ebikes.com or endless-sphere.com

ebikes.com or endless-sphere.com?

  • ebikes.com

    Votes: 23 31.9%
  • endless-sphere.com

    Votes: 49 68.1%

  • Total voters
amberwolf said:
powrtrip said:
I don't know Erik.

Neither do I.

Who is this "Erik" you're talking about?

See, this is what happens when you are doing two things at once.... LOL.... Sorry to Justin..
Now I have to go apologize to Erik for calling him Justin....
neptronix said:
NoFanBoiz said:
Would have only taken a 'moment' to also fix the html title. :(

Given it won't improve our SEO ( these titles are only generated when you're logged in ), and we're a month away from another format, it's not worth sifting through multiple phpbb code files to change those titles to make a change like that.

Sorry, my priorities are on prepping our site for the move, writing code to do data processing to clean up phpbb corruption, etc.

Why are you telling porkies?

You posted you added a link on the home page at endless-sphere.com. I asked about the html title <title> on that page. It will improve SEO. That title is not generated when you are logged in. That page has nothing to do with phpbb which resides at endless-sphere.com/forums/ as you well know. It's a static page and nothing to do with phpbb. If you cannot get these basics correct, I hope you are only managing the transfer to xenforo and not actually doing it. BTW, what happened to your big writing a new platform claim?
NoFanBoiz said:
You posted you added a link on the home page at endless-sphere.com. I asked about the html title <title> on that page. It will improve SEO. That title is not generated when you are logged in. That page has nothing to do with phpbb which resides at endless-sphere.com/forums/ as you well know. It's a static page and nothing to do with phpbb. If you cannot get these basics correct, I hope you are only managing the transfer to xenforo and not actually doing it. BTW, what happened to your big writing a new platform claim?

I misread your message. There was a part where you mentioned the forum page titles should be logged in. I focused on that, as i was busy writing data processing code for ES and a little too far in the zone to pay full attention.

- Forum home page html title is "(4) Endless Sphere - Index page" !
Wow - that needs changing too.

But anyway, improving SEO for a forum we're about to change the format and titles of ( our name and tagline are both up for debate is not something worth doing.

Also, you don't get to come on here and insult me when you only get part of what you want.
www.recumbents.com said:
Thanks for adding the "click here" note to the root page.

I like the new logo!

You're welcome. I will be talking to Justin next week to (hopefully) sort out the whole 'forum name' issue. I like that logo a lot. But the name will determine if we use it.
neptronix said:
NoFanBoiz said:
You posted you added a link on the home page at endless-sphere.com. I asked about the html title <title> on that page. It will improve SEO. That title is not generated when you are logged in. That page has nothing to do with phpbb which resides at endless-sphere.com/forums/ as you well know. It's a static page and nothing to do with phpbb. If you cannot get these basics correct, I hope you are only managing the transfer to xenforo and not actually doing it. BTW, what happened to your big writing a new platform claim?

I misread your message. There was a part where you mentioned the forum page titles should be logged in. I focused on that, as i was busy writing data processing code for ES and a little too far in the zone to pay full attention.

- Forum home page html title is "(4) Endless Sphere - Index page" !
Wow - that needs changing too.

But anyway, improving SEO for a forum we're about to change the format and titles of ( our name and tagline are both up for debate is not something worth doing.

Also, you don't get to come on here and insult me when you only get part of what you want.

"part of what you want"? lol, it's not my forum. I don't get anything I want. I'm making suggestions for the long term longevity of this site, which as pointed out in the first post, is being well overtaken by other forums, no doubt in part due to their easier to use/remember/recommend website addresses and SEO - both of which this site has missed for years. My suggestion would have taken less time than my other suggestion, which you did implement and which would have taken literally two seconds to also do, but if it makes you feel better, you keep taking time to post up snippets of code for member gratification, that by the way, have replicated code, so not that efficient.

Apologies if you feel insulted.
NoFanBoiz said:
"part of what you want"? lol, it's not my forum. I don't get anything I want. I'm making suggestions for the long term longevity of this site, which as pointed out in the first post, is being well overtaken by other forums, no doubt in part due to their easier to use/remember/recommend website addresses and SEO - both of which this site has missed for years. My suggestion would have taken less time than my other suggestion, which you did implement and which would have taken literally two seconds to also do, but if it makes you feel better, you keep taking time to post up snippets of code for member gratification, tat by the way, have replicated code, so not that efficient.

