I guess we'll see how the vaccine turns out. I wonder how "New" it is.
nicobie said:
Is it really necessary to insult someone just because you disagree with them? :|
I suppose it depends on if you can admit the tremendous irony of YOU asking that.
Ahh, but while some of you are preaching your normal gospel of hate and ignorance, I found a piano in this complex that should have 15,000 or more running around but offers I suppose a few hundred at the moment. Someone's YouTube recording of one piece I suddenly have time to work on. I've yet to be so good with a hands all over the keyboard piece.
Actually I'm over at Jack in the Box right now, but before I left someone I didn't even realize played marimba jumped on one nearby. If you know what a xylophone is, well, you probably don't because most people think a glockenspiel is a xylophone; well, a marimba is much like a xylophone which is not all that unlike a glockenspiel, ah, that's what he was playing.
Hey, maybe I should go to a workstation and make a small file of just the intro I played on for this one piece. I had some hard Glock going and I'm really not a bell player, if you play piano it's not hard to make the mallet instruments work for you. I have at least one other instrument in the intro, I don't remember exactly. It's the improvising the Glock that was most memorable.
So if you'd thought to ask me if it was necessary for me to one up the person who just insulted me as part of his campaign to shout his ignorance over the voices of the thinking people, I'd have answered 'Why yes, it is quite necessary.' It's a good thing to have someone taking care of it. Can't leave it to the forces of chaos to rule the day.
Oh, have a nice day, now that chaos has been fought back against.