Electric Wakeboard Winch Motor

Nov 6, 2022
I currently have a gas :shock: winch that I am looking to switch to electric. I have stalked this forum a bit and the motor typically used for this was an Astro Flight 3220 modified to be 3 turn. I came with very little knowledge to this forum and have gained enough to know I'm clueless :lol:. I have my current winch attached, it has a Predator 212 with 8 lb/t and 6.5 hp with the governor removed so it's more around 8 hp and 5000 rpm (from 3600). As I mentioned, I'm looking to switch to an electric motor but would like to still have the same power/speed. Weight is not really a concern since it's already super heavy, so all motor types are acceptable. What kind of motor would be the most cost effective to replace my current engine? From what I understand I should be looking at 8-10kW motors that can rev to 3-5K RPM but I'm getting results from alibaba and other sketchy websites which make me think lots of the motors I'm looking at won't actually be good. I'm not exactly sure what a legit motor capable of my needs costs because there are so many false ones out that I come to you pros for advice! A high quality E-Winch called Rewinch has these specs which may help a motor recommendation:
  • 12kW
  • 300kg pulling force
  • 48v battery pack
  • Speed of 25mph (40km/h) but also has a speed mod for gearing to go up to 50mph (included because 12kW seems overkill based off this, I don't need super torque or super speed)
  • I'm pretty sure it's made with 2 brushless motors, but they don't reveal their secretes
Given this information, what is the 2022 version of the 3 turn Astro Flight 3220? It also might help that this gas engine goes roughly 30-40 mph on a go kart, so capable go kart electric motors of this speed would probably be a pretty good guess. I appreciate your guys' help so much in advance!


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Not sure if it's enough RPM, but QSmotors has a few "middrive' motors that might do the power handling.

IIRC there is a QS180 and QS138, and others, more info here (and elsewhere):

For the RPM needed...what RPM does the actual winch need? Because if you're replacing the whole gas motor unit, you can just put the right size sprocket on the electric motor output to give the right gear ratio with the winch to have the right winch RPM.
amberwolf said:
Not sure if it's enough RPM, but QSmotors has a few "middrive' motors that might do the power handling.

IIRC there is a QS180 and QS138, and others, more info here (and elsewhere):

For the RPM needed...what RPM does the actual winch need? Because if you're replacing the whole gas motor unit, you can just put the right size sprocket on the electric motor output to give the right gear ratio with the winch to have the right winch RPM.
Checked those motors out, they seem legit. The winch spool spins at about 1000rpm (10 tooth to 45 tooth sprocket at ~4500rpm). It also has a torque converter so not sure if that messes anything up, probably not because of the higher torque electric motors have. You make a good point with the sprocket gearing. Given the fact my 8hp engine at 4500rpm reaches the desired 1000rpm of my spool, does the qs138 seem overkill?
Hi folks,
I'm building an electric winch for wakeboarding, and would like some input on parts. I already have a gas winch and will be testing parts by replacing the engine with these parts before making it a fully new build. Currently, the winch has a 6.5 HP (8lb/ft torque) motor spinning at about 4000-4500RPM. I see no reason why a 4kw motor capable of 5000-6000rpm couldn't handle this. I found a good motor in my opinion (Turnigy RotoMax 50cc), but it's out of stock so I was hoping you guys may know of a similar one. I have 2 6s batteries already so if it's a 48v motor that's even better because I can do testing without buying new batteries, however if that makes it harder no worries.

The winch spool is currently geared to 4.5 : 1 so when the engine spins at 4500rpm, the spool spins at 1000rpm, and this is sufficient speed.

General questions I have:

Would I need a torque converter/clutch of some sort? Is that a common thing for electric motors, or do I just adjust through gearing?

Wattage Question: The load at the start will be the heaviest, will this be where the most wattage is used, or would the wattage be higher at riding speed/higher rpm. I ask because I want to understand how the motor would short so I know how to gear it. EX: gear it so rpm is fast on motor (say 6:1 ratio) to help pulling up, and would be high rpm when riding, or would my current gearing, 4.5 : 1, be fine and the starts would be slow but riding speeds would be less strain.

Thanks to anyone who reads this and puts the time in to help me out! Let me know if I can provide more info. I can find compatible ESCs and controllers, it's just motors I struggle with. I have background in building FPV quads so I'm not a complete noob to the electric world, but I'm definitely still a beginner.
May I merge this with your original thread from last year?
Okay, so I've picked some motors and esc's and would like to know some opinions. This is for a wakeboard winch, if it's not powerful enough it will become for another project:

Choice 1:
Motor - Flipsky 6384
ESC - Flipsky FSESC6.7 70A
Batteries - 2 Youme 12s 4500mah 60c batteries wired in series

Choice 2
Motor - FreerChobby 63100
ESC - Mad Motor AMPx 120a
Batteries - same as above, but I think ill need 4 to get 120C (so make the 6s 60c into 12s 120C)

Other stuff planned
Remote - Flipsky Remote - needs cruise control for consistent winch speed

I think I'm ready to pull the trigger, would love to know that this will all work together!