Please calm down, from what I understand neptronix is taking on his own free time to update and maintain the forum, it's not like you pay him to do it. :wink:
Thank you for your support, Dui-dude.

I had to take a breather before responding. What was said got under my skin pretty deeply. The fact that me and NoFanBoiz have a tie elsewhere makes the conflict awkward in multiple dimensions. I also have my own deep frustrations with many aspects of ES.

I'm going to let this slide.

What i ultimately want is good feedback that helps our collective mission. NoFanBoiz provided some good feedback that should be implemented in the future. Everyone else has provided useful feedback on our domain choice.

I don't want to give the impression that anyone's feedback is unwanted. If i do that, we all lose.

What everyone should know is that i run a business full-time doing web development, IT, and server maintenance. The time i can contribute to ES is limited, and i do not have any help right now. So i have to prioritize requests for how much time they take vs how much impact i think they have. That has meant that i've had to shoot down a lot of requests from our users in the past.

I do want to hand some of my responsibilities to others, and have a team of people working under me and Justin to make ES 2.0 the best damn forum you've ever seen.

We are 'hiring' for help in the new 'help wanted & offered' section. I would like someone with expertise in SEO to help me tune our new platform for optimal SEO. I will post about that soon.
Sorry Neo, I was being immature.

You are highly valued on this forum and an asset now and going forward. Thank you for seeing the positive in my recommendations.
Thank you :thumb:
NoFanBoiz said:
BTW, what happened to your big writing a new platform claim?

I meant to answer you on this.

The idea for QuickBoards has been on the shelf for a number of years due to not having the time/energy to get to it.
I also have another more financially viable commercial product in development that i've been putting my small bits of time into on weekends.

When i read about Xenforo 2.2.x last year, i saw they implemented about 75% of what i was dreaming of. Why reinvent the wheel.
The tentative plan for QuickBoards is to develop it as a plugin for xenforo, if using low level hooks into the visual interface generation code is viable.
NoFanBoiz said:
LeftieBiker said:
On the one hand, ebikes.com would be much easier to suggest, type, search, etc.

Yep, I once tried to suggest this forum to a person who I met that had an ebike, and she thought I was saying endless fear. I doubt she ever found this site. Even if by miracle she did, have a look at the page at https://endless-sphere.com/ - nothing about the site nor any obvious links to the forum [you can click the image but there is nothing intuitive or descriptive]. Sorry, but that is just stupid.
At the minimum, the forum should load on https://endless-sphere.com/ not https://endless-sphere.com/forum, OR second best option, when visiting https://endless-sphere.com/, it should auto-redirect to https://endless-sphere.com/forum/

I too have a hard time recommending endless-sphere.com to people that ask me about my ebike because it has no association with ebikes. No reason we couldn't have both though and even some other new ones like e.bike or something.
I think making the domain change to ebikes.com just makes good business sense. Just speaking it aloud, "endless-sphere" has always been a bit awkward to recommend by word of mouth. The purpose of the site is a bit cryptic too and almost always requires some kind of explanation. If the goal is to continue to push for widespread adoption, that is getting ebikes in the hands of more people/commuters, making the name change is just the sensible thing to do as long as the transition isn't too costly/burdensome and data isn't lost.

For the community, I think the main drawback, assuming this drives a lot more growth in the future, will be attracting too many low-information members who might pollute the quality of the forum environment. The eternal September problem. This isn't great for the high-effort tinkerers and technically-oriented enthusiasts. As long as there are good moderators and incentives to moderate well, that effect can be somewhat mitigated though.

In any case, it is very fortunate that the owner of the forum/domain is Justin who quite obviously has made E-PVs his life's mission. It's been very cool to watch the Grin business grow (especially lately with the Youtube channel), and I think it would be a good move to align this community more closely with the mission.

