Canada? Is it for me?

mdd0127 said:
dnmun said:
@Arlo, i can't stand the cold here even, but i am stuck with it until i can finish working on this house. the cold goes on and on and on. here is may5th, low of about 42o, my shed was about 54when i woke up and had to start another fire, got it up to 65 and it is still cold, long johns under my wranglers, quilted shirt, my brother in louisiana is running his A/C i bet to try to get his house as cold as i just got mine up to after burning wood for an hour. hehe

but we do feel for you md, worried about getting stopped. i had to drive a car recently for about 3 weeks for which i could not get the title and registration. car had plates from another car that i found at the car auction so i could park it on the street without getting a ticket, so stolen outa state plates, which themselves were expired, and the portland cops shoot on contact with the enemy. i am profiled as a bank robber, first class. and i own guns! lotsa guns!

in a flash, driving on the street, i coulda been stopped, car seized and towed, left me with no wheels, and i could not afford to even get it back from the tow yard even if i coulda got title by then, and paid the fines, so i woulda just totally lost the car and have even more warrants out for my arrest than now. so we can relate, not dissing you, but you do think different from me, which is ok, but you can be limiting your options by thinking up solutions in advance which may not work out. that's where i was coming from.

there is a lotta work in the oil patch, driving trucks, whatever, if you pass their pee tests, good money and you are doing good for the country to produce oil here, rather than over there. compre?

I've been looking into claiming my rights as a sovereign individual with the right to travel and things like renouncing my strawman name and while it all makes sense and has real law backing it up, I really don't want to have to deal with going to court all of the time to defend those rights. If the cops were taught this stuff and respected it, it would be a different story but as it is, as soon as they hear you deny consent to them detaining you unlawfully, they automatically assume you're a wingnut and they mess with you even harder. I've decided that if I really think that my rights, freedom, and safety are in trouble, I'll have to defend myself the way our forefathers did from England and sort it out in court later, that is if I had any faith in the courts.

I don't like violence though and would only turn to it as a last resort. I only have one gun and I got it mainly for scaring off wildlife. I've had to scare off one bear with it and shot one rabid coyote that was charging me but other than those two shots, I've never fired or brandished it outside of the range.
Re: "I've been looking into claiming my rights as a sovereign individual with the right to travel" Do you have a drivers license? Is your RV all legal? Registration, insurance, and what ever is need in the state where you live? If no? And you get pulled over for a light bulb out or whatever. All your explaining about sovereign individual with the right to travel will do no good. Your fear of "indefinitely detained" might come true.
The incarceration rate in the United States of America is the highest in the world. As of 2009, the incarceration rate is 743 per 100,000 of national population (0.743%)
Living in a RV is great. Just don't drive if it's not all legal.

For your headaches. Go stand in line and get some free medical insurance. Yea we got that in the USA. Get pills or whatever needed to solve the problem. Don't take every pill every doctor prescribes. Best advise on pills comes from the pharmacist in the drug store. Tell them what's broke and listen to what they say. Walmart has $4 pills.

Also chill and stop worrying about stuff. Do you like girls? Ever thought about being a house husband? Does your RV have hot water? Do you bathe? Wash up before you go girl shopping.
don't sic him on girls. let him grow up first.

see what he did to nick for just expressing annoyance with the demanding attitude he has about the world he expects?

i just tried to help because i know the mounties will take his guns when he gets to the border crossing, then send him back to get insurance and registration on the RV. if they don't sieze that too.

but he feels like he is the only one with problems, doesn't seem to understand we all are getting jammed. which i kinda tried to illustrate with my own predicament.

i know he feels that obamacare is commie conspiracy, but if there was ever an example of why we need universally accessable health care in this country, this is it.
First of all, there is no accessible healthcare in our system for a middle aged white male that doesn't look "sick". No one can argue this with me because I have really tried to get help and all any doctor wants to do is prescribe pills......pills that don't work and have terrible side effects. Insurance and federally subsidized western healthcare is a useless monster for those that would like to self pay for serious conditions. Since faceless insurance companies set the rates and decide what and when they pay for everything, medical care in the US is out of reach for the regular working person. It will be this way until the whole system collapses, which needs to happen soon. I've been down this route and unless I find a compassionate neurosurgeon that will work for reasonable rates and someone to take care of me for a few months after the procedure, I am stuck with a jacked up neck. When time out of my life is as valuable as time out of a doctor's life and the system is equal and fair, I'll do business with them. As it is, no one's hour is worth my entire year. Capitalism and the free market have been usurped by greedy people that sell imaginary services and profit from the suffering of others.

