E.S. Quotable Quotes !

AussieJester said:
GCinDC wrote:ugh, the seat falling off is my nightmare. that and a pedal falling off while standing at high speed.

maybe an excuse for the wife not to go for #3 tho.... :lol: or however many it takes to get a girl! :lol:

ROFL ... damn unlucky to get hit in the tool box Hyena, being such a small target and all :p :mrgreen:

Regarding the website being offline:
Thud said:
That was bad....I resorted to explaning "c" rate to my gasoline burnig friends....& licking 9volt batteries to keep the buzz alive.
blueb0ttle2 :Three months of riding. The B-66 [saddle] is starting to break in! I've been applying Proofide monthly.

TylerDurden:To the saddle?

In blunt terms I guess that means that I would be about 164 times more likely to be shot and killed by a police officer in LA County than I would here in the UK. - Jeremy Harris
Izpirkt's signature:
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
- George Bernard Shaw (even though he's whacked)

The GBS quote itself is certainly true enough, though. ;)
On the topic of a noob asking about RC drives vs hub motors

Philistine said:
I am still in shock that Aussie Jester asked what your budget was. That's like the Ayatolla being asked which he recommends out of Catholicism and Islam, and responding by asking whether you like a Sunday sleepin.....

AussieJester ( talking about step thru bicycle frames )

"It allows wimenz with long dresses and skirts to ride a bicycle easier when dressed like this, that is why they were originally made, Google it.
I don't see it as dumb, As to saving your 'nuts' because of no top tube, without it you would fall to the bottom tube and
pound your knees on the ground as your family jewels whacked the lower tube while your chin/face became
friends with the stem/handlebars... "
Kiwi said:
I love Endless-Sphere forum.
Brand new motor, latest, greatest turns up at your door. Do you put it in your bike and be merry? Hell No! Straight to the chopping block, hack it, slash it, mill it, drill it, until it is what it could be. Then put it on your bike. But do you run it with that pay pal ordered stock controller? Hell NO! You got to beef up those traces till you can drive a truck through, rip half the components off the board and replace them with with something that could switch a small town on, then reprogram the program with lies, do a shifty on the shunt until that little brain operating the on off switch is so confused that it lets the current flow like money from Bernanke's printing presses. Hook up a couple of deep cycle gel cells and your done? Hell No! Strap at least 24 nano explosive devices to your whispering death machine, charge to an inch of their life, then prepare to suck them dry at such a rate that the electrons get carpet burn on the way out! Strap all this to your bike with duck tape, make sure it minus 200 outside, hook up your proof of insanity helmet cam, prey to the gods of speed and then, and only then when time and space warp around you as the flux rolls can you be content in the knowledge of what could be, not what has been.

Carpe diem.
When Luke turned to frock motors he definitely went all the way didn't he...
Is Fabio just a one night stand or Luke's permanent 'squeeze' now ? :mrgreen: :p

liveforphysics wrote:
So, I'm working on my bike, and guess who pokes his head in to say "hi"?
Yes, the real and one and only Fabio.

Hyena wrote:
Does he have a bafang powered bike ? You could open it up to check his gears and say "I can't believe they're not butter" ! :p