That said, I have a very minimal presence here so not much weight to my words. I'm always thankful for the contributors here whose experiments and posts over the years have helped me build the 2-wheel machines that has become my favorite hobby.
ebikes.com forwards to ebikes.ca

I think its better for Justin to have it the way it is, ebikes.com forwarding to ebikes.ca and the forum come up with a different easy to remember url for the forum.
This domain is available for sale!

ebicycleforum.com is available. I don't like this name. It's too long and I can't spell bicycle.

ebikef.com is available. With some creative graphics? EbikeF.com 6 letters. E = electric. So therefore F = forum.

forumforebikes.com is available. Bit long, but this is a Forum For eBikes.

ebike.com is best. Most likely very expensive.

Any other ideas?

Don't forget about my domain. voltev.com goes with text I see at the top of this forum [Electric Vehicle and Technology Forums]
I also own voltelectricvehicles.com

Just looked at my collection of domain names. Should stop the Auto-renew on a few of them. I own NoMoreMonthlyBills.com. I am paying for 15 .com's Paying about $8.50 a year for each domain.

Need something done? martycandoit.com
vanturion said:
For the community, I think the main drawback, assuming this drives a lot more growth in the future, will be attracting too many low-information members who might pollute the quality of the forum environment. The eternal September problem. This isn't great for the high-effort tinkerers and technically-oriented enthusiasts. As long as there are good moderators and incentives to moderate well, that effect can be somewhat mitigated though.

This is a huge concern for me actually. ES has aspects of it's character that i'd like to maintain.
I managed to run ES FB in a similar spirit as the forums. Facebook is the hardest place to do this. The endless September problem was huge. Took a hell of a lot of perpetual work to maintain the IQ level up to an ES standard there.

Xenforo will draw a pretty big crowd of low end users due to it's fancy functionalities. A generic forum name will make this factor worse in terms of what kind of user it draws.

I have not been able to get Justin's time to work these details out.

Thank you for the excellent feedback, sir.
neptronix said:
Thank you for the excellent feedback, sir.

No - thank you for your efforts here, it is appreciated. Admin and moderators rarely get the credit they deserve, and few understand the work that goes on in the background to maintain a quality online community.

I am looking forward to seeing how things continue to evolve. Changes aren't something to fear when the right people have the authority to oversee transitions. It seems like the right people have always been involved in keeping this place going and that says a lot. As long as standards remain high while on-boarding help/growing, there should be no need for (endless-)fear of change within the community. Haha, couldn't resist that one.
You are welcome. Yes, it is absolutely not easy.
What was/is the

neptronix said:
The endless September problem was huge.

I left the quoted paragraph whole to get context

vanturion said:
For the community, I think the main drawback, assuming this drives a lot more growth in the future, will be attracting too many low-information members who might pollute the quality of the forum environment. The eternal September problem. This isn't great for the high-effort tinkerers and technically-oriented enthusiasts. As long as there are good moderators and incentives to moderate well, that effect can be somewhat mitigated though.
markz said:
What was/is the

neptronix said:
The endless September problem was huge.

I left the quoted paragraph whole to get context

vanturion said:
For the community, I think the main drawback, assuming this drives a lot more growth in the future, will be attracting too many low-information members who might pollute the quality of the forum environment. The eternal September problem. This isn't great for the high-effort tinkerers and technically-oriented enthusiasts. As long as there are good moderators and incentives to moderate well, that effect can be somewhat mitigated though.

I think it's this:

"when Usenet saw its heaviest influx of newbies into the newsgroups"
G'day people's.
I voted for Endless Sphere because the forum is so much more than just Ebikes.
If the name were to change, how about "The rEVolution"?

Me and Justin haven't came to a full conclusion on the name yet.

However we have decided that whatever our name, this is should ultimately remain a forum for hacking on electric vehicles. Other forums do discussions of prebuilt things better than we could ever. But what we want is the kind of hardcore geek audience we had in 2010. We want to specialize in this niche even further and do everything possible to be the #1 source for that.
"...what we want is the kind of hardcore geek audience..."

Yes. Good. Agreed. Thank you for that.

Although I do not estimate myself as an officially accredited hardcore geek (yet), nonetheless that is one of the formidable goals I aspire to, and rigorously studying the copious information generously shared on this forum should help me attain my goal of hardcore geekdom. :D

In the meantime, I try to help out where I can.