No need to sick me on any women. I've been married twice and just hand to leave my last ex last christmas because she got very controlling, questioned me all of the time, belittled me constantly, and quit listening to anything I said. She immediately shacked up with a good friend, just like my first ex did so I guess my leaving was a good choice. I no longer believe in long term romantic relationships between men and women if there is no child rearing involved. Women are whores and always looking at the "greener" grass on the other side of the fence and the only way they'll stay true to a man is he knocks them up and sacrifices his whole life and independence to provide for them and the kids. Since I don't believe that it's a good idea to bring a child into this messed up world, I won't be getting into a serious relationship with a woman again. I'm tired of their crap and will hire some tail if it comes to that. My RV does have hot water, a posturpedic mattress and will be quite the little love shack when I get done with the interior. I'm hoping to lure a few beautiful hippie girls in there for some casual encounters....maybe a few at only live once right?

As far as Nick goes, he has a history of getting in my threads and posting ignorant stuff. I don't believe that he can even comprehend what he reads. He's worn out his welcome with me and also with others on the forum, even though they might not have said anything to him. Sometimes, people are dicks on the internet and perfectly nice people in real life though so if he dropped his attitude with me, I'd go on an ebike ride with him and buy him a beer afterwards. I don't have grudges against anyone but I won't put up with someone that's consistently ignorant and negative.
My RV is registered, insured, and totally legal. I paid for a year in advance on everything. I'm not worried about regular stops and haven't had a ticket in five years. What I'm worried about is possibly being added to a list of truth speakers/dissidents and having to go through the military checkpoints that we're going to start seeing on civilian territory. You can call me crazy all you want but if you don't see it coming, I really feel sorry for you.
mdd0127 said:
My RV is registered, insured, and totally legal. I paid for a year in advance on everything. I'm not worried about regular stops and haven't had a ticket in five years. What I'm worried about is possibly being added to a list of truth speakers/dissidents and having to go through the military checkpoints that we're going to start seeing on civilian territory. You can call me crazy all you want but if you don't see it coming, I really feel sorry for you.

you seem like an intelligent, but bitter individual. I hope some luck comes your way to cheer you up.

as far as military checkpoints, man you really should talk to a shrink about that. I'm totally serious. there is NOT going to be any rounding up of people that don't like the gov't and speak against it. you are totally paranoid.

all your other issues should go on the back burner until you work out your paranoia. once you do you will be relieved to find out noone likes the gov't everyone speaks against it, and nobody is going to get rounded up by the military and taken to these internment camps you speak of which do not exist and never will.

good luck and get that mind healthy and the rest will follow :) life isn't all bad.
dnmun said:
don't sic him on girls. let him grow up first....
see what he did to nick for just expressing annoyance with the demanding attitude he has about the world he expects?
...etc etc....

Well, yeah. These comments certainly can "harsh your mellow". That's the essence of the Biker Bar - anything goes. You've used defensive language in non-prompted ways, so that puts people on "loser alert". There's no way for us to know the truth of that, but I wouldn't worry about it if I were you - hell, we're all just words on a screen when it comes down to it.

(and side note, I find Nic refreshing. I like when people speak directly. Here, silence isn't golden, it's doom. Even condemnation is a form of commendation. )

What I want to know is, did you get useful feedback, and if so, how will it affect your plans? You started this thread with a question: did you get an answer to that question? Did you get useful input?
mdd0127 said:
Something really funny........there's a large black military helicopter hovering 1000 ft above my camp right now. Gotta go! :wink:

they're coming for you, get out of there! :mrgreen: they heard you don't like obama!

