Copenhagen Wheel charger


10 µW
Jul 1, 2023
My Copenhagen wheel charger needs to be replaced. I don’t know if it’s proprietary or if I can just buy a generic replacement for it. If it is proprietary does anyone know where to get one?
General thoughts applicable to any system:

If it's proprietary, most likely it would need to come from wherever the system did originally, or dealers for that system.

To know if it is proprietary, we'd need to know more about the charger and system. Do you have pictures of the charger's system-side connector, and any labelling on the charger?
General thoughts applicable to any system:

If it's proprietary, most likely it would need to come from wherever the system did originally, or dealers for that system.

To know if it is proprietary, we'd need to know more about the charger and system. Do you have pictures of the charger's system-side connector, and any labelling on the charger?
General thoughts applicable to any system:

If it's proprietary, most likely it would need to come from wherever the system did originally, or dealers for that system.

To know if it is proprietary, we'd need to know more about the charger and system. Do you have pictures of the charger's system-side connector, and any labelling on the charger?
General thoughts applicable to any system:

If it's proprietary, most likely it would need to come from wherever the system did originally, or dealers for that system.

To know if it is proprietary, we'd need to know more about the charger and system. Do you have pictures of the charger's system-side connector, and any labelling on the charger?
Here are some photos. I hope this helps!


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In my limited experience of those things, I expect that you could transplant the magnetic charge cable end onto a generic charger. To verify that, I'd open up the charger and see how many wires run down the wire on the charging side. If it's two, then yes you can surely transplant the Copenhagen Wheel connector onto a nothing-special charger. If there are more than two (and if the extras are connected to the charger PCB), then there may well be a hardware handshake or some kind of closed loop function that would require a special charger.
Thanks for the quick reply. There are six wires in the cable that connects to the wheel, so it will probably require a Copenhagen Wheel charger exclusively. I wanted to post on Endless Sphere hoping someone had a dead wheel, but good charger they wanted to sell and I thought this would be a good place to do that.
Thanks for the quick reply. There are six wires in the cable that connects to the wheel, so it will probably require a Copenhagen Wheel charger exclusively.
Looks like they've conveniently labelled the charger connector wires on the charger label. That will make it easier to transplant the connector to a generic charger (assuming the unlabelled pins don't have any function--if they are communications, then that won't work...but I suspect they are completely unused on the charger, and instead are used for programming the wheel via a special cable at dealer or factory locations).

But first: What symptoms do you see that lead you to the charger being the problem? I ask because depending on what they are, it could be the battery inside the wheel that has a problem and is refusing to charge to protect against cell damage that can lead to a fire. A different charger wouldn't change that, but we might be able to help you test and fix the problem.