Hello. I have an issue with my Copenhagen wheel charging, and I’m wondering what the upshot of this discussion was.
Hard to say, since questions from us to the person with the problem weren't answered, so we really couldn't help much.
Otherwise, everything else we know is right there in the thread.
Is it possible to use a generic 6V charger?
I guess that depends on what charger you already have. I don't know of any of these that use a 6v charger, so my guess is probably not. You'll need to check the labelling on your actual equipment, and preferably use a voltmeter / multimeter to verify the actual output of that equipment to make sure it is doing what it should be.
My issue is that it will charge for a time and then begin flashing red indicating an abnormal condition. Cycling the charger allows the charging to begin again. With patience I’m able to get the wheel charged. Of course, it may be a problem with the wheel. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Is this a problem that began suddenly? Or has ti been growing over time? Are there any other issues that started aroudn the same time, before, or after this? What specifically happened or was done before the problem began?
Is the flashing a specific code that the manual / etc tells you what it means? If so, providing that flash code / pattern along with the informaiton the manual says it's for would be hepful. Or is it just a simple on/off at some even rate, used for all error conditions with no extra information available?
Personally, with no other information provided, I would guess that as old as these are, and given that the heat of the motor and controller are pushed into the battery (aging it faster than normal) the problem is the cells have aged to the point that they're not working as intended anymore, and need to be replaced. They probably don't provide as much assistance as they used to, or for as long a distance, in addition to the charging issue, if this is the case.