If even one tenth of this stuff is true, we, as a nation, are heading down a very scary path.
911 an inside job? ok, now you really proved it. please don't go looking for communes to dump your personality on.

yes there are guvment checkpoints, but those are to arrest the mexicans, mainly in southern arizona and new mexico and california.

you really could be schizophrenic in spite of thinking you are perfect. symptoms are onset in early adulthood with massive delusions, hostility and aggressive reactions to interactions with normal people.

you really should get some medication before you go deeper. the disease is a disease, not a weakness of character and can be helped with medications.

i see a lot of it in the homeless guys who come by all the time collecting bottles. and occasionally i see a woman who is totally overwhelmed by her schizophrenia walking down the street sometimes, talking to herself and totally unaware of her surroundings.
mdd0127 said:
If anyone has any advice about CANADA, including cool places to camp, advice about visas, jobs, etc, I'd love to hear it.
One thing is for certain there are a lot of Americans living in Canada that are Anti-U.S. Government. You seem to have a lot of beliefs aligned with Alex Jones, so you could head over to his Forum & hook-up with thousands of like minded people. Certainly you could get all kinds of tips on relocating outside the USA in Canada & many other countries too.

Be very careful where you park in Canadian cities. YOUR RV will be a prime target for thieves! The USA license plates will be screaming rob me! I parked in broad daylight on a busy street in beautiful Vancouver near the main Tourist Pier that goes out into the bay. A famous landmark there. My windows were busted out & all valuables were stolen. There had to be witnesses.

[Off Topic...]

Conspiracies do exist all the time in and out of Governments, because there are a lot of "humans" that are fundamentally corrupted and work "the system" for their very selfish intentions and often with criminal abuse. There is a much higher percentage of sociopaths that are attracted to power, hence, government too.

Having watched Alex Jones start out on Access TV in Austin from the 1990's I know all about him. He has lied & distorted the truth, purposely, even admitted that On Air, and I know this for a fact and could provide numerous examples. Alex is no dummy, and that's why he is a millionaire along with his gold-bug sponsor. He is a continuous "conspiracy theory" theorist, "con-artist", so he's bound to hit on some of the truth some of the time. Conspiracies are quite intoxicating for some people to explore, and for many it becomes a lifetime obsession & way of life & POV. :idea: :lol:

He has ranted & raved in extreme anger On Air screaming in a rage an amazing number of times, yet he takes his theories bonafide as "the truth" so seriously that it should be obvious he is mentally unbalanced. (He has mellowed as he has gotten older and a bit more mature in the last 2 years. Imo.) All you have to do is research Alex Jones using Google to learn about many of his falsehoods or lies about "his truth". Alex Jones is an extremely wealthy man living in a gated community, so he literally makes a very good living as a conspiracy theorist.

You need to learn from both sides of an argument. Alex does *not* KNOW THE TRUTH. Alex just shares a POV about his worldview that for him is "the truth", but everyone else has their own opinion and POV too. Does that give you a corner on the truth? :idea: :?: Everyone has their "own truth", and Alex just broadcasts "his truth" & becomes very wealthy doing it too. :p :lol: I think Alex Jones is probably a sociopath, imo. :idea: :shock:

I believe in the American people serving in our military. There are too many good people serving that would not allow our "crazy leadership" turn on its own people to put in "concentration camps". It just ain't going to happen in the deck of cards we deal with into the future.

