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Giant DH Comp Drop Out adapters and conversion

sorry to hear about the family stuff, kiwi. good luck getting thru it.

i'm psyched for the torque arm. looks awesome. i especially appreciate your effort to make it clamping!
that bolt will totally allay fears about the wheel coming out! as far as clamping tho, i get your point. i wonder if the bottom sides would rather split than clamp if really torque'd on.. are those empty holes in the side to allow some flex?

i'm ready to paypal you whenever. i think i'll just get one, but am willing to get more for anyone stateside who wants one. should be $5-$10 priority mail from my house. not sure how it works out from NZ to me..

hey, one more Q: that axle clamp on the normal DH Comp, will i be able to tighten that down, or will it have to stay loose cause the adapter's in the way?

great job, happy cutting! can't wait!
Sorry to hear things have been on the bumpy side for you as of late. Hope things smooth out for your new year. Thanks for the update Kiwi, and I want to let you know I am still on board for a set when you get them up and going. I am in Canada so I can PM you closer to the time regarding shipping etc. Good luck with the project and thanks for seeing it through. ......................wayne
Those look absolutely awesome, I can't wait to get mine!

Crusoe has been in contact with you for my set... so don't worry that I'm not on your list. Just make sure he's marked down for two! :D

Keep up the good work and GL with the real life issues.
Awesome work Kiwi! Can't wait to get them on the bike. Hope things pan out for you on the family front :)

Where abouts are you located in Canada Wayne? Binlagin and I are in Ottawa - we should get a DH comp riders day setup if you're close! I have 150 acres of land with some nice doldrums and trails throughout that these bikes would love to rip!
Hey Crusoe I will PM you regarding the ride. I am in British Columbia so if I ride my bike there with battery charge times etc it may take several months to get there. Can I stay for a while? hehe
On a more serious note maybe we can work out a piggy back shipment when the time comes for both sets to come from NZ to Canada and then split the order up to ship with in Canada after it arrives. I have no clue on shipping from New Zealand to Canada maybe it is not worth worrying about. Good luck with your bike. ...........wayne
Shipping is weight based, there would be little savings to be had sending together, in fact it might cost more if you have to re ship it once you get it. Shipping is less that $20US per set.
Hey Kiwi!

How did the cutting go from earlier this week? Did it turn out how you planned?
IN regards to the Cromotor.

There is 15mm of room for an axel. To make 16mm fit you can either not have the clamping bolt, make the clamping bolt m5, or file a mm away so the clamping bolt can drop down. So yes, with a mm of tweaking, it should work.

In retrospect, obviously I should have made the clamping bolt low enough to accommodate the 16mm axle.
Version 3.0 for that one.

We have had a bit of a NZ holiday here, so lazer is shut down today. Will get parts tomorrow. Will post a picture.
I rejected the parts today. They have to cut them again. Not good enough for my standards or ES members.
Will pickup again tomorrow.
We are ravenous arn't we? Sorry Kiwi! We are just super excited LOL :p
GRrrrrrr! :evil:

Picked up the parts, still crap. The lazer apparently needs a service, currently blowing allot of slag off the back edge and making a general mess. To top it of, the machine operator thought he would be nice and grind all the slag off, but rounded off all the edges, so there will be gaps everywhere.
I'm going to pick out the better bits and make up a couple to try them, I will make them available at a discount if they function properly, which they should.
I not planning on paying for these, they can do them again after the lazer is serviced.
The shite part is that I end up spending ages cleaning off the slag to get the parts to fit together, hardly worth my time.

But I will get some together this week, and some more with fresh parts in a few days.


Kiwi, Good thing you don not have to pay for those. I really love your work I don't have a Giant DH Comp now, but you have given me a really good reason to get one.
I think they still have value as Drop Out adapters and can be re-purposed in other bike type frames for example. I will look at my drop outs and compare it to your adapters and see if I can use them some how.
Thanks for the update Kiwi... any news is better then no news at all! That does suck, but stay positive Kiwi... even though we might not seem like a patient bunch, we are!

Keep up the good work
Ah well, shit happens! I find it surprising that the operator continued the entire job when he saw the first couple turned out shit!?
Hi Kiwi
Thanks for the updates. I am cool with what you have there. If the derailleur hanger could be tapped out for me I am cool with grinding off the slag and welding them up myself. No problem at all. I also would be glad to work with the rejects as they still look good and I like the discount part. Once you get at set bolted on your bike and feel they are working to your satisfaction please send me a pm and we can work out the details regarding shipping etc on them. Thanks Wayne.
yep, all good. I just need to confirm with the lazer guys that they will cut them again at no additional cost.
I still have to pay for 5 sets, so its no good for me if I give sets out for free, then end up with 5 paid for sets unused, but happy to heavily discount if the parts are surplus.
Will sort all that on monday.
All righty then! Almost there.

I spent the morning on the tig, I cleaned up all the parts and they actually turned out ok, might have been over reacting a bit. Still, waiting for a reply from the lazer if he will re-cut at no, or lesser cost. In which case, I will call the first 5 units "early bird" adapters, and give them away at a discount. Other wise these are the real things.

Here is the list of people signed up for the adapters, let me know if I have missed you, or if you want your name down for another.

Once I hear from the lazer cutters I will know the cost is, then I will send out paypal info.

Early birds
1. Waynebergman
2. Crusoe
3. Kristoffer
4. GCin DC
5. binlagin

Second run
7.Kiwi (me)

Here's how they are looking. Still to fit the axel boss and tap the holes and pickle them so they are silver again.



Hey Kiwi, did you count Crusoe for 2?

If not.. better add me in the list for the 2nd run!

Do those ever look AWESOME!
Hey kiwi add me to the 2nd run. I'm just trying to find out if the falcon ev bag will fit in the frame ( medium ) and waiting for a reply on the year model of the dh comp I'm about to buy. Once confirmed ill give u $$$ :)

Edit. Thanks to GCinDC I should be able to squeeze the bag in. The dh comp is an 03. Please put me down for second run :)