ebikes.com or endless-sphere.com

ebikes.com or endless-sphere.com?

  • ebikes.com

    Votes: 23 31.9%
  • endless-sphere.com

    Votes: 49 68.1%

  • Total voters
The current plan is to split the decision both ways.


- The forum is still called Endless Sphere because a majority of our members prefer it.
- The forum is now located at https://ebikes.com/sphere and 3x easier to transmit the name to others ( just say 'go to ebikes.com' )


- Members are happy because we didn't rebrand / minimize the long heritage
- Justin is happy because he was able to find a use for ebikes.com
- New members are happy because they didn't accidentally search for 'endless fear' and actually found our website.

No reason to change the logo except for aesthetic purposes. :)

PS 'endless fear' is such a common misspelling that the google result for endless sphere is 12 results down. If you didn't scroll far enough, you didn't find us. Only thanks to some people treading that path did the google algorithm end up somewhat patching over the situation. I give endless-sphere.com's domain name a 0/10 for SEO!
If it's helpful, I get this message visiting the new link:

Your connection is not secure

The owner of ebikes.com has configured their website improperly.

ebikes.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate expired on Friday, January 6, 2023, 5:32:20 AM. The current time is August 24, 2023, 7:15 PM.

If I let the browser make an exception and go there anyway, the server at the other end redirects me to

which takes me to the ebikes.ca style site, and says:

Whoops, our bad...​

The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
  • If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
  • If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with ebikes.ca Store.
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Yes the domain is currently non-operational; will fix soon since we've let the cat out of the bag that we'll be using that domain.
Ok. When it is I can change the sticker on teh side of the SB Cruiser to point to the MUCH EASIER site name. ;) (right now people that talk to me about the trike when I'm out and about take pictures of the sticker and STILL can't figure out how to get here)
ES Facebook Group - Endless Sphere Facebook | Facebook ...

"Endless sphere is a DIY electric vehicle building forum that's geared towards the conversion/building of electric bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, and anything else we can figure out how to strap a motor on to.
Endless sphere has been online since 2007 and has been the #1 forum for the mad scientists of the EV world. This is not 'pedelec central' or 'i bought a bike on alibaba avenue'. This forum was started by people building hardcore custom machines.. and we still carry that torch today."

How ro maintain the currently befitting ES objective intact after the new name change to: ebikes.com
ES Facebook Group - Endless Sphere Facebook | Facebook ...

"Endless sphere is a DIY electric vehicle building forum that's geared towards the conversion/building of electric bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, and anything else we can figure out how to strap a motor on to.
Endless sphere has been online since 2007 and has been the #1 forum for the mad scientists of the EV world. This is not 'pedelec central' or 'i bought a bike on alibaba avenue'. This forum was started by people building hardcore custom machines.. and we still carry that torch today."

Wow, they never changed the description since i left. I think i wrote that in 2012.

How ro maintain the currently befitting ES objective intact after the new name change to: ebikes.com

I will admit the content match to domain name ratio isn't ideal, however our current name is actually the name of a defunct web hosting company. We're a lot closer to ideal and it is okay that an ebikes.com also features some non-bike content.
One last thing.
We do plan to add more specific sections to cover various topics in ebikes.
Traffic on subforums for other kinds of vehicles has always been small, so we do not plan to expand those.

No concrete plan yet, will start a discussion on this in the future.
Wasn't planning to remove them.
One last thing.
We do plan to add more specific sections to cover various topics in ebikes.
Traffic on subforums for other kinds of vehicles has always been small, so we do not plan to expand those.
No concrete plan yet, will start a discussion on this in the future.
Even though the main forum page has a short description of what to post in each subforum, I still see lots of people posting in the "wrong" forum, and the mods end up moving/combining threads. Not sure if there's any value added, but maybe once a subforum is selected, the main subforum page can repeat or elaborate on the same description, under the main header of the subforum.

Ebike General Discussion​

"General Discussion about electric bicycles."
That's a pretty good idea actually.
I also find this 'current thing displayed on another lone' obnoxious and a screen space waster on desktop:


So while we are 'in the area' of fixing the above it would be easy to tackle the other improvement. This idea gets my stamp of approval.

Speaking of categories;
We built a system earlier this year for reorganizing the forum and it is possible now to make large alterations to the forum's overall format and make it at least 3x more obvious as to what post goes where.

I think this would tackle the biggest factor in the forums being disorganized, and your idea can help somewhat too.

I just personally haven't had the bandwidth to corral volunteers ( about 5 people said they'd speculatively help ) and i want to tackle that during winter when my personal business is at a much slower pace.

One last thing - both me and Justin have wanted an icon per category for a long time. Plugins that did this for PHPBB were broken. Some plugins for Xenforo exist to use images ( hopefully support vector ), but we could also use emojis ( very low bandwidth ).

So we can also add some visual indication for speed readers.
Last edited:
That's a pretty good idea actually.
This idea gets my stamp of approval.
I have my moments...occasionally :geek:

Another idea is that when you post a new thread, there's a fair amount of real estate at the top of the page, next to where is says "Post thread". It could be used for some mini, subforum specific, rules/reminders (e.g. no advertising on the subforum, no duplicate/double/multiple postings, etc.) or anything else that may be tucked away in a sticky that nobody reads. Not too much stuff, maybe things the mods have to spend time on cleaning up, etc.