Our populations are extremely dependent on energy & food resources so that IF we get a collapse in the energy supply or some natural or man made disaster (warfare) affecting the availability of food, then all bets are off & much of mankind can go down the shit hole. That's not a conspiracy but a reality. Having some long-term shelter & 6-12 month supply of food would be prudent IF you don't want to play the odds against this not happening in your lifetime. :wink:

Sorry, MD, I won't post "this crap" in your thread again. It IS off-topic. :oops: :?
mdd0127 said:
I started this thread to get info on Canada, not to get armchair diagnosed and judged by people that have never met or interacted with me in real life. Just because you're brainwashed by the media to think that people that think differently than you do, or are smarter than you are, are diseased and that everyone needs to be on medication, it doesn't give you any right, education, or experience to be diagnosing others. I'm probably one of the most down to earth, mentally stable individuals you'll ever come across. Since I value the truth and blatantly state the conclusions of my research and experiences, I'm used to people with their heads in the sand trying to pass judgement on me. Your unprofessional opinions have no effect on my reality. While I appreciate the motives behind your input, please find a different thread to contribute to.

jeez dude, you really have a spaz attack when people say things you don't want to hear.

go ahead and block out the excellent advice of well intentioned smart people, your always right anyway.

wherever you go, there you are.

I was determined moving to Ontario, Canada near London area in 2001 year before September 11, 2001 from Bay area, California. I think it was in April-May that time and I love there so beautiful place but it wasn't suite my taste living there. They are very different than America culture. They are more strong England side culture which is very open minded, topless females, cussed too much like bad words and they are out of control! :lol:

The weather is darn damn cold, black icy on road and lot rainy that time, Fortunely I owned a kickass Jeep 4x4 and The weather affected my mood and too much hassle include limited riding my ebikes pleasure and enjoy.

I basically was a being pus*ies and gave up. I went back California within 2 months from Canada and Love here to death except ARGH traffic stupid peoples.

That's all, I can say to you with my experience in the Ontario, Canada.

Since you mentioned that you are living in RV. It's bad idea living in Canada's weather except Canada is damn beautiful place out there.
mdd0127 said:
Anyone that still doubts that the incidents that occurred on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation to justify a war for the control of resources and legislation to enhance and secure the authority of the powers that be has their head either in the sand, or too far up their ass for any of their opinions to matter to me.

I started this thread to get info on Canada, not to get armchair diagnosed and judged by people that have never met or interacted with me in real life. Just because you're brainwashed by the media to think that people that think differently than you do, or are smarter than you are, are diseased and that everyone needs to be on medication, it doesn't give you any right, education, or experience to be diagnosing others. I'm probably one of the most down to earth, mentally stable individuals you'll ever come across. Since I value the truth and blatantly state the conclusions of my research and experiences, I'm used to people with their heads in the sand trying to pass judgement on me. Your unprofessional opinions have no effect on my reality. While I appreciate the motives behind your input, please find a different thread to contribute to.

If anyone has any advice about CANADA, including cool places to camp, advice about visas, jobs, etc, I'd love to hear it. If you don't have advice about these specific things, please quit cluttering my thread with judgements about my personality and/or mental state. If I want people's opinions about that, I'll post a thread titled, "You might think I'm a wingnut. Please make unfounded assumptions about me and judge me."

I think like you do...independently!

American Government and the Corporations and the Banks and the 1% are ....not my idea of a place I would want to call home either.IMHO.

Come to Canada ,if you can get in with a clean record.

Our crime minister...don't like him planning on letting 400,000 immigrants in .

Lots of jobs everywhere if you want to work-cash or on the books.

Should be easy to get Ontario plates , if you get Canadian Insurance.

Don't know anything bout visa or work permits,you will have to Google and go to specific web forums.

I am a Canadian.

Back during the War my cousins swam across the Upper Niagara River ,down the road from my Place in Fort Erie.Never went back home to PA.

I used to go to Buffalo NY every other day -5 minutes to the Peace Bridge-haven't been since end of 09 and don't plan on going there anymore.My loss.I dont like my car being torn apart and being strip serched.Then -"Ok ,you can come in"-I have a Nexus pass!!! ??? Something wrong down there. Wrong people running the show.

When I fly I go 150 km to Toronto to catch a plane to Mexico where I feel comfortable at the Marina on the West coast.

I wish the USA well-I hope one day it will be a place to go to again.Doesn't look good from my view point.

