First time building electric longboard. I need help!


1 µW
May 27, 2016
Hey guys, a few days ago I learned about the Boosted Board and instantly fell in love, but after checking the price I was heartbroken. So, I've decided to build one on my own since I already have a longboard. I've never done anything like this and I'm completely new to this kind of stuff, so I figured I would let you guys know what I'm planning and get some feedback.

So, the board I have is a Madrid P-Cock 39" drop through deck, with 50 degree 180mm Paris trucks and 70mm Orangatang Stimulus wheels. It sits very close to the ground, so it's important that I keep clearance in mind throughout the build. Since I don't have the means to fabricate a bracket for myself, I'll buy this kit with 16T/36T gearing and also buy some Orangatang 80mm Kegel wheels to go with the kit. That covers my gears, pullies and motor mount. For the motor I plan on using this 6354 260kV motor and the VESC speed controller. As for batteries, since I need to make sure the board is as thin as possible so there is no risk of it scraping the ground, I figured I would use 5x 5000mAh S2 Compact lipo batteries. For the receiver I plan on building my own using a wii nunchuck or simply buying this one. Since there is so little space under the board I am going to have to mount the motor behind and slightly above where the wheel sits, that way I should clear the board, wheels and ground with no issues.

My goal is to make something that can go around 12 kilometers on one charge, and can reach a top speed of 40 km/h. I understand that in order to get more range I could simply add another pack of batteries beside the others and wire them together in parallel, but I wanted to know if I would be able to reach that kind of top speed with the setup I described.

As far as I can tell I haven't missed anything, but like I said this is my first time messing with this kind of stuff so I wanted to see if you guys had any corrections or recommendations. Thanks!