OR and I know tons of people like that. they pretend to be generous, but are just the opposite. which leads me to another golden rule


:) have a great day