Unless RON PAUL wins! I send his campaign money all the time.

Hopefully , this liar,cheat and thief we call our crime minister leads himself to his own demise and we get a good man or woman to lead our beautiful country soon before he ruins it.Dirty Oil

Any thing I can help you with -email me direct...

Let me know when you want to come by and I will show you the ropes and find ya some work.

Heres a thought...

Lots of cheap little sailboats...

everyone around here drops anchor for free in poverty bay in Crystal Beach-southern gold coast!,Crystal+Beach,+ON&gl=ca&ei=am-oT9CPGIfx6AHDnq23BA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=2&ved=0CDAQ8gEwAQ

Friend of mine has an ebike shop who would hire ya...

Good to know someone like you who has the ability to see.

BC is definitely the place for you.
Research Vancouver Island. Even take a bus trip up & see, before moving the Rig north.
If you want to search out like minded people I think the Island is as good a place as any in Canada.
From University & city of Victoria to remote untouched rainforest.
Eco living & sustainability are the norm rather than the exception like in the major cities, Canadian & American.
The weather is moderate but wet. Snow is rare.

There are plenty of campgrounds & trailer parks that you can stay @.
Canadian trailer parks are classier than you think, pride of ownership remains.
Except out East, Ypedals way :wink:

Canadians are naturally peaceful, not wanting to impose upon others.
Not their views of politics nor religion.
You do truly have freedoms here. example we still have grassroots Communist, Socialist, Peoples Republics parties run.
They never get more than a hand full of votes, so never make it into the House,
but they are freely able to debate their views in public political debates.
We dont imprison pot smokers, dealers/ growers have a harder time
I am still fear free of self expression. Though I believe that every keystroke can & is recorded.
We have a place of worship for every religion imaginable.
Canadians are funny & artistic & passionate & tough.
Just dont frock with us & we wont pull your shirt over your head & fill ya in. :wink:

The idea of living crown land is tougher one. While you could easily get lost in the wilds of Northern BC. there is enough ministry officers patrolling in the South to keep people off. The Guv doesnt want people screwing with the nature.
The North is just too rough, if you can make it, good for you is the attitude.
Might get 30' of snow in the north mountains though. Not an easy existence.

Are you guys really that bothered by a bit of cold & snow.
You cant ride your bike for 3 months, have to shovel & wear a coat. You get used to it.
Or adapt see DocBass' winter shenanigans. Makes the first rides of spring magical.
I guess we dont have to worry about an American invasion.
Bunch of felines. :wink:

For the record I too have seen enough evidence that 911 was supported, set-up & allowed to happen.
Remember how you felt that morning, watching the towers burn. Watching humans jump to their death.
I, like you, was in shock.
You were in such shock that you "allowed" W. to invaded & destroy 2 countries.
1. Iraq. I dont remember any Iraq's on those flights.
2. USA. What is your sense of peace & freedom like since then?
Military Industrial Complex. Its real.
No time to debate that now, but shock is the best weapon that the war machine has.

I recommend people Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine. Not a new technique, but in full efect in this world now.

Peace all
"My mom lives in upstate New York and I'd like to visit her someday..."


You need to go see your mom ,if you love her and she loves you.

Upstate NY is one of the prettiest places in the whole world.

Good thing about global warming that we barely hd any snow last winter.

Call your mom and ask her if she wants to see you.

And come on up !
dnmun said:
you really could be schizophrenic in spite of thinking you are perfect. symptoms are onset in early adulthood with massive delusions, hostility and aggressive reactions to interactions with normal people.

you really should get some medication before you go deeper. the disease is a disease, not a weakness of character and can be helped with medications.
Never thought of this angle before. You might be on to something real here.
Hey !

I live in a trailer park and love it.

Gated ,so no cops allowed unless they call first.

and this is the best of Bubbles...

other than this stupid bubble...

I love trailer trash!
SamTexas said:
dnmun said:
you really could be schizophrenic in spite of thinking you are perfect. symptoms are onset in early adulthood with massive delusions, hostility and aggressive reactions to interactions with normal people.

you really should get some medication before you go deeper. the disease is a disease, not a weakness of character and can be helped with medications.
Never thought of this angle before. You might be on to something real here.

hey sam your an a hole!

you probably supported little Georgie,dick head and rummy?

people like you are why the usa is going down the crapper.

usa going down the crapper now? first it was the 911 conspiracy, by the jews of course, or is it also the chinese now? jew chinese?

really, md has a lot of the observable behavior i would expect in someone suffering from the onset of schizophrenia. not for me to make the final diagnosis but rather than wait until he does something really abusive and ends up in prison, it would help if he was able to get treatment early on in his disease so he has a better chance of recovering and becoming productive and happy in his own skin.

if you don't want people to observe how your emotionally unstable behavior is making problem for yourself, you shouldn't really be talking about the behavior in public. amazing you can talk about it to totally indifferent and strange people but not to a psychiatrist who could help you.

like i said, it is a disease, not a character defect. i am sure you are honest and very sincere, but the behavior to me just rings with early adult onset schizophrenia. sometimes it is provoked by exposure to crystal meth but you don't seem to be a tweaker, so it could just be organic, maybe you can see something in your family tree similar enuff to think it could be genetically linked.

really wish you the best, but this is not a place for seeking the medical attention you need. moving to canada won't help because if you are not a canadian citizen then you cannot get medical care there for free. obamacare is really your best bet since then you will be able to get treatment. plus you will be annoyed when they take your guns at the border.
American Government and the Corporations and the Banks and the 1% are ....not my idea of a place I would want to call home either.IMHO.
Hey, I'm with you on that one. I'm very much against what Wall Street & the Banksters with their controlled politicians have done to the USA. There is real evil "out there". I have my theories too! :lol: I think it's more greed and power based than conspiracy based, though. :wink:

It's no wonder the wealthy pay most of the taxes, because they control 95%+ of the wealth. :roll: :evil:

I just have a very different take on 911 than what Alex has. It's easy to understand and believe too. Way too much foreign influence & spying & bribery & corruption caused 911. Our government could have easily prevented any 911 by using simple profiling & tracking of these foreigners here (originally from the Mid-East) if allowed into the USA. Making the governments of Saudi & other terrorist homelands (Egypt, etc.) simply post bond on their young male citizens visiting the USA would have solved the problem, or we simply don't let these ME profiled males inside our borders. Tracking & profiling these potential terrorists would have definitely prevented 911 & only cost the US taxpayer a billion or so dollars each year at most vs the insane TRILLIONS spent on warfare since 911. IT IS INSANE.

Do you think I don't believe in an organized effort to capitalize on 911 after the fact? :idea: :lol: That's not a conspiracy that is a fact. It's called War Whores & their Whoring Politicians that can't take the blame or responsibility for 911 & so they find The Enemy is "out there". No, we were & are our own worst enemies regarding 911. IMO. :oops:

I am very much against "the forces" that are in power controlling both sides of our political system. I very much want a different form of political party system. It would be best if there were no political parties, & we could let people organize by other means through the Internet & their cell phones. :lol: But, the U.S. Constitution is set-up for Representative Government, so we have to find a better way to elect better leadership.

I would listen to Alex Jones during a crisis just to get his take on his conspiracy ideas & what other half-truths he might find. I think millions of people do share some of his viewpoints, so it's good to know what those ideas are too. Helps my critical thinking & debunking abilities. :twisted: :lol: He has entertained me on and off at times, because I want some conspiracies to ponder and think about. It is intoxicating some of the time... :oops: :p :lol:

Sometimes the simple truth is stranger than fiction or far more outlandish than a conspiracy too. :wink:
Yup gordo and I both live here on vancouver island and we have the mildest weather of all of canada its even milder then some of the USA! We have hippies and rivers and lakes and nake chicks at all the above! Life is good here. Vancouver is cool but to crowded the island here is AWESOME!

And MD you are most likely right about the 911 shit its